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Watch and Learn Powerpoint

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1 Watch and Learn Powerpoint
OBSERVING MATTER Watch and Learn Powerpoint

We use our five senses every day to make observations of matter. By seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, and tasting, we identify matter based on its physical properties. During science lab, it is generally safer to use only the sense of seeing and hearing unless instructed to do otherwise. If you are asked to uses your sense of smell in the lab, wafting protects your nasal passages from strong smells.

3 What are our Five senses?
We can classify matter based on the physical properties we observe. Look around the room, what do notices about the matter around you? Matter comes in all shapes, sizes, and colors. You can classify matter into groups by these properties.

4 What are the three states of matter?
Matter can come in three states or ways. Solid Liquid Gas

5 What is length? While some properties can be observed by our senses, others can be measured with a measurement tool. What can a ruler measure? A ruler or meter stick measures length. Length is the distance between two points. In science we use the metric system. For distance we use meters Millimeters mm Centimeters cm Kilometers km

6 What does classify mean?
Classify means to group objects or things based on their similarities. Shape is another physical property of matter. If matter is a solid, it keeps it shape. Some solids have straight, regular sides, while others have irregular sides and shape. What about liquids and gases such air, do they keep their shape alone? Liquids and gases take on the shape of the container they are in.

7 What is volume? Volume is the amount of space an object takes up.
Volume is the physical property that measures the amount of space an object takes up.

8 What are the Tools to measure volume?
What tool do we use to measure volume? A graduated cylinder is used to measure the volume of liquids in milliliters (ml) of irregular shapes. The volume of regular shapes can be found by the formula, length x width x height. Volume of solids is always measured in cm3 cubic centimeters.

9 What is Mass? Mass is the amount of matter in an object.
Mass is an important physical property that requires measurement with a tool. What tool do we use to measure mass? The double pan balance or triple beam balance measures mass. What unit is used to measure mass? The unit of grams measure mass of an object.

10 What is density? Density is the amount of matter in a given space.
Density describes how much matter is packed into a given space or unit of volume. The formula for finding density is Mass/ Volume Mass Volume

11 Recap How can we make observations of physical properties of matter?
Our senses and measurement tools. What is a physical property? A characteristic or attribute that can be observed or measured. What are the physical properties of matter? Color, shape, length, mass, volume, density.

12 How does the shape of matter give us clues about its state of matter?
Solids keep their shape. Liquids and gases take the shapes of their containers.

13 What Physical properties of matter can be measured with a tool?
Length is measured with a ruler or meter stick Mass is measured in grams with a balance Volume is measured with a graduated cylinder for irregular solids or a ruler for regular shaped solids.

14 How can you determine density?
Density is the amount of mass in a given volume. Density is found by using the formula: Mass divided by volume. d= m/v

15 Write what you have learned about matter
Write about what you learned from this powerpoint.

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