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Metrics and Measurement

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1 Metrics and Measurement
Adapted from T. Trimpe:

2 Units of Measurement For everyday measuring in the United States, we use the British system of pounds, gallons, and feet. The rest of the world and science uses the easier metric system. Also called the International System of Units or SI system This system is based on multiples of 10

3 Measurement and Base Units
Length measured in meters (m) Volume measured in liters (L) Mass measured grams (g)

4 km m cm mm Measuring Length LENGTH: the distance between two points.
Metric Units Used 1 Kilometer (km) = 1000 meters 1 Meter = 100 Centimeters (cm) 1 Meter = 1000 Millimeters (mm)

5 kL cL mL L Measuring Volume
Volume is the amount of space an object takes up. The base unit of volume in the metric system in the liter and is represented by L or l. 10 cm 9 cm 8 cm Measure the volume of a regular object using the formula length x width x height. 10cm X 8cm X 9cm = _____

6 Read the measurement based on the bottom of the meniscus or curve.
Measuring Volume Graduated Cylinders are used to find the volume of liquids and other objects. Read the measurement based on the bottom of the meniscus or curve. Make sure you are eye-level with the level of the water. Top Image: Bottom Image:

7 C A B White Board What is the volume of water in each cylinder?
Images created at C A B Pay attention to the scales for each cylinder.

8 Measuring Solid Volume
Measure the volume of irregular object using water displacement. Fill graduated cylinder with water and take a reading Place irregular shaped object in the cylinder and take a second reading Equation: Volume with object – volume without object = volume of object

9 Volume before object: 17.2 ml
Volume after object: 19.7 ml Volume of object: 2.5 ml

10 Measuring Mass mg kg g MASS: the amount of matter in an object.
Electronic balances are used to find the mass of various objects. The objects are placed on the scale and then you simply read and record the mass.

11 Derived Units Combine base units such as mass and volume to come up with density Example: D=M/V If mass is in grams and volume is in liters….then your units are g/l

12 Metric Prefixes & Metric Conversions

13 How many jumps does it take?
Ladder Method 1 2 3 KILO 1000 Units HECTO 100 Units DEKA 10 Units DECI 0.1 Unit Meters Liters Grams CENTI 0.01 Unit MILLI Unit How do you use the “ladder” method? 1st – Determine your starting point. 2nd – Count the “jumps” to your ending point. 3rd – Move the decimal the same number of jumps in the same direction. 4.0 km = _________ m Starting Point Ending Point How many jumps does it take? 4. 1 __. 2 __. 3 __. = 4000 m

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