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Space Insert your name here….

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Presentation on theme: "Space Insert your name here…."— Presentation transcript:

1 Space Insert your name here…

2 Key Words: Section 1 - The Night Sky
On this page you need to define the following words: Orbit Artificial satellite Natural satellite Solar system Galaxy Milky way universe

3 Artificial satellites
Natural satellites Describe an artificial satellite and insert a picture of one here Briefly describe a natural satellite and insert a picture here

4 Comets and Meteors Describe what a comet is and insert a picture here
Describe meteors and meteorites here and insert a picture

5 The Galaxy Describe our galaxy and insert a picture here
The Milky Way The Universe Describe our galaxy and insert a picture here Describe our universe and insert a picture of Andromeda here

6 Section 2: The Solar System
On this page you need to define the following words: Ellipse Asteroid Terrestrial Dwarf planet gravity

7 The Inner Planets I Add some facts and a picture of Mercury here
Venus Add some facts and a picture of Mercury here Add some facts and a picture of Venus here

8 The Solar System – Inner planets
The Inner Planets II Mars The Solar System – Inner planets Add some facts and a picture of Mars here Insert a picture of the Inner Planets of the Solar System here

9 The Asteroid Belt On this slide you need to explain about the asteroid belt and insert a picture of it too

10 The Outer Planets – The Gas Giants I
Jupiter Saturn Add some facts and a picture of Mars here Add some facts and a picture of Mars here

11 The Outer Planets – The Gas Giants II
Uranus Neptune Add some facts and a picture of Uranus here Add some facts and a picture of Neptune here

12 The Dwarf Planet – Pluto
Solar System Explain about Pluto and why it is a Dwarf Planet; add a picture of it too. Insert a picture of the Solar System here

13 The Solar System - Data Star/Planet Diameter (km)
Distance from the Sun (million km) (Light-minutes) Temperature (°C) Sun - Mercury 58 Venus 6.0 Earth 12 756 Mars -82 to 0 Jupiter 778 Saturn -170 Uranus 51 118 Neptune 4 hours & 10 minutes

14 How did our Solar System form?
Briefly explain how the Solar System formed

15 Section 3: The Earth On this page you need to define the following words: Axis Day Night Year Seasons constellations

16 Day and Night Describe how day and night occurs on the Earth & include a diagram of the Earth on its axis

17 The Seasons Explain how long it takes for the Earth to orbit the Sun
Explain the axis tilt of the Earth and its effect on the seasons Insert a picture of the position of the Earth over one year.

18 Constellations On this slide you need to explain what constellations are and then include a diagram of one of the constellations in our Solar System

19 Section 3: The Moon On this page you need to define the following words: Phases of the moon Umbra Penumbra Lunar eclipse Solar eclipse constellations

20 Phases of the Moon Phases of the Moon Phases of the Moon Describe how long it takes for the moon to orbit the Earth and describe the moon phases too. Insert a picture of the phases of the moon here

21 The Dark Side of the Moon
The New Moon Describe what this term means Describe the term a New Moon and insert a diagram of a New Moon here

22 Solar Eclipse Explain what is a solar eclipse and include a diagram

23 Lunar Eclipse Explain what is a lunar eclipse and include a diagram

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