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When you come back from break, please sit at the following tables

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Presentation on theme: "When you come back from break, please sit at the following tables"— Presentation transcript:

1 When you come back from break, please sit at the following tables
Table 1: Reynolds and Daytona State Table 2: Pasadena and De Anza Table 3: Illinois Central and Wisconsin Table 4: Wabaunsee and Lone Star Table 5: TNCC and Wake Tech Table 6: Suffolk and Oregon

2 Working towards equity: Considering your course-level outcomes measures and program needs, goals, and strategies  Sit at tables as assigned The importance of this work The opportunity to use data to identify what you are doing well and where there are opportunities Connection to project goals – improve instruction, broaden participation, and enhance pathways What we do as scientists: Research, hypothesis testing, and your action plan Value to institutions and to geoscience community Value to YOU San Francisco City College – Katryn Wiese

3 Session overview Introduction
Examine your course-level outcomes measures and connect to your program action plan Discuss, reflect, write Plan and practice for a conversation with your administrator about outcomes measures and your action plans on broadening participation following from your data

4 Is geoscience enrollment increasing or decreasing over time?
Spirit of inquiry Is geoscience enrollment increasing or decreasing over time? How does participation by different student demographic groups in our program compare to those of the college? What is success (grades of C or higher) in geoscience courses by course? By student sub-group? Does the demographics of our majors match the demographics of the students who take our courses? Questions that they can address with the data or about it and relationship to equity. Framing in terms of inquiry about the outcomes measures results, possible strategies for equity, preliminary ideas for their action plan for the coming year, and what they would like to share/highlight with their administrators. What can we do to address opportunities revealed by the data?

5 What other questions might you investigate?
Examples of ways of looking at your data – (spririt of inquiry - Are any of these related to changes you’ve made over time (related to SAGE 2YC work?) Daytona State College - Karen Brayley and Debra Woodall Suffolk Community College - Sean Tvelia

6 What is participation by gender in courses and in majors over time?
Examples of ways of looking at your data – (spririt of inquiy - Suffolk Community College - Sean Tvelia

7 What are geoscience course success rates (grades of C or higher)?
Completion rates Highline College – Eric Baer Suffolk Community College - Sean Tvelia

8 What are the geoscience course success rates (grades of C or higher) in Geology vs Environmental Science programs? Success rates in different programs Highline College – Eric Baer

9 Strengthening your geoscience program
Where are critical places where you can make a difference and have an impact in your geoscience program/department? Moving program goals into actions Identify a need and articulate your goal(s) Explore strategies that address your goal Choose strategies & develop a plan with measureable outcomes Implement your plan and track progress using data Identify a need and articulate your goals, ( Ask questions and gather data to understand the factors that influence the need your goal addresses). Choose strategies that are appropriate and you think likely to be effective and develop a plan with measureable outcomes. Recursive.

10 Highline College Example
Identify a need and articulate your goal(s) Explore strategies that address your goal Choose strategies & develop a plan with measureable outcomes Implement your plan and track progress using data NEED: Geology 107 (Natural Hazards) has a lower success rate (68%) than other geology courses GOAL: Increase class average success rate (“C” grade or higher) by 5% in the next term POSSIBLE STRATEGIES: Incorporate metacognition activities into the course Broaden evaluation methods to allow students to show mastery of course content in different ways. Scaffold the writing assignments Develop assignments that include the Writing Center Restructure student feedback -“I’m giving you some critical feedback because I expect that you can do the work.” Emphasize the place-based nature of the course and assignments

11 How does participation (enrollment) by student subgroups compare for your program vs your institution? Handout provided Individual work: write down insights – observations, strengths, and opportunities Talk with your team for several minutes – List key observations and strengths / opportunities and any questions raised by the data Prepare to share 1 insight per team Note: Data typically show strengths and opportunities What one success or one opportunity stands out to your team based on the data? We will have a handout for each group their participation data overall by demographics and institutional data.

12 Explore your data with your team/program
Investigate one or more of the following questions What are trends in participation (enrollment) over time? How does participation vary by course and/or section? (enrollment - numbers of students)? How does participation vary by course and demographics? How does success (grades of C or higher) vary by course? How does success vary by demographics? What does your progression data tell you? What do you see in the data, if anything, that may be linked to the changes you have made?  Other questions of interest to you Keep equity in mind Individual work, then discuss as team What are key observations? What are strengths? What are needs/opportunities? Report out: 1 insight to share 10:25 Discuss 10:40 Round the room by team –One insight (observation and strength/opportunity) you’d like to share or question to raise. You can find your data on your team workspace page

13 Needs/opportunities  goals & possible strategies
What are possible strategies to address the goal? What strategies are you using now to address the opportunity and to engage diverse students? What are strategies you might use in your courses, programs, or college to do this even more effectively? Table discussion: what have you done, what has worked, what are other possibilities, is the strategy addressing the specific need and specific goal? Team/program work: develop your action plan regarding your outcomes data and addressing goals for broadening participation 10:40 Discuss. Discuss with team, then share with other team, or vice versa. Move to table with others from the same type of institution (e.g., HSI) or who want to focus on a particular opportunity (e.g, XXX) 11:00 Team work Could provide Move to table – similar institution type or similar goals

14 What are strategies to address goals?
Discuss with your table, then with your team. Write in notebook What are possible strategies to address your goals? Strategies you are using now and strategies you might use to be even more effective? What is your draft action plan (broadening participation) for the coming year? (in preparation for tomorrow’s discussions) Some questions to consider What strategies you are using now? What has worked? What are strategies that might be even more effective? Is the strategy addressing the specific need and specific goal? How do your goals and strategies tie into your outcomes measures? What changes would you want to see in your outcomes data? What can you do as an individual? What can your program do? How does this strategy relate to institutional priorities or initiatives? What question(s) do you have for your administrator about this aspect of your work? SAGE 2YC: Sustain Faculty Learning 11:00 Discuss in turn – what have you done, what has worked, what are other possibilities, is the strategy addressing the specific need? 10:20 Move to team/program for refining your action plan regarding your outcomes data and addressing equity

15 Write highlights in the discussion thread
Key points from your data Needs/opportunities and goals for your program based on data Your strategies

16 Preparing for conversation with your administrator about your outcomes data and connections to your action plan In pairs, one CA and one CA  role-play administrator - 5 minutes Opening Key points from your program data – needs and goals Your strategies – past and future Question(s) for your administrator? Then switch roles It’s the START of a conversation (that might be in the middle of a larger conversation) Debrief afterwards for 2 min – What needed more clarification? What was persuasive? Other comments? 11:30/10:35 Short intro and instructions to pair up with someone from another team - 11:35/10: minutes – 5 minutes to talk then switch roles 11:35 - debrief

17 Going forward … Reflect and write
Discuss your plans for equity and inclusion with your administrator Make changes (as needed) to the plan Heads up – additional questions to consider for Thursday action planning sessions How can you engage your colleagues? Who can you partner with (champion team)? What are institutional resources you can tap into? How does this align with institutional initiatives? What do you need to support your efforts? from us? from your campus? from your administration? Next year, what changes would you hope to see in your outcomes data? open discussion and debrief Time to write, possibly open discussion after that. Concluding remarks 11:50 Photo

18 A Look at Latino Student Success The Education Trust

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