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Faculty Focus November 2017

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1 Faculty Focus November 2017
Keep tugging away! We are almost there….

Power Out December 12 from 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Regular bell schedule Thursday, December 14 Amended bell schedule Friday, December 15 Faculty Meeting/Christmas Party—12:30, December 15 Christmas Holidays: December 18 – January 1 Planning Day: January 2—report at 8:00 a.m. ****Student of the Month—be sure you nominate deserving students for Student of the Month. Mr. Moat has created an on- line form and Mrs. Ford has ed it to you. Deadline for nominations: before you leave Monday, December 11th.

3 SYSTEM INITIATIVES In our December District Leadership meeting, Dr. McFee stressed the four system initiatives for the school year: 1. Writing 2. Literacy 3. PLCs (required by PSC for recertification) 4. Inquiry/Phenomenon based instruction These directly align with the Literacy and Rigor focus areas that MCHS has been working on for the past several years. We will continue to provide instructional strategies and support for these initiatives.

4 FOCUS AREA: Improve Literacy
Be sure you are implementing the system writing protocol in your classroom and using the rubric to provide feedback to students. Professional Development opportunities will be available on January 2nd for some additional literacy strategies.

5 FOCUS AREA: Increase Rigor
YOUR ESSENTIAL QUESTION IS A GREAT PLACE TO START WITH INQUIRY AND PHENOMENON LEARNING! Inquiry-based learning is a form of active learning that starts by posing questions, problems or scenarios—rather than simply presenting established facts or portraying a smooth path to knowledge. The instructor facilitates while the students “DISCOVER” answers and solutions. The phenomenon-based approach is anchored learning, where the questions asked and issues to be learned are naturally anchored in real-world phenomena, and the information and skills to be learned can be directly applied across borders between subjects and outside the classroom in situations where the information and skills are used (natural transfer). More to come later on this….

6 FOCUS AREA: Faculty Attendance Certified Absences Goal: < 400

7 Discipline—Student Referrals Goal: < 300

8 SRI Data % Proficient and Advanced—no new data this month.

9 Don’t forget to post a comment on the weebly!

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