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Subject Verb Agreement II

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Presentation on theme: "Subject Verb Agreement II"— Presentation transcript:

1 Subject Verb Agreement II
Words Between Subject and Verb Pg. 160

2 Overview A subject can never be found in a prepositional or appositive phrase Prepositional Phrases-Pg. 23 in book Anything a squirrel can do to a tree (get your mind out of the gutter) Appositive Phrases we studied in commas-words that follow a noun that explains or defines the word in front of it

3 How To Step 1: Take out any prepositional phrases Step 2: Take out any appositive phrases Step 3: Find subject Step 4: Find Verb Step 5: See if they are opposite Files of a highly sensitive nature is compromised by Mitnick. Files-Is

4 How To Step 1: Take out prepositional phrases Step 2: Take out appositive phrases Step 3: Find subject Step 4: Find Verb Step 5: See if they are opposites Mitnick , a self taught expert, believe his calls to be untraceable Mitnick-Believe

5 Practice Agents from the FBI _______ (join) the chase.
Allen Iverson, who just joined Memphis, _______(play) shooting guard. Experts on computer security ______(follow) such stories with great interest. join plays follow

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