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Theme 3 C The relationship between religion and society

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1 Theme 3 C The relationship between religion and society
Religion, equality and discrimination Social developments in religious thought – feminist theology and the changing role of men and women

2 Specification Content
The contribution of Mary Daly and Rosemary Radford Ruether to feminist theology. The changing role of men and women with reference to the issue of the ordination of women priests and bishops; the impact on the lives of believers and communities within Christianity today.

3 Introduction to feminist theology
It is the examination of theology, religious history and religious communities which takes seriously the experience of women. It recognises that religion has played a part in the oppression of women.

4 Key scholars Rosemary Radford Ruether Mary Daly
Historically women have been trapped in oppressed roles and they have lived in a ‘sexual caste system. Traditional theology views God as a noun and women are seen as objects – nouns God should be seen as a verb (doing).God is a transforming power, the power of being for all peoples. Treating women has objects has lead to the ‘unholy trinity’ of rape, genocide and war. ‘Now therefore, kill every male among the little ones, and kill every women who as known a man by sleeping with him. But all the young girls who have not known a man by sleeping with him, keep alive for yourselves.’ Numbers 31:17-18 Females are judged according to different values to men e.g. passivity and gentleness, this is to ensure women do not change the social order Daly asks women to leave the patriarchal structure of the church and seek the support of other women ‘sisterhood’ Daly warns women if they stand up to the patriarchy they will be criticised by men Biblical and theological traditions see males as more authentically human than women. However, the only real difference between men and women is reproductive roles Views of women within Christianity have been shaped by ideas of the Virgin Mary and the sinful Eve. Some forms of Christianity have given higher status to women e.g. Montanism. Feminist theology must reclaim the concept of Jesus as part of the prophetic tradition, standing up for the oppressed and his ‘maleness’ should have no importance. Romanticism, Liberalism and Marxism have tried and failed to attempt to liberate women from sexism. The liberating church should be free of patriarchy, it should change the language used and should be committed to fighting the oppression of women.

5 Ruether What is androcentrism?
Explain how the Bible and theologians can be seen as androcentric. Why does Ruether believe human nature is androgynous? What personal qualities are attributed to Mary and Eve? How does this have an impact on gender stereotyping?

6 The ordination of women – 32-33
Arguments for Arguments against Junia ‘prominent among the apostles’ Reomans 16:7 St Paul – ‘we are all one in Jesus Christ’ Priestesses in early church – Mary Magdalen (from the word for Tower – suggests strength) Women written out of history of Jesus movement – Gregory the Great Gospels – women funded the 12 – Joanna and Susanna Did women and men go out in pairs to spread the message? Otherwise how would the men baptise and bless the women? Junia altered to Junias Jesus – incarnated as male Scripture forbids leadership of women – St Paul ‘Let your women keep silence in the church’ 12 male apostles Pope Francis – no ordination of women Tradition

7 Men and women are equal in the church
Yes No St Paul ‘there is no longer male and female; for you are one in Christ Jesus’ Galatian 3:28 Junia and Phoebe – respected/equal to Paul Old Testament – women as objects Jesus was inclusive – women at crucifixion and resurrection – Joanna, Susanna, Mary (sister or Martha and Lazarus) and Mary Magdalene Ruether – Jesus part of prophetic and not patriarchal tradition Patriarchal –from 6th Century Daly – women either virgin or sinner Ruether Pope Francis St Paul Ensoulment for male and female foetuses

8 Feminist theology impacts on modern Christian practice
Large extent Lesser extent C of E Women priests and Bishops (2015) Catholic Church willing to accept women deacons – Pope Francis 2014 Ruether – signs of change in the church Catholic Church – Pope Francis - no women priests as God incarnated as a man Conservative and evangelical Protestant churches – take parts of the Bible that claim women are subject to men because of Eve’s sin the in Garden of Eden Daly – church is patriarchal Church of England – congregations can ‘opt out’ of considering women priests Language of God not gender neutral

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