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New-Testament Survey: Gospel of John
Gospel of John: Its Author
John was one of Zebedee’s sons, the brother of James. (Mark 4:21,22) James and John were both fishermen. As he mended his nets, Jesus called him to be His disciple. He was a disciple of John the Baptist. (John 1:35) His home was in Jerusalem. (John 19:26,27) Page 33…
Gospel of John: Its Author
Included in the inner circle (with Peter and James) Was present at the raising of Jarius’ daughter (Mark 5:37) One of the witnesses of Jesus’ Transfiguration (Matthew 17) “Disciple whom Jesus loved” (John 13:23) Closely associated with Peter and his work (Acts 8:14; Galatians 2:9) Page 33…
Gospel of John: Its Author
Also the author of 1,2 and 3 John, as well as Revelation. Spent the later part of his life in Asia Minor, probably in Ephesus. Banished to Isle of Patmos during reign of Domitian. Only disciple who did not die as a martyr. Lived to an advanced age; was probably the last apostle to die. Page 33…
Gospel of John: Its Author
Possessed an ardent temperament; one of the “sons of thunder” (Mark 3:17) Rebuked a man for casting out demons (Luke 9:49) Wanted to call down fire on a Samaritan village for not accepting Jesus (Luke 9:51-56) Asked Jesus to grant him and James special places in the kingdom (Matthew 20:28) Place of prominence at the Last Supper (John 13:23) Accompanied Christ into the court and stood by Him; witnessed His death (19:26,27) Page 33 & 34…Also stayed with Peter during the time Christ was in the tomb. Was one of the first visitors to the empty tomb, (20:8). His ardent temper was subdued and trained so that He became the Apostle of Love, who was devoted to the Lord until the end of his life.
Gospel of John: When Written
The majority of scholars believe John wrote the Gospel of John at Ephesus after he returned from the Isle of Patmos. Written between 96 and 98 A.D. A fragmentary manuscript of John 18:31-33, 37, 38 gives evidence that it was used in the first half of the second century. Written for use among the Gentiles. John went to great length to explain the Jewish customs and feasts. Page 34…
Gospel of John: To Whom Written
Internal evidence indicates John’s gospel was not written for the benefit of the Jews. The Jews would not need the explanations of their customs. 1:38, 41; 5:1,2; 4:9; 7:2 The Gospel’s simplicity gives it a universal appeal—the universal gospel! Page 34…
Gospel of John: Purpose
Signs Manifestation of His power Belief The desired effect of the signs Life Eternal life--the spiritual benefit Meaning and purpose of the miracles Page 34…
Gospel of John: Purpose
Seven miracles in John: Changing water into wine (2:1-11) Healing the nobleman’s son (4:46-54) Healing the impotent man (5:1-18) Feeding the 5,000 (6:1-14) Walking on the water (6:16-21) Healing the blind man (9:1-12) Raising Lazarus (11:1-46) Pages 34 and 35… These miracles, or signs, are all for the purpose of evidencing the truth of John’s affirmation--that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of God!
Gospel of John: Purpose
The Divinity of Jesus: Pre-existence of Jesus (1:1-14) Testimony of John the Baptist (1:15-36) The miracles already listed Page 35… These miracles, or signs, are all for the purpose of evidencing the truth of John’s affirmation--that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of God!
Gospel of John: Purpose
The “I Am’s:” Bread of life (6:36) Light of the world (8:12) The door (10:7) The good shepherd (10:11-14) The resurrection and the life (11:25) The way, the truth, and the life (14:6) The true vine (15:1) Page 35… These miracles, or signs, are all for the purpose of evidencing the truth of John’s affirmation--that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of God!
Gospel of John: Purpose
To emphasize what it means to have faith in Christ. 98 times used to show the type of response one should have toward Jesus His name (1:12) Believe on Him (3:16) Believe on Him who has been sent (5:24) Come (6:37) Drink (4:14) Page 35… These miracles, or signs, are all for the purpose of evidencing the truth of John’s affirmation--that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of God!
Gospel of John: Purpose
Personal interviews with Jesus: Nicodemus (3) Samaritan woman (4) The blind man (9) Mary and Martha (11) Pharisees (8) Disciples (13) Pilate (18) Page 35… These miracles, or signs, are all for the purpose of evidencing the truth of John’s affirmation--that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of God!
Gospel of John: Purpose
Emphasized salvation (eternal life) as the objective of faith John 3:15-17 John 3:36 John 4:36 John 5:24 John 5:28,29 John 5:39,40 John 6:54 Page 35… Also see 10:28—12:25—17:2,3—20:30,31…
Gospel of John: Contents and Character
Brief outline of the gospel of John: Prologue (1:1-18) Jesus’ public ministry (1:19—12:50) Jesus’ private ministry (13:1—17:26) Jesus’ suffering (18:1—20:31) Postscript: the final appeal (21:1-25) Page 35, 36… Very different style, character, and plan from the other three gospels…
Gospel of John: Contents and Character
Some differences: Wrote about the week of the Lord’s suffering in much greater detail. Feeding of 5,000 (6:1-14) Walking on the sea (6:6-21) Christ’s farewell discourse to His disciples—involving only a few hours! Night of betrayal, the trial, and the crucifixion (chapters 13-19) Page 36… John’s Gospel specifically describes no more than 20 days of the 3 ½ years of the Lord’s ministry!
Gospel of John: Contents and Character
Some differences: Tells the story from a personal point of view—”we beheld his glory.” (1:14) Includes himself as failing to understand Jesus at first. (2:22; 12:16) The end of Jesus’ speaking and John’s reflections are difficult to separate. (3:23-26) Emphasizes the importance of being an eye-witness. He was competent to give his testimony! Page 36… John’s Gospel specifically describes no more than 20 days of the 3 ½ years of the Lord’s ministry!
Gospel of John: Contents and Character
Things described in intimate detail: Six disciples at the beginning (1) Six water pots at Cana (2:16) Boy with five loaves and two fishes (6:9) Lazarus’ coming out of the grave (11:44) The weight of the embalming mixture (9:38-40) Careful folding of linen cloths (20:4-8) Page 37… John’s Gospel specifically describes no more than 20 days of the 3 ½ years of the Lord’s ministry!
Gospel of John: Contents and Character
Emphasized the Fatherhood of God: Over 100 times in his gospel! John 4:23 John 5:21 John 7:16 John 10:29 John 14:10 John 14:23 John 17:5,11 Page 37… John’s Gospel specifically describes no more than 20 days of the 3 ½ years of the Lord’s ministry!
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