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Presentation on theme: "THERAPIST ASSISTANT DIPLOMA"— Presentation transcript:


2 Are you interested in… A Health Care career?
Working with people, of all ages? Working with people with injuries or illness?

3 A Therapist Assistant is someone who likes to….
help people improve their quality of life work with a team of professionals spend their days making a difference

4 Therapist Assistant Diploma An Exciting Career!
Okanagan College offers a two-year diploma: Four full-time semesters of course work 18 weeks of practical experience in clinical settings

5 Graduates work as Assistants to:
Occupational Therapists Physiotherapists Recreational Therapists

6 Rehabilitation Assisting a person to attain their fullest physical, mental, social, vocational capabilities while living with a health related challenge.

7 Orthopedic conditions ( fractures, arthritic conditions)
Therapist Assistants work with people of all ages and different medical conditions such as… Orthopedic conditions ( fractures, arthritic conditions) Neurological impairments (stroke, head injury, spinal cord injury) Diseases associated with aging ( sensory impairments, balance and mobility issues, diabetes) Developmental delays ( cerebral palsy, autism) Mental health problems ( depression, schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s disease)

8 Physiotherapy Use physical treatments such as exercise, joint range of motion, electrotherapies and education to maximize an individual’s function and independence.

9 Occupational Therapy Assist individuals to develop and maintain independence in life roles and activities at home and in the community following an injury, illness or a disabling event.

10 Recreation Therapy Use therapeutic recreation and leisure activities to bring about positive social, cognitive, emotional, and physical changes.

11 Therapist Assistants work in a variety of settings
In Hospitals on the following units: Medical/Surgical Orthopaedic Rehabilitation Psychiatry Inpatient & Outpatient

12 Residential and Multi-level Care Facilities
Long-term Care Palliative Care Assisted Living Adult Day Programs Outreach Programs

13 Community Care Client’s homes Community: Community centres Shopping
Library Appointments etc.

14 Working Environments Child Development Centres Private Practice
At the centre or in the home or school environment Private Practice In the private sector with OTs and PTs in clinical practices

15 Testimonial Physiotherapist supervisor
I just wanted to say how extremely impressed I am with the Okanagan College program – J. is the first OC student I've had, and I have to say I'm continually impressed with the training she has received.  You guys are doing an excellent job, and it shows in your students. Physiotherapist supervisor

16 Considering the Therapist Assistant Diploma at Okanagan College?

17 The following slides will give you:
An overview of the courses in the program An idea of what students learn and experience

18 Semester 1 Semester 2 Summer Semester (May –June) Biology 131 Anatomy & Physiology Biology 133 Practicum I - 3 weeks RTA placement Psychology 111 Basic Processes Psychology 121 Personal Functioning Practicum II - 5 weeks OTA and/or PTA placement English 100, or 150, or 152,or 153 Client Care: Introductory Disease and Disability PTA I Communication and Group Process OTA I RTA I RTA II Practicum Preparation

19 Practica One three week Recreational Therapy practica in a health care setting One five week PTA and/or OTA practicum in a health care setting Implement direct and indirect treatment programs under the supervision of a therapist. Apply the knowledge, skills and attitudes developed during classroom and lab instruction.

20 Testimonial 1st year student on practicum
Just wanted to let you know that I'm having a blast here at Aberdeen Hospital. The staff is great and the residents are terrific, too … the staff are surprised at the stuff that we have done as well as the stuff that we have to do in the up coming year... I wanted to share this with you because after hearing this, I am very proud to be apart of the OC Therapist Assistant Diploma program! :) 1st year student on practicum

21 Semester 3 Semester 4 Summer Semester (May- June) Client Care Advanced Therapeutic Modalities Preceptorship I 5 Weeks OTA and/or PTA placement Psychiatry & Mental Health PTA III Preceptorship II Gross Anatomy & Kinesiology OTA III PTA II Professional Practice OTA II Capstone Project

22 Preceptorships Advanced 5- week placements in Occupational and Physical Therapy settings. Students refine their skills prior to graduation and employment.

23 General Goals of the Program
Students will observe… Instructors demonstrating safe practices in the lab and classroom Therapists and Therapist Assistants in clinical settings

24 Students will demonstrate…
professional behaviours and attitudes effective communication skills with individuals and groups organizational skills, safe practices and problem solving skills

25 Students will practice…
skills taught to them in the classroom and in the lab transferring these skills to a clinical setting

26 Academic Admission Requirements
Please refer to the Online Okanagan College Calendar for complete details

27 For More Information on the Therapist Assistant Diploma Program


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