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Presentation on theme: "FIVE STEPS TO GREAT WRITING"— Presentation transcript:


2 The Writing Process Pre-Writing Drafting Revising Editing Publishing

3 1. PRE-WRITING This is what you do before you write!
Think about your topic! Write down words, phrases, and ideas!

4 1. PRE-WRITING Topic - Parenting Phrases Words Ideas

5 Harder to be a single parent
Fun 1. PRE-WRITING Topic - Parenting Have to get a sitter Hard job Satisfying job Cost more money No support Hard work Harder to be a single parent Changing diapers Staying up all night

6 1. PRE-WRITING You can use a graphic organizer to help you organize your ideas and details. parenting Hard job Satisfying

7 Describe fun activities
1. PRE-WRITING parenting Satisfying Hard job Loving relationship Change diapers Fun Up all night Describe fun activities Have to teach Costs money

8 2. DRAFTING Get your thoughts down on paper.
Don’t worry about spelling, punctuation, etc. right now. Remember you can always change anything you write down.

9 2. DRAFTING Parenting is a hard but satisfy job that I love. Being a mother has been the most fulfilling role I have had, in addition to being a friend, a student, and a teach. Sometimes being a mother is a very hard job. Staying up all night is hard especially when a child is sick. Changing diapers, making formula, and doing many loads of laundry are just parts of the job that have to be done. Mothers must also taught their children many stuff from their ABC’s to who to be polite. Children cost a lot of mone, and usually some expenses always seem to crop up when unplanned.

10 Making changes to improve your writing
3. REVISING Making changes to improve your writing YOU CAN Take something out Put in something new Change the order Substitute one word for another

11 Making changes to improve your writing
3. REVISING Making changes to improve your writing Sometimes being a mother is a very hard job. Staying up all night is hard especially when a child is sick. Changing diapers, making formula, and doing many loads of laundry are just parts of the job that have to be done. Mothers must also taught their children many stuff from their ABC’s to who to be polite. Children cost a lot of mone, and usually some expenses always seem to crop up when unplanned.

12 4. EDITING Use a dictionary to check your spelling.
Make sure all sentences are complete. Check your capitalization and punctuation.

13 4. EDITING Parenting is a hard but satisfying job that I love. Being a mother has been the most fulfilling role I have had, in addition to being a friend, a student, and a teacher. Sometimes being a mother is a very difficult job. Staying up all night is hard especially when a child is sick. Changing diapers, making formula, and doing the many loads of laundry are just parts of the job that have to be done. Mothers must also teach their children many things from their ABC’s to how to be polite. Children cost a lot of money, and usually some expenses always seem to crop up when unplanned. .

14 5. PUBLISHING Sharing Your Writing Read it out loud. Mail it.
Let a friend read it. Post it on the bulletin board. Put it in your portfolio folder. Type it up and put all of your writings in a booklet.

15 Use graphic organizer to help.
Use notes from graphic organizer to help you write.


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