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Donut Spectroscopy: Homer Simpson Guide to NMR

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Presentation on theme: "Donut Spectroscopy: Homer Simpson Guide to NMR"— Presentation transcript:

1 Donut Spectroscopy: Homer Simpson Guide to NMR
Dwight Chambers HSSP March 8, 2008 Background Credits:

2 What is Magnetism? Where does it come from? What “carries” magnetism?
How does it affect normal matter? What are some examples of natural magnetic fields? Image Credits:

3 Magnetism: Where does it come from?
The Earth? Magnets? - Compass Wires? DEMO?!?!?! Moving Charges! Faraday’s Law:

4 What “carries” magnetism?
Charge Electrons PROTONS! NUCLEI! Monopoles? Dipolar fields

5 How does magnetism affect normal matter?
Torque dM/dt = M x B Right Hand Rule Induction: Are we magnetic? Zeeman Splitting: µ · B Kinds of Magnetic Material: Ferromagnetic, Diamagnetic, Paramagnetic

6 What are some examples of natural magnetic fields?
The Earth: Gauss Neutron Star: <108 Gauss NMR: Gauss Image Credit:

7 NMR BASICS Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Protons / Neutrons
Spin / Magnetic Moment Resonance Zeeman Energy Image Credits:

8 NMR Schematic Main Magnetic Field Radio Frequency Coils
Superconducting Radio Frequency Coils Transmit and Detect ADC -> Computer Image Credit:

9 Imaging Basics Ways to define an image: Source - Image Model
Resolution Field of View Source - Image Model Point Spread Function Convolution Image Credits:



12 http://www. people. cornell

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