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Nations and Society.

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Presentation on theme: "Nations and Society."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nations and Society

2 Political Culture System level How people view values?
How people view organizations? Do citizens identify as a nation (sovereignty of people)? Do they accept the system of government?

3 Political Culture Expectations of how politics should work
Process level Expectations of how politics should work Individuals’ relationship to political process Why should I bother? Can I make a difference? Albany is so corrupt….

4 Political Culture Policy level
What should the policy goals of the government be? How should those goals be achieved? Is my government effective at meeting those goals?

5 Consensual or Conflict Political Cultures
Can create political subcultures Sometimes related to ethnic, religious or linguistic identities Sometimes affiliated with certain political parties Sometimes separate media, clubs, interest groups, etc. (stuff facebook mines)

6 Cleavages Attitude Ideology Culture

7 Cleavages Basis for political conflict
Supporters vs opponents of political issues based on attributes or interests “Divided America” series….

8 Types of Cleavages Owner versus worker (sometimes rich versus poor)
Church versus state (religious versus secular) Urban versus rural (center versus periphery) Land versus industry (protect workers versus free trade)

9 Owner-worker

10 Church-state

11 Urban-rural

12 Land-industry

13 Cross-cutting cleavages
2 cleavages do not align to reinforce divide Divide people into many smaller interests Ie: workers in Mexico Ie: hunters

14 Coinciding cleavages (reinforcing cleavages)
Can deeply divide societies to the point where cannot remain stably unified Urban workers versus landed elites In northern Nigeria Hausa-Fulani, in southern Nigeria Igbo, Yoruba North-South in US?

15 Attitude Radical Liberal Conservative Reactionary
Abolish existing order Create new, better order Liberal Support change Use existing system/reforms Conservative Oppose changes Maintain existing system/status quo Reactionary Restore old regime/social order

16 Ideology Liberalism Communism Social Democracy Fascism Anarchism

17 Liberalism Promote individual freedoms
Free to act in own economic and political interests Guaranteed basic rights Relative equality of opportunity Opposed to economic equality

18 Communism Establish a society without economic equality or social classes Focus on benefit to most/all rather than a few Abolish inequality to achieve freedom Economic inequality is the root of most of society’s problems

19 Social Democracy Balance the extremes of economic inequality and economic liberty To balance extremes—limit both Individuals should feel free to express selves politically State should play a stronger role in caring for poor and middle classes Political equality can be furthered by using wealth of the richest to provide services to poor

20 fascism Empower the nation-state to achieve its full strength and potential Liberty of individuals is a false construct Nation must be strong to defend itself Only a people with a strong nation can be free as a people

21 Anarchism The state should be abolished to empower individuals
The state takes away freedom of individuals Abolishing state would give people freedom The state is the source of inequality…

22 Political Culture—main trends
Globalization Modernization (meaning secular-humanism & emphasis on scientific progress) democratization

23 Agents of Socialization:
Family Schools Religious Institutions Peer Groups Social Class Interest Groups Political Parties Mass Media Government?

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