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Globalization: Chap 1 Steger, Manfred B. 2003, 2009, 2013. Globalization: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford University Press: New York.

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Presentation on theme: "Globalization: Chap 1 Steger, Manfred B. 2003, 2009, 2013. Globalization: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford University Press: New York."— Presentation transcript:

1 Globalization: Chap 1 Steger, Manfred B. 2003, 2009, Globalization: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford University Press: New York.

2 Objectives Define Globalization
Differentiate Globalization and Globality Define the 4 Characteristics of Globalization

3 Globalization Give your definition

4 Globalization Triple Bottom line plus one
Steps to defining it -- Multidimensional set of social processes with following Dimensions: Economic Political Cultural Environmental Triple Bottom line plus one

5 Results Class Definitions Dimensions  2011 2013 2015 2017 2018 Economic & Tech 12 5 17 24 16 Political 1 3 Cultural 2 18 Environmental other Combo's E, C, & P E & C 9 10 State 7 Action 26

6 Ideological aspects (underpinnings)
Politically charged narratives (view Chomsky below) – right versus left Assumptions on social reality and structure – remember schools of economic geography Implies positions on rationality of markets versus compassion – again refer to schools 

7 What Is Globalization? - Noam Chomsk’s contested view
From the left

8 What Is Globalization? - Noam Chomsk’s contested view
From the left (very short version)

9 Counterpoint from an Economist
From the center-right

10 Definition – first iteration
What it is not: valiant conquest of the world by universal Western Culture in the face of undying parochialism reactionary forces of tribalism, localism, and nationalism (Rudyard Kiplings “White Man’s Burden”) Various approaches to define it as: Process Condition System Force Age All of these and more

11 Steger’s Two part definition
Parts – Divide into an End state (pattern/effect) and Driving action (process/cause) Globalization (process) Globality (pattern or end state)

12 Globality – an end point or Goal
Social Condition – tight interconnections and flows across all 4 dimensions that make current borders irrelevant Condition -- state of being or situation 4 Dimensions all addressed (see above) Interconnections & flows and potential for flows borders no longer barriers Note that this is a goal, not current condition Goal – something always striving for – but never fully reach Example of a goal – be the best athlete in your sport – always striving after, never fully accomplished, never can rest

13 Globality cont… Not stable end point -- Can be supplanted by future goals Indeterminate character -- Does not address how it operates Might be based on laissez-faire market system Or communal norms

14 Globalization – A dynamic action or process – Transformation
Set of social processes that change nationality into globality Transformation – dynamic ongoing process Shifting forms of human contact Leaving behind nationality Moving towards globality Not yet reached it

15 Globalization cont… Shifting perception of time and space
Historical progression or change Reconfiguration of social space and geography Local, regional, national no longer describe all & get intertwined – “cat’s cradle” of relationships Glocalization – interaction of the local with the global

16 Globalization cont… Raises many interesting questions
How does it occur? What is the driving force – one cause or many? Uniform or uneven process? Continuation of past or radical break? Does it result in more or less inequality?

17 Global Imagery Viewing things from a new Global Perspective
Growing consciousness of belonging to a global community

18 4 Characteristics Characteristics of the transformation 1. Creation of new and multiplication of existing social NETWORKS Cuts across existing boundaries – economic, political, cultural, environmental Creation of new social orders transcend old boundaries What some have called development of Social Capital networks Creation of supranational organizations and international NGOs (INGOs)

19 Characteristics 2. Expansion & STREACHING of social activities, relations, interdependencies Example 24/7 global market cycle TNCs’ (Trans National Corporations) agendas independent of nation states “The Exxon-Mobile worldview” or “Monsanto” Facebook

20 Globalization cont… 3. Intensification & acceleration of social exchanges & activities Speed of internet Local commands global audience – example FL church burning of the Koran Glocalization in action – McDonalds offers different foods in different countries Again Facebook LA to SF Hyperloop system that would propel passengers along the 350-mile (560 km) route at an average speed of around 600 mph Hyperloop

21 Globalization cont… 4. Global becomes the frame of reference for thought and action “Think globally, act locally” Popular culture borrows globally World Beat – Multiple examples Worldbeat is a music genre that primarily refers to a blending of Western pop music and/or rock music with traditional/folk or world music influences. The term is similar by definition to other category labels that refer to a cross pollination of contemporary and roots genres, and which suggest a rhythmic, harmonic or textural contrast between its modern and ethnic elements.

22 Summary of 4 characteristics
Networks – grow (post Cold War changes) Activities, Interrelationships – grow (China becomes major supplier, supply chains…) Acceloration & Intensification – grow (stock markets never “sleep”) New frame of reference – what is the role of the nation-state?

23 Class exercise Apply the 4 characteristics to Shaffer’s Southernization article

24 Southernization New and Multiplication
Mongols & Silk Road and Expansion of Arab empire Expansion and Stretching; Interdependencies Trade goods impact like switch to cotton clothes, economy moves from village, to country, to international Intensification & Acceleration Improved production & transportation & players Global becomes frame of reference India is center of learning, Gold comes from West Africa, Spices from Indonesia…

25 Succinct Definition Globalization refers to the (process of) expansion and intensification of social relations (and actions) across world-time and world-space. Globality refers to (the pattern or endpoint of) social conditions with tight global economic, political, cultural and environmental interconnections and flows making current borders irrelevant

26 View from the weird From Mickey D

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