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By Cadelin Rose Switzerland By Cadelin Rose

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1 By Cadelin Rose
Switzerland By Cadelin Rose

2 Switzerland is in the southern hemisphere


4 The Plates and latitude/longitude
Switzerland is in the Eurasian plate. 6 degrees east and 11 degrees east. 45 degrees north and 48 degrees north.

5 The near places and oceans
France, Germany, Italy, Austria those are all the near please to Switzerland. Mediterranean sea

6 This is the flag

7 All about Switzerland Switzerland is in central Europe. The tallest part of Switzerland is 15,203 ft (4,634m) and its on the Swiss side of the Italian border. The largest lakes are Geneva – Constance Bodensee .

8 Indridouction The land area – 15 355 sq mile Total 15 355 sq mile.
Largest cities: Zurich, 1.83 million. Indridouction

9 Federal republic Switzerland is a confederation governed under the constitution of 1874 as revised in 1998.Foreign – Affairs – Michelin Calmly-ray ( president -) social Democrat. Home Affairs- Pascal couchcpiun. president, who is both head of state and head of government, is elected annually by the legislature. The cabinet, or Federal Council, is the main executive body; it is composed of seven members elected for four years by the legislature. Government & Economy

10 History In 58 B.C. the Helvetii who inhabited the country (seen Helvetia) were conquered by the Romans. They Invaded (5th cent. A.D.). By the Alemanni and by the Burgundii. The area passed to the Franks in the 6th cent. Divided (9th cent.) between Swabia and Transjurane. Burgundy it was united 1033 under the Holy Roman Empire.

11 More History •Switzerland in 1291 was a league of cantons in the Holy Roman Empire. •French revolutionary. •On Sept 10, 2002, the Swiss abandoned their long-held neutrality to become the 190th member of the UN. •In Oct Switzerland took a turn to the right when the far-right Swiss People's Party (SVP) had the strongest showing in parliamentary elections.

12 The population and Capital of Switzerland
The population in (2012) is the growth rate is 0.92%. The capital in (2011)was Bern Largest cities: Zurich, 1.83 million.

13 Area Total area is15,942 sq mi (41,290 sq km

14 Languages in Switzerland
The languages in Switzerland are German 63.7%, French 20.4%, Italian 6.5%; Romansch 0.5% all official Serbo-Croation 1.5%, Portuguese 1.2%, Spanish 1.1%, English 1%, Other 2.8%.

15 Land forms Tallest part of Switzerland is 15,203 ft (4,634m) and this mountain is on the Swiss side of the Italian border.

16 Natural Hazards The natural hazards are avalanches, landslides, flash floods. Google

17 Climate The climate is moderate with no excessive heat, cold or humidity.

18 Natural resources Mineral resources are limited. There are small iron and manganese deposits in the Jura but no known deposits of coal. A variety of materials is worthy of commercial exploitation. Among them are lime, salt, sand, gravel, clay, and marble.

19 Social Structure Roman Catholic 41.8%, Protestant 35.3%, Orthodox 1.8%, Muslim 4.3%, none 11.1% that’s in (2000).

20 Education Roughly 20% of all students attend secondary schools leading, normally after 12 school years in total to the federal recognized Matura which grants access to all universities.

21 Economy On May 18, 2003, Swiss voters approved the military reform project "Army XXI" that will drastically reduce the size of the Swiss Army. In January 2004, the 524,000-strong militia started paring down to 220,000 conscripts, including 80,000 reservists. The defense budget of currently SFr 4.3 billion ($3.1 billion) will be trimmed by SFr 300 million, and some 2,000 jobs are expected to be shed between 2004 and 2011.

22 Environmental issues The issues are from human impacts due to population growth, fossil fuels, urbanization and a bad one is the acid rain.

23 Bibliography
Google- with teacher’s permission

24 Resources Flag – clip art slide 1
Map of Switzerland- -slide 2 All 4 people- clip art- slide 3 Map of Switzerland- -slide 3 All four flags- are from clip art- slide5 Switzerland's flag- -slide6 Picture of miles-clip art-slide8 Two pictures- clip art- slide9 Three pictures –clip art-slide10 Two pictures-clip art-slide11 Picture- clip art-slide14 Background- clip art- slide15

25 Resources Pictures- clip art-slide17 School bus-clip art-slide20
All four pictures-clip art-slide22

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