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2 Definition “Communication is the exchange of information or a message between people, e.g. by means of speaking, writing, or using a common system of signs or behavior” Thus effective communication depends on the communication skills that you have. Any misunderstanding or misinterpretation is your own responsibility.

3 Definition We communicate, whether it is through the spoken word, the written word or sign language it is for a purpose: to instruct or inform, to please, to entertain or to educate. Communication is also defined as the process of producing, transferring and exchanging of information and ideas aiming at affecting some changes and obtaining the desired response.

4 The process of communication
It is based on many factors and elements. The elements of the process are shown in the following diagram: Sunday, November 11, 2018

5 To ensure effective communication, each of the above-mentioned elements should be clear without problems or obstacles. The message should be: Short/ not lengthy. Clear and organized. Free of errors. Sunday, November 11, 2018

6 He should not give too much information in the message.
The sender : He should not give too much information in the message. He should be able to specify things in the message according to the recipient's demands, time and specialty, mainly because we are in busy modern societies where there in no place for ambiguity and loss of time. The sender should keep in mind the necessity that his message should appeal to people of various cultures, backgrounds or mentalities. Sunday, November 11, 2018

7 The channel: You have to choose the best communication channel, such as using to send simple directions but not for discussions with students. If the message contains any negative attitudes or feelings, it will work contrary to what you desire. It can turn your class into a mess due to the impact of words on listeners or receivers. The sender should take into consideration the following: Sunday, November 11, 2018

8 The sensitivity and emotional content of the subject.
How easy it is to communicate detail. The receiver's preferences. Time constraints. The need to ask and answer questions. Sunday, November 11, 2018

9 The importance of communication
Increased productivity at work. Better team working. Fewer mistakes and therefore more cost saving. Less stress. Less conflict. Fewer rumours. Better motivation. Greater profits. A happier workforce. Fewer misunderstandings and therefore fewer rows. Sunday, November 11, 2018

10 More friends and an enhanced social life. Improved relationships.
Greater cooperation. More friends and an enhanced social life. Improved relationships. Sunday, November 11, 2018

11 Types of communication
Communication refers to more than the use of language. It refers to: Sunday, November 11, 2018

12 1) Verbal communication skills:
They are the skills that come in the various forms of word usage. This means that both oral and written words come under this category. It is the spoken, oral, and written way of communicating. It makes use of words, vocabulary, numbers and symbols and is organized in sentences. We usually use this type of communication everyday, because it is thought to be more accurate in conveying messages. Therefore, this type of verbal messaging is used widely in the educational system. Sunday, November 11, 2018

13 2) Non-verbal communication skills:
In this type of communication, people use symbols to convey messages, apart from using words. Such as: Body language, dress-code and expressions of feelings. Body language includes our facial expressions, gestures, eye contact, posture, and even the tone of our voice. When we dress in black, this signifies official issues. Sunday, November 11, 2018

14 Nonverbal communication is a vital form of communication.
The ability to understand and use nonverbal communication is a powerful tool that will help you connect with others, express what you really mean, navigate challenging situations, and build better relationships at home and work. Nonverbal communication is a vital form of communication. Sunday, November 11, 2018

15 Nonverbal communication signals and messages can play five roles:
Repetition Contradiction Substitution Complementing. Accenting. Sunday, November 11, 2018

16 Types of nonverbal communication and body language
There are many types of nonverbal communication, such as: Sunday, November 11, 2018

17 Facial expressions The human face is full of expressions that can express numerous messages and signals. This type of communication is considered universal and almost the same in all cultures. The facial expressions for happiness, hatred, tenderness, sadness, anger, surprise, fear, despise and disgust are the same across cultures. Sunday, November 11, 2018

18 Body movements and posture
If we think a little bit about the way people sit, walk, stand up, or hold their head, we will get messages and understand those people in a better way. The way you move and carry yourself communicates a lot of information to the people around you. This type of nonverbal communication includes your posture, bearing, stance, and subtle movements. Sunday, November 11, 2018

19 Gestures Gestures are inseparable part of our daily lives. We wave, point, peak, beckon, nod and use our hands when we’re arguing or speaking . We express ourselves in an unintended way. Automatically our hands start to work for revealing what is in our minds. Usually this type of expression needs a lot of skill on the part of the receiver to interpret it properly. Sunday, November 11, 2018

20 Eye contact So many people are visual perceiving ones. The visual sense is dominant for those people; thus eye contact is an especially important type of nonverbal communication for them. The way you look at someone can communicate many things, including interest, affection, hostility, aggression, love or attraction. Eye contact is also important in maintaining the flow of conversation and for decoding and interpreting the other person’s response. Sunday, November 11, 2018

21 Touch Touch is an important way of dealing with others, throughout handshake, tapping on the shoulder, warm hug, reassuring pat on the back, a patronizing pat on the head, or a controlling grip on your arm. Sunday, November 11, 2018

22 Space Space between the sender and receiver is a crucial aspect of communication. How do you feel when someone is too close into your own space? It must be a feeling of discomfort and unrest. We all have a need for physical space, although that need differs depending on the culture, the situation, and the closeness of the relationship. You can use physical space to communicate many different nonverbal messages, including signals of intimacy, aggression, dominance, or affection. Sunday, November 11, 2018

23 Voice We communicate with voices without words throughout tone, pitch, volume, inflection, rhythm, and rate. When we speak, other people “read” our voices in addition to listening to our words. These nonverbal sounds give strong signals of our true feelings and meanings. Think about how tone of voice, for example, can indicate irony, anger, friendliness, confidence….etc. Sunday, November 11, 2018

24 Tips for improving communication skills
Some people are born with good communication skills; however, they can be developed and nurtured in case you are not naturally a good communicator. The following steps are helpful to make a good communicator: Think before you speak. Be an active listener. Make good eye contact. Take it slow. Use appropriate volume and tone. Practice. Sunday, November 11, 2018

25 Try To See Their Point of View. Respond to Criticism with Empathy.
Stay Focused. Try To See Their Point of View. Respond to Criticism with Empathy. Own What’s Yours. Use “I” Messages. Take a Time-Out. Sunday, November 11, 2018

26 Conclusion The effective communication aims at providing an understanding, social interaction, highlighting the importance of an awareness of one’s own behaviour and of its effect upon others, interpreting and making sense of the responses of others. It is known that highly effective communicators are highly successful people. They are happier and more resistant to stress and psychosocial problems, and to achieve more in academic and professional contexts. Sunday, November 11, 2018

27 Finally, Task Sunday, November 11, 2018

28 Thank You !

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