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Diversity of Living Things

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1 Diversity of Living Things
Mostly Micro-Organisms

2 Kingdom Classification

3 The Six Kingdoms Bacteria Archea Protists Fungi Plants Animals
Lack a nucleus and grow in a variety of environments Archea Live in extreme environments Protists A diverse group of organisms, comprising those eukaryotes that cannot be classified in any of the other kingdoms as fungi, animals, or plants. Fungi Obtain food by absorbing nutrients. They do not photosynthesize. Kingdom Chromista? Plants Non motile and obtain food through photosynthesis. Animals Motile and ingest food they have obtained.

4 The Six Kingdoms

5 Kingdom Bacteria Always all around us – no matter where you are!
The Good = nitrogen fixing bacteria

6 Kingdom Bacteria The Bad = Salmonella

7 Kingdom Bacteria The Deadly = Streptococcus specifically
Necrotizing Fasciitis

8 Kingdom Bacteria Classifying Bacteria
Shape, structure of cell walls, sources of food and energy Shape cocci ~ round (singular coccus) bacilli ~ rod shaped (singular bacillus) spirilli ~ spiral shaped (spirillum)

9 Kingdom Bacteria Classifying Bacteria

10 Bacterial Reproduction
Asexual Bacterial cells lack nuclei so they can not go through mitosis or meiosis ~ binary fission Optimal = 20 minutes referred to as exponential growth Single bacterium and descendants multiplying every 20 minutes would give a population of in 5 hours.

11 Bacterial Reproduction
Sexual Less favourable conditions = conjugation Creates new genetic combinations and therefore gives a better chance at survival Pili are used to transfer all or part of chromosome to other bacterium

12 Bacterial Reproduction
Spore Formation Dormant phase when unfavourable conditions Endospore created with tough outer shell No growth or reproduction Thousands of years can pass!

13 Bacteria & Medicine Classifying is important as when infection occurs, if we know what is causing the problem, we can usually address it. Antibiotics – in general prevent the bacteria from building or repairing cell walls and membranes, or from making more RNA or DNA. Bacterial Resistance Bacteria exposed to antibiotics will eventually develop new strains that will be resistant to the antibiotics

14 Kingdom Protista Again can be dangerous however in most cases we do not know they even exist. Classification into this Kingdom is mainly because they do not fit anywhere else. Malaria Toxoplasmosis

15 Kingdom Protista Three main groupings:
Protozoa – animal like and are heterotrophs as they ingest food Algae – plant like and are autotrophs as they carry out photosynthesis Slime moulds and water moulds – fungus like and are also heterotrophs.

16 Kingdom Fungi Fungi feed by releasing digesting enzymes into their surroundings, then absorbing the digested nutrients into their cells. Zygomycota Fungi – mold on bread Basidiomycota (Club Fungi) – edible mushrooms Ascomycota (Sac Fungi) – yeast Chytridiomycota (Chytrids) – mobile spores

17 Kingdom Fungi

18 Fungi Reproduction Reproduction of Fungi varies depending on the type.
The reproductive cycle for common bread mold is pictured here. An interesting fact is that depending on the environment the mold is living in, that will determine what type of reproduction will be utilized: sexual or asexual

19 Fungi Reproduction

20 Viruses Not considered a living organism
There is no cellular structure Basically they are DNA or RNA held within a protein coat called a capsid

21 Viral Reproduction Lytic Cycle – virus inserts genetic information into host cell, host cell makes new copies of virus. Harmful Viruses Hepatitis A Norwalk Virus Rotovirus

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