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Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists

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1 Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists
Your Professional Association An introduction for the audience: What is CAMRT? The Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists (CAMRT) is the national professional association and certifying body in Canada. As national association, we offer services to support our members and act as a leading advocate for the profession of medical radiation technology and critical issues that affect members and their practice. As certifying body, we provide the certification exam for entry into MRT practice in Canada for radiological, nuclear medicine and magnetic resonance imaging technologists and radiation therapists. First and foremost, CAMRT is reflected in its members. All 11,000+ of them. We have a Board of Directors, and hundreds of volunteers of your peers work with CAMRT to get things done for the association.

2 11,443 69 550+ 769 3000+ 37 26 114 CAMRT 2017: By the Numbers
MRTs Certified 550+ MRT Week Sites 26 Full-length courses 11,443 Members across Canada 69 Best Practice Guidelines First and foremost, CAMRT is reflected in its members. All 11,000-odd of them (more than 12,500 with students). We have a Board of Directors, and hundreds of volunteers of your peers work with CAMRT to get things done for the association. was a year full of significant accomplishments for the association. We made many changes and created new programs and services to enhance our offerings to members. Expressed in numbers you can see the continued success CAMRT has in the areas of: Certification (769 MRTs certified in 2016) We added 1 new full length course, 3 QSS to bring total CPD offerings in these categories up to 26 full length and 37 QSS Best Practice guidelines (69 topics covering the range of MRT practice, accessed by hundreds of MRTs every day) Our journal (growing in submissions)- online readership is also up MRT Week (a great success for the profession in terms of promotion of medical radiation technology, with thousands of MRTs at more than 550+ celebrating and promoting the profession each year) Numerous committee meetings Numerous external collaborations 3000+ CPD users 114 Submissions to JMIRS 37 QSS courses

3 Growing our CPD for Members
SS VIRTUAL PROGRAMMING FULL LENGTH COURSES We spend a lot of effort in ensuring that we deliver CPD of great quality on topics that MRTs want to learn about. In 2017, we added 1 full length course, 3 quick self studies and an incredible 29 virtual offerings (webinars and conference recordings). We plan to continue to enhance the offering in 2018, with more offerings of every type.

4 CPD Repository: Find the Right CPD For Your Practice
Hundreds of searchable listings CPD Repository A searchable listing with hundreds of CPD courses related to the MRT profession The site provides a variety of filters so users can find CPD by location, format, topic of interest, etc. It lists not only CAMRT CPD courses, but hundreds more from other providers, including provincial organizations and commercial CPD providers It’s truly the one-stop shop for MRT CPD in Canada CAMRT CPD Provincial CPD Commercial CPD

5 National Certification for MRTs
New accreditation for educational programs Certifiation led the efforts of multiple allied health professions to secure a new provider of accreditiation for the educational programs 2017 was the first year where all examinations were delievered in the computer-based format… Computer-based examinations

6 Steering MRT Practice AP in RT: Certification LIVE (June 2017) AP in MI: In Development NEW Collaboration with Laboratory technologists on Limited Practice Steering the MRT profession is an important function of the national association. This past year, the CAMRT made significant strides in advanced practice: We completed the Certification pilot for AP in RT, and this process is now open to all eligible applicants We undertook many many conversations in sites all over the country with potential champions and pilots for AP in MI. In 2017, we also established a new collaboration with the Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Sciences (CSMLS) to investigate and address together the various models of limited MRT and lab practice that are encountered across the country. Developed a half dozen recommendations for the esteemed Choosing Wisely Canada campaign (currently these are under external review for publication later in 2018). Appropriateness Recommendations in Development

7 Representing and Promoting the Profession
Alliances and Collaborations CAMRT represents and promotes the MRT profession at every given opportunity nationally and internationally. In Ottawa, CAMRT undertakes frequent meetings with both elected officials and the public service (like Health Canada) to address issues and advance causes important to MRTs. This year, we have had an advocacy focus on advanced practice, appropriateness, isotope supply and safety in medical imaging. We worked hard in 2017/18 to nurture relationships with provincial, national and International organizations to influence, enhance the visitbility of the profession and create opportunities for MRTs Meetings with Government

8 Elevating Research NEW
Research is one of the five pillars of our strategic plan was an important year for kicking off many new activities to support research (new full length course, new formats for publication in JMIRS). This important theme will be an important focus throughout 2018.

9 Conferences and Events with National Reach
Specialty Events Rad Tech Roadshow Sponsored Speakers (Provincial) Collaborative MRT Events Nat’l Governance Forum and Education Day In 2017, we held our 75th Annual General Meeting in Ottawa in collaboration with the OAMRS. In 2018, we have established a series of meetings to help improve the accessibility and reach of CAMRT events. In all there are: 3 specialty events (CANM, CIRA, CARO/COMP) Rad Tech Roadshow stops across the country 4 speakers sponsored at provincial/regional conferences Several collaborative MRT-focused events (ACMDTT Connect, LTWRAP) And a National Governance Forum in Ottawa where the Board and key advisory councils will meet, the AGM will be held, and an exciting one-day education day is being put on Not mentioned in all this is our expanded virtual offering that goes even further in supporting each element

10 CAMRT 75th Anniversary Throughout 2017, we celebrated the 75th Anniversary of CAMRT. Activities included: Historical focus pieces throughout the year in the CAMRT News A new History section of the CAMRT website A historical archive display at the 75th CAMRT AGC Contests and quizzes throughout the year (Appearances by Roentgen)

11 MRT Week 2017 550+ participating sites
MRT Week was the biggest yet, with growth to more than 550 sites contacting CAMRT. This included an estimated 17,000 MRTs, students And associated staff celebrating with us. CAMRT promotional materials were all across the country the week of November 5, Over 5,000 posters were ordered to be displayed in health centres across the country. Social media activity through the week was also exceptional. The CAMRT Facebook group was a hive of activity all week long. What’s more, the CAMRT MRT Week Filter for Facebook profile pictures (see Roentgen above) and Essential links were a big hit. Finally, hundreds of thousands of Facebook ads were sent to Canadians to increase awareness about the professions that week. participating sites 17,000+ MRTs and staff celebrating 5, posters in hospitals and clinics 600,000 Facebook ad impressions

12 Expanding Professional Practice Support and Resources
BPGs MRT Profession Research NEW Providing support and resources to MRTs in their practice is an important and ongoing commitment from the CAMRT. In early 2017, the CAMRT Communities of Practice really started rolling. This tool, which employs the Slack application, allows MRTs to share questions, answers and even photos and documents in an environment where they aren’t being profiled by Mark Zuckerberg. The CAMRT Best Practice Guidelines continue to be an extremely popular and valued resource, and much work goes into ensuring these remain evergreen year after year. CAMRT also valuable research into the profession, which it publishes and shares with members. Two examples include the annual Salary Scale Analysis and the Health Human Resources Survey (2017 edition due out very soon). Communities of Practice

13 Development Opportunities for Members
Volunteer Opportunities NEW Fellowship Leadership Development CAMRT offers a number of important development opportunities for its members: In 2017, CAMRT added a brand new CAMRT Fellowship program (check it out on the website) The ever-popular Leadership Development Institutes was run for the 8th year in succession in 2017. Volunteering opportunities abound, including the chance to volunteer overseas with RAD-AID, an international agency dedicated to helping promote and improve medical imaging in the developing world. Details for all these programs are available on the CAMRT website.

14 NEW member benefits The CAMRT is excited to offer several enhancement to our Affinity Program with some new partnerships and opportunities for members to save! GoodLife Fitness, Scrubs Canada, Telus, Johnson Insurance (through the CAMRT Foundation) New in 2018 are CAA and travel discounts

15 CAMRT 2018 … What to expect

16 Strategic Planning 2015-2018 Plan 2019-2022 Plan In development (2018)
Into year 4 of the strategic plan. Are already underway with a new strategic exercise. Member surveys are out in the field now, with another coming soon. Details of the plan: Transforming Education Strategic Goals Monitor practice changes affecting competencies Collaborate with industry to prepare MRTs to adapt to changes in technology Develop and implement a process to identify required new continuing professional development courses Develop competency profiles to provide a foundation across the disciplines for entry to practice Key Initiatives: Future of MRT Education project, Migration to online CPD Evolving Practice Strategic Goals Define, develop and evaluate advanced roles in all MRT disciplines Understand and respond to limited practice roles Influence discussion about scopes of practice in relevant interprofessional, national and international forums Key initiatives: AP initiatives (APRT Cert + APMI study), AP Advocacy, Limited Practice study Quality of Care Develop and support MRT practice that enhances the patient’s experience Advance appropriateness of care in collaboration with other care providers Position and promote the profession’s contributions to quality and safety Encourage MRTs to contribute to their fullest to a team-based approach to care Key initiatives: Key partnerships (CPQR, Canada Safe Imaging), BPGs Evidence and Knowledge Encourage evidence-based practice and a culture of research Enable MRTs to gain research skills and knowledge and be recognized for their expertise Increase capacity for supporting research in the MRT community and within CAMRT Key initiatives: Communities of Practice, Research education and support, JMIRS Membership value Customize, communicate, and deliver value to our membership including ways members can engage and volunteer Support provincial organizations in delivering association services Enable MRTs to be recognized and included at the outset in healthcare policy and decision-making All our efforts are geared towards creating value for our members. Key initiatives: Member census, support for provincial organizations

17 An invitation to engage…
Strategic plan surveys Explore our expanding CPD offerings (and let us know what CPD you need) Engage with your peers: Communities of Practice Advanced Practice Champions needed! Promoting the Profession and Advocacy (MRT Week and Beyond) Volunteering opportunities More savings through our partners Tell us what is happening in your world (surveys, newsletter, etc.)

18 THANKS Behind our success… is you, the members. Tha
Behind all the success of CAMRT is you the members. Hundreds of you volunteer… Hundreds of volunteers contribute to the progress of CAMRT Exam writers and reviewers Committee, council and task force members Conference organizers MRT Week event planners Brand Champions Newsletter contributors Course writers and instructors THANK YOU to ALL who give your valuable time and effort in support of the association

19 Questions Thanks for listening. Any questions?

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