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Resource Assessment for a National GHG Inventory System

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Presentation on theme: "Resource Assessment for a National GHG Inventory System"— Presentation transcript:

1 Resource Assessment for a National GHG Inventory System
Jose Ramon T. Villarin UNFCCC Workshop on national communication preparation for NAI Parties 26 April 2004

2 Resource Gaps Technical Human Institutional Financial

3 Technical Information management (e.g. databasing)
Networking, communication Training Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines IPCC Good Practice Guidance Documentation, archiving Research  source prioritization, accuracy Emission factors, activity data Surveying, polling technologies Uncertainty analysis KSA, sensitivity studies Mapping (GIS)

4 Human Management Skills, Tools Process and information
Multi-sectoral, intra-sectoral coordination Multi-scale devolution, aggregation Staff and mgt fluidity Skills, Tools Critical mass Sector-specific Qualifications, training (IPCC Guidelines, GPG) Documentation, archiving QA/QC

5 Institutional IACCC Technical working groups Information loci
Legal mandates

6 Financial Inventory systematization Allocation Technical Human
Institutional Allocation Public, multi-/bilateral funding Task outsourcing

7 Energy

8 Industry

9 Agriculture

10 Waste


12 IACCC structure

13 Proposed Inventory TWG

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