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Gilberto Câmara, Pedro Andrade
Land change modelling Gilberto Câmara, Pedro Andrade Licence: Creative Commons ̶̶̶̶ By Attribution ̶̶̶̶ Non Commercial ̶̶̶̶ Share Alike
Slides from LANDSAT Modelling Human-Environment Interactions
images: USGS Slides from LANDSAT Modelling Human-Environment Interactions How do we decide on the use of natural resources? What are the conditions favoring success in resource mgnt? Can we anticipate changes resulting from human decisions? Aral Sea 1973 1987 2000
TerraME: Computational environment for developing human-environment models
Cell Spaces Tiago Garcia de Senna Carneiro, “Nested-CA: A Foundation for Multiscale Modelling of Land Use and Land Cover Change”. PhD Thesis in Computer Science, INPE, 2006. T. Carneiro, P. Andrade, G. Câmara, A. Monteiro, R. Pereira, “TerraME: an extensible toolbox for modeling nature-society interactions” (under review).
Modelling human-environment interactions
What models are needed to describe human actions?
Modelling and Public Policy
External Influences System Ecology Economy Politics Desired System State Scenarios Decision Maker Policy Options
Models need to be Calibrated and “Validated”
tp - 20 tp - 10 tp Calibration Validation tp + 10 Scenario Source: Cláudia Almeida
Clocks, clouds or ants? Clouds: statistical distributions
Clocks: deterministic equations Ants: emerging behaviour
Statistics: Humans as clouds
y=a0 + a1x1 + a2x aixi +E Establishes statistical relationship with variables that are related to the phenomena under study Basic hypothesis: stationary processes Fonte: Verburg et al, Env. Man., Vol. 30, No. 3, pp. 391–405
Statistical-based land use models
Statistics: Assessment of land use drivers
Land use models are good at allocating change in space. Their problem is: how much change will happen? A. Aguiar, G. Câmara, I. Escada, “Spatial statistical analysis of land-use determinants in the Brazilian Amazon”. Ecological Modelling, 209(1-2):169–188, G. Espíndola, A. Aguiar, E. Pebesma, G. Câmara, L. Fonseca, “Agricultural land use dynamics in the Brazilian Amazon based on remote sensing and census data”, Applied Geography, 32(2): , 2012.
Driving factors of change (deforestation)
source: Aguiar (2006)
Amazônia in 2007 x All Variables
Transportation (11) Distance Markets(7) Demography (3) Tecnology (2) Environmental (20) Public Policy(8) Market (8) Agrarian Structure(6)
Statistics: Humans as clouds
source: Aguiar (2006) Statistical analysis of deforestation
Amazônia in 2007 x All Variables
transformações e análises de correlação de 65 para 31 variáveis seleção do melhor modelo de 31 para 10 variáveis regressão linear (AIC = ) regressão espacial (AIC = ) R-squared 0.5918 Beta p-level log(N_TRATOR_ ) <2e-16 sqrt(PSI_ASSENTAMENTOS_CLASSICOS) FERTIL_ALTA log(SOJA_ ) sqrt(PSI_GPM_SEDE_AMZ) sqrt(PSI_GPM_CAPITAIS) sqrt(PSI_PVM_IUMID) log(DIST_MIN_MAD + 1) TI_2006 UC_2006 8580 Cells
Amazônia x Variables of 1996/2006
26 Variáveis R-squared 0.4501 Beta p-level FERTIL_ALTA <2e-16 log(DIST_MIN_MAD_96 + 1) log(DIST_MIN_ROD_PAV_96 + 1) DIST_MIN_PORTOS A_UC_1996 log(POP_RUR_ ) A_ASSENT_96_NUNFAM log(PREC_INV + 1) A_NU_AGR_MEDIUM_96 10 Years 25Km R-squared 0.5148 Beta p-level FERTIL_ALTA <2e-16 log(DIST_MIN_MAD + 1) log(PREC_INV + 1) TI_2006 ASSENT_06_NUNFAM DIST_MIN_PORTOS FERTIL_MUITOBAIXA log(DIST_MIN_ROD_PAV + 1) UC_2006
Statistical-based land use models
Statistical-based land use models
Driving factors of land use/cover change QUANTITY (at time t) Driving factors of land use/cover change LOCATION (at time t) Feedback on spatial drivers Rate and magnitude of change for each land use at time t (DEMAND) Cell suitability for each land use at time t (POTENTIAL) Feedbacks Bottom-up calculation Top-down constraint Allocation of change combining demand and cell potential at time t (ALLOCATION) Land use at time t-1 Time Loop Land use map at time t sources: P. Verburg, A.P. Aguiar
Simple Demand Difference between years Demand submodel
Potential Driving factors Potential map Transition potential submodel
Multivariate Statistics Neural Network Mathematics
Potential – CLUE like Potential map Deforestation Subtract from
Protected Areas Subtract from Roads Potential map Transition potential submodel Ports Deforestation
Demand Trend analysis Building Scenarios
Global economic model Transition Matrix (Markov chain)
Allocation Demand Landscape map at t Landscape map at t+1
submodel Rank-order Stochastic Iterative Landscape map at t+1 Potential map at t
Scenario exploration: linking to process knowledge
Cellular database construction Manaus- Boa Vista Santarém Porto Velho- Manaus São Felix/ Iriri Humaitá Apuí BR 163 Cuiabá-Santarém Boca do Acre Exploratory analysis and selection of subset of variables Aripuanã Scenario exploration Selection of variables – Priorities: Policy oriented (accessibility and protection). Importance as a land use determinant (based on knowledge and correlation to land uses). Correlated > 0.80 excluded (some correlated > 0.50 to many too). Definition of groups: using the 12 variables left, groups are formed allowing only < 0.50 correlated enter the same group. There are 2 or 3 groups for each space partition (see groups excel file)
Scenarios for deforestation in Amazonia (2020)
SimAmazonia Simamazonia
Modeling conservation in the Amazon basin Soares Filho et al., Nature, 2006
SimAmazonia Subregiões do modelo SimAmazonia.
Modeling conservation in the Amazon basin Soares Filho et al., Nature, 2006
SimAmazonia: deforestation scenarios
Business-as-usual Governance Modeling conservation in the Amazon basin Soares Filho et al., Nature, 2006
How good are statistical models?
Agents as basis for complex systems
An agent is any actor within an environment, any entity that can affect itself, the environment and other agents. Agent: flexible, interacting and autonomous
Agents: autonomy, flexibility, interaction
Synchronization of fireflies
Bird Flocking No central authority: Each bird reacts to its neighbour
Not possible to model the flock in a global manner. Need to necessary to simulate the INTERACTION between the individuals
Modelling collective spatial actions
Space Agent Agent Space Benenson and Torrens, “Geographic Automata Systems”, IJGIS, 2005 (but many questions remain...)
Agent-Based Modelling: Computing approaches to complex systems
Representations Environment Goal Communication Communication Perception Action source: Nigel Gilbert
Modelling collective spatial actions
Space Agent Agent Space source: Benenson and Torrens, “Geographic Automata Systems”, IJGIS, 2005
Agent-Based Modeling of Land change
Theoretical Models Empirical models Neste trabalho estamos interessados nos modelos empiricos, dado o interesse de utiliza-los na regiao da amazonia. Porem existem diversos desafios, quando tentamos usar estes modelo na amazonia Agent-based models (ABM) range from theoretical to empirical. Theoretical models use simple generalizable ideas, whereas empirical models require more complexity and case-specific data..
Different farm sizes, different actors
61,000 ha 30,000 ha ha 60,000 ha 50 ha 20,000 ha 200 ha é possivel observar a heterogenidade das fazendas, onde podemos encontrar fazendas de mais de 60,000 hectares, como é possivel encontra milhares de fazendas com menos de 50 ha. Este é um dado provisorio do cadastro rural, aqui ainda está sendo realizado.
Frontier areas Frontier: an area of changing resource use whose boundaries are continually evolving
Census data for São Félix do Xingu
How to place agents in a frontier?
São Felix do Xingu in 1985: farms are there, deforestation not yet started
Division of frontier in large and small farms
Use the history of São Felix do Xingu to make assumption about farms
Evolution of cattle/deforestation in São Félix do Xingu
Agora olhando a densidade de cabeças de gado sobre ha desflorestado. Podemos tambem observar o comportamento coletivo variando no tempo. Até 1995 existia muito desflorestamento para pouco gado. Dado que era uma fase de ocupação, existia outros atores, como madereiros, mineradoras e garimpo. Depois de 1995 começou a crescer a pecuaria, uma nova fase. E depois, principalmente devido a criação de areas especiais, houve uma estabilização.
Different actors and strategies in SFX
Nesta area de estudo, se darmos um zoom nesta regiao,.
Model initialization (estimated farm distribution)
(a) Deforested areas in 1985 (b) Estimated distribution of farms in 1985 Deforestation Com estas informações, geramos este mapa de inicialização, onde as cores diferentes mostram os limites das propriedades.
Deforestation maps (PRODES)
The frontier “exploded” between 1985 and 1997
Land concentration in Tucumã
Evolution of land tenure in São Felix
How to place agents in a frontier?
São Felix do Xingu in 1985: farms are there, deforestation not yet started
Division of frontier in large and small farms
Use the history of São Felix do Xingu to make assumption about farms
Extracting patterns from sequences of images
M. Silva, G.Câmara, M.I. Escada, R.C.M. Souza, “Remote Sensing Image Mining: Detecting Agents of Land Use Change in Tropical Forest Areas”. International Journal of Remote Sensing, vol 29 (16): 4803 – 4822, 2008.
Hypothetical land tenure in 1985
(a) Deforested areas in 1985 (b) Estimated distribution of farms in 1985 Deforestation
Patterns of tropical deforestation
Agent states in São Felix do Xingu
Pasture management model
Deforestation: simulated x observed
Frontier evolution in Sao Felix
Consolidated (dark red), pre-frontier (light red), frontier (light green) and post-frontier (dark green).
Model results Both the spatial values and the deforestation totals emerge as a result of the agent’s decisions Model updates the support capacity of the region changes in response to agents’ decision. Agents then sense how geographical space has changed and use this information in their decision-making.
Some caution necessary...
“Agent-based modeling meets an intuitive desire to explicitly represent human decision making. (…) However, by doing so, the well-known problems of modeling a highly complex, dynamic spatial environment are compounded by the problems of modeling highly complex, dynamic decision-making. (…) The question is whether the benefits of that approach to spatial modeling exceed the considerable costs of the added dimensions of complexity introduced into the modeling effort. The answer is far from clear and in, my mind, it is in the negative. But then I am open to being persuaded otherwise ”. (from “Why I no longer work with agents”, 2001 LUCC ABM Workshop) Helen Couclelis
GLOBIOM: a global model for projecting how much land change could occur
source: A. Mosnier (IIASA)
GLOBIOM: land use types and products
source: A. Mosnier (IIASA)
REDD-PAC: land use policy assessment
GLOBIOM, G4M, EPIC, TerraME TerraLib Land use data and drivers for Brazil Model cluster - realistic assumptions Globally consistent policy impact assessment Information infrastructure
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