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Inter-Service Postal Training Activity Maintain Postal Supplies

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1 Inter-Service Postal Training Activity Maintain Postal Supplies
Show Slide - Maintain Postal Supplies INSTRUCTIONAL GUIDANCE: Before presenting this lesson, instructors must thoroughly prepare by studying this lesson and identified reference material. Throughout this lesson, solicit from students the challenges they experienced in the current operational environment (OE) and what they did to resolve them. Encourage students to apply at least 1 of the 8 critical variables: political, military, economic, social, information, infrastructure, physical environment and time. INTRODUCTION Method of Instruction: Conference / Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio is: 2:30 Time of Instruction: 5 mins Media: Programmed Instruction Motivator : It's 1400hrs and it's been one busy day thus far. You only had a 20 minute lunch break and the customers just keep on coming. A colonel approaches your window and inquires about mailing an article via insured mail. You inform her to fill out PS Form 3813-P over at the other counter. She returns seconds later and informs you there are no insured forms out. You call your supply clerk who realizes the unit is out of 3813-Ps. Should the colonel be forced into mailing her $ item registered mail and paying more, or not insuring her item at all? Who's at fault here; the window clerk for not keeping up with the supply level in the lobby or the supply clerk for not keeping up with the supply available on hand? NOTE: Inform the students of the following Terminal Learning Objective requirements. NOTE: Show slide – Terminal Learning Objective (TLO) Maintain Postal Supplies June 2018

LESSON OUTCOME Students will learn how to inventory postal supplies and ensure USPS postal items are ordered, issued, and received IAW USPS and DOD directives/guidance in support of postal operations. TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE ACTION: Maintain Postal Supplies CONDITIONS: You are assigned to a Military Post Office (MPO) and are designated as the Postal Supply Clerk. You will monitor the stock level of supplies to prevent overstocking and ensure timely requisitions of items necessary to maintain operations.   Specific duties include ordering, receiving and issuing supplies; inventory controlling (posting and inventorying), caring, and preserving of supplies; and the disposing and replacing of obsolete supplies.   You have access to DOD M (DoD Postal Manual), USPS Publication 223 (Directives and Forms Catalog), USPS Publication 247 ( Supply and Equipment Catalog), PS Form 1586 (Supply Record), PS Form 7380 (Material Distribution Center (MDC) Supply Requisition), PS Form DDDP (Express and Priority Mail Supply Order Form Postal Installations), Julian Calendar, information on the current stock level of supplies on hand and maximum levels allowed, and standard office supplies and equipment. This task should not be trained in MOPP 4. TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE (CONT’D) STANDARDS: Inventory postal supplies and ensure items are issued, ordered and received, without error. The Army Learning Areas (ALA) are the baseline focal points Soldiers and Army Civilians must possess to prevail in the ambiguous environments that challenge the Army today. The four ALAs are: Army Profession and Leadership; Mission Command; Human Dimension; and Professional Competence. The Army Learning Area taxonomy provides a framework to assist in grouping the General Learning Outcomes. The four Army Learning Areas serve as the framework to catalogue the 14 General Learning Outcomes. The General Learning Outcomes (GLOs) are essential outcomes resulting from training, education, and experience along a career continuum of learning. There are three primary purposes for the Army General Learning Outcomes. First, they provide trainers and educators a lens into how effective they are in conveying their support material. Second, it assists in improving instructional design and/or training support packages. Finally it places responsibility on training and education proponents to be nested with ALAs. ALA: Professional Competence GLOs GLO 14: Soldiers and Army Civilians are technically and tactically competent. Terminal Learning Objective (TLO) NOTE: At the completion of this lesson, you [the student] will: ACTION: Maintain Postal Supplies CONDITIONS: You are assigned to a Military Post Office (MPO) and are designated as the Postal Supply Clerk. You will monitor the stock level of supplies to prevent overstocking and ensure timely requisitions of items necessary to maintain operations.   Specific duties include ordering, receiving and issuing supplies; inventory controlling (posting and inventorying), caring, and preserving of supplies; and the disposing and replacing of obsolete supplies .  You have access to DOD M (DoD Postal Manual), USPS Publication 223 (Directives and Forms Catalog), USPS Publication 247 ( Supply and Equipment Catalog), PS Form 1586 (Supply Record), PS Form 7380 (Material Distribution Center (MDC) Supply Requisition), PS Form DDDP (Express and Priority Mail Supply Order Form Postal Installations), Julian Calendar, information on the current stock level of supplies on hand and maximum levels allowed, and standard office supplies and equipment. This task should not be trained in MOPP 4. STANDARDS: Inventory postal supplies and ensure items are issued, ordered and received, without error. The Army Learning Areas (ALA) are the baseline focal points Soldiers and Army Civilians must possess to prevail in the ambiguous environments that challenge the Army today. The four ALAs are: Army Profession and Leadership; Mission Command; Human Dimension; and Professional Competence. The Army Learning Area taxonomy provides a framework to assist in grouping the General Learning Outcomes. The four Army Learning Areas serve as the framework to catalogue the 14 General Learning Outcomes. The General Learning Outcomes (GLOs) are essential outcomes resulting from training, education, and experience along a career continuum of learning. There are three primary purposes for the Army General Learning Outcomes. First, they provide trainers and educators a lens into how effective they are in conveying their support material. Second, it assists in improving instructional design and/or training support packages. Finally it places responsibility on training and education proponents to be nested with ALAs. ALA: Professional Competence GLOs GLO 14: Soldiers and Army Civilians are technically and tactically competent. Safety Requirements: In a training environment, leaders must perform a risk assessment in accordance with current Risk Management Doctrine. Leaders will complete the current Deliberate Risk Assessment Worksheet in accordance with the TRADOC Safety Officer during the planning and completion of each task and sub-task by assessing mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support available-time available and civil considerations, (METT-TC). Note: During MOPP training, leaders must ensure personnel are monitored for potential heat injury. Local policies and procedures must be followed during times of increased heat category in order to avoid heat related injury. Consider the MOPP work/rest cycles and water replacement guidelines IAW current CBRN doctrine. Risk Assessment Level: Low Environmental Considerations: Environmental protection is not just the law but the right thing to do. It is a continual process and starts with deliberate planning. Always be alert to ways to protect our environment during training and missions. In doing so, you will contribute to the sustainment of our training resources while protecting people and the environment from harmful effects. Refer to the current Environmental Considerations manual and the current GTA Environmental-related Risk Assessment card Evaluation: Student will be evaluated on their knowledge and understanding of this lesson by completing Performance Test A or B and achieving a minimum of 80% accuracy. Instructional Operating a Military Post Office (MPO) requires knowledgeable personnel and sufficient equipment. Without either, a MPO Lead-In would be useless. Therefore, it is your job as a Military Postal Clerk to ensure supplies are sufficiently maintained. Knowing how to requisition supplies and accurately inventory supplies are paramount in operating an efficient MPO. NOTE: Show Slide –AMPS overview

3 Operational Variables (OE)
Note: Instructor will give an Personal Experience, scenario and or ask students how the different OE variables listed above will affect how we accomplish the mission. Purpose: Inform students of the different Operational variables that may affect the mission. To insure students have adequate knowledge of the possible operating environment, Conditions, Circumstances and influences that may affect the employment of the capabilities of the mission. Slide: Should generate a brief discussion. No longer than three minutes Publishing document: Training Circular TC *** Breaks down OE Variables further.

4 Automated Military Postal System (AMPS) Overview
Instructor Log In System Overview Basic overview of what AMPS TABS in AMPS for example Home tab- notification & messages AMPS Overview Instructors will demonstrate to students how to log into the system and describe what AMPS is all about in regards to military postal. Instructors will aid students in navigating around system for general understanding. AMPS will be accessed throughout Weeks 3-5 when applicable to lessons being taught. NOTE: Show Slide (Control of USPS Supply Items)

5 Control of USPS Supply Items
Designation of supply clerk. Specific duties: Ordering, receiving, issuing supplies. Inventory control. Caring and preserving supplies. Disposing and replacing obsolete items. Control of USPS Supply Items 1. Learning Step / Activity 1. Control/Procurement of United States Postal Service Supply Items Method of Instruction: Conference / Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio: 2:30 Time of Instruction: 25 mins Media: Programmed Instruction a. CONTROL OF USPS SUPPLY ITEMS. An individual at each Military Post Office (MPO), in addition to carrying out regular duties, is designated in writing as the "Postal Supply Clerk" to ensure that sufficient supplies are available at all times. The postal supply clerk will monitor the stock level of supplies to prevent overstocking and ensure timely requisitions of items necessary to maintain operations. Specific duties include ordering, receiving and issuing supplies; inventorying controlling (posting and inventorying), caring, and preserving of supplies; and the disposing and replacing of obsolete supplies. NOTE: Show Slide (Procurement of USPS Supplies)

6 Procurement of USPS Supplies
U.S. Postal Service provides MPOs the necessary equipment, publications, and supplies for conducting post office business. Each MPO maintains USPS Publications 223 and 247. Each MPO has an assigned FEDSTRIP which establishes a supply account with MDC. Procurement of USPS Supplies b. PROCUREMENT OF USPS SUPPLIES. The U.S. Postal Service provides MPOs the necessary equipment, publications, and supplies for conducting post office business. (1) Each MPO maintains USPS Publications 223 and 247, which contain a complete listing of USPS equipment and supplies available to operate a post office. Only the items listed in these publications are used by MPOs and postal activities. Common supplies such as pencils, pens, and writing paper not unique to USPS, are obtained through local military supply sources. (2) Each MPO and postal activity has an assigned Federal Standard Requisitioning Issue Procedures (FEDSTRIP) address code. The FEDSTRIP code establishes a supply account with the serving USPS Material Distribution Center (MDC). Requisition all USPS supplies from the MDC, except for Express and Priority Mail items. Order these items from a USPS central location in Indianapolis, Indiana. NOTE: Show Slide (Check on Learning)

7 Check On Learning Q: What are some of the duties of the postal supply clerk? A: Monitor the stock level of supplies, ordering, receiving, and issuing supplies; inventorying controlling, caring and preserving of supplies; and disposing of and replacing of obsolete supplies Q: What publications govern USPS equipment and supplies available to operate an MPO? A: USPS Publications 223 and 247. Q: What does the acronym ‘FEDSTRIP’ stand for? A: Federal Standard Requisitioning Issue Procedures. Code that establishes a supply account with the serving USPS Material Distribution Center Check on Learning NOTE: Conduct a check on learning and summarize the learning activity. Q: What are some of the postal supply clerk's duties? A: Monitor the stock level of supplies, ordering, receiving, and issuing supplies; inventorying controlling, caring and preserving of supplies; and disposing of and replacing of obsolete supplies. Q: What publications govern the USPS equipments and supplies available to operate a post office? A: USPS Publications 223 and 247. Q: What is the acronym and purpose of FEDSTRIP? A: Federal Standard Requisitioning Issue Procedures. Code that establishes a supply account with the serving USPS Material Distribution Center. NOTE: Show Slide (Storing Supplies)

8 Storing and Monitoring Supplies
Maintain supplies in an area designated for storage. A well-organized storage area permits rapid access to supplies. Supply clerks should establish a location numbering system. Storing Supplies 2. Learning Step / Activity 2. Storing and Monitoring Supplies and Inventory Control Method of Instruction: Conference / Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio: 2:30 Time of Instruction: 30 mins Media: Programmed Instruction a. STORING SUPPLIES. Maintain supplies in an area designated for storage of postal supplies. If you are wasteful, or fail to store supplies properly, your stock level may become depleted to the extent that postal operations are hampered. A well-organized storage area permits rapid access to the supplies; therefore; supply clerks should establish a location numbering system to assist in locating each item. NOTE: Show Slide (Sample of Supply Room Layout)

9 Sample of Supply Room Layout
D C-4 E-1 Sample of Supply Room Layout NOTE: Show Slide (Monitoring Supplies) A-2

10 Supply clerks monitor supplies using PS Form 1586, Supply Record.
Monitoring Supplies Supply clerks monitor supplies using PS Form 1586, Supply Record. A separate PS Form 1586 is maintained for each item used. Enter minimum and maximum levels in pencil to allow for adjustments. Monitoring Supplies b. MONITORING SUPPLIES. Supply clerks monitor supplies using PS Form 1586, Supply Record. Maintain a separate PS Form 1586 for each USPS supply item used. PS Form 1586 must reflect the following: The appropriate PS item/form number, a brief (item/form) description, unit of issue, source of supply, maximum and minimum levels, balance on hand; quantity issued, received and ordered. Some of this information is in USPS Publications 223 and 247. NOTE: Refer students to Student Handout pages 2 and 3 NOTE: Show Slide (PS Form 1586 showing Required Information)

11 PS Form 1586 showing required information
NOTE: Enter maximum and minimum levels in pencil to allow for adjustment when requirements change. (Occasionally, the USPS will introduce a new item; this may cause deletion of another item. As supply clerk for your MPO, you must annotate changes in your supply catalog and on the PS Form You will read these changes in the Postal Bulletin your office receives on a biweekly basis.) NOTE: Show Slide (Inventory Control)

12 Establishes minimum and maximum stock quantity.
Inventory Control Establishes minimum and maximum stock quantity. MPOs should maintain at least a 3-month but not more than a 5-month level of supply. Ships should maintain at least a 5-month supply. Inventory Control c. INVENTORY CONTROL. Inventory control establishes the minimum and maximum stock quantity. By maintaining an accurate stock level, you will have sufficient USPS postal supply items available at all times and not run out. Conduct inventory on a semiannual basis, as a minimum (during the months of January and July). This shows the need of supplies and the accuracy of the supply record. Record the inventory count on PS Form 1586. (1). Operating MPOs should maintain at least a 3-month but not more than a 5-month level of supplies. Consider the amount of time it takes to receive supplies from the Material Distribution Center. (2) If you are stationed on a Navy ship deployed for months, be sure you have enough postal supplies to last at least 5 months. NOTE: Show Slide (PS Form 1586 Showing Inventory Entry)

13 Inventory Entry 2018 Figure 2-3 PS Form 1586 Showing Inventory Entry
The example shows that the clerk counted 650 PS Form 3806s during inventory. This inventoried amount is the current balance on hand. Record this amount in the appropriate area. NOTE: Show Slide (Check on Learning) Figure 2-3

14 Check On Learning Q: What must be reflected on PS Form 1586?
A: The appropriate PS item/form number, a brief (item/form) description, unit of issue source of supply; maximum and minimum levels, balance on hand; quantity issued, received and ordered. Q: Why is it necessary to establish a numbering system? A. It aids in the rapid access to the supplies. Q: How often should inventory be conducted? A. At a minimum, semi-annually. Q: What is the minimum level of supplies that should be maintained at an MPO? A. Three months, no more than 5 month level of supplies. Check on Learning NOTE: Conduct a check on learning and summarize the learning activity. Q: What is the form used by supply clerks to monitor supplies in the MPO? A: PS Form 1586, Supply Record. Q: What must be reflected on PS Form 1586? A: The appropriate PS item/form number, a brief (item/form) description, unit of issue source of supply; maximum and minimum levels, balance on hand; quantity issued, received and ordered. Q: Who is responsible for establishing a numbering system in aid of locating supplies? A: The supply clerk. Q. Why is this system necessary? A. It aids in the rapid access to the supplies. Q. How often should inventory be conducted? A. At a minimum, semi-annually. Q. Normally, a MPO should maintain what level of supplies? A. Three months, no more than 5 month level of supplies. Q. What is the exception? If you are stationed on a Navy ship. NOTE: Show Slide (Issuing and Requisitioning Supply Items)

15 Issuing and Requisitioning Supply Items
Issue enough to each section to last a week at a time. Update the ‘Balance on Hand’ on PS Form 1586. Issuing and Requisitioning Supply Items 3. Learning Step / Activity 3. Issuing and Requisitioning USPS Supply Items Method of Instruction: Conference / Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio: 2:30 Time of Instruction: 30 mins Media: Programmed Instruction a. ISSUING SUPPLIES. As a postal supply clerk, try to issue enough supplies to each section of the MPO to last at least a week at a time. Every time you issue supplies, you have to update the balance on hand on PS Form You accomplish this by subtracting the quantity issued from the quantity shown on the "Balance on Hand" column. NOTE: Refer students to Student Handout pages 2 and 3 NOTE: Show Slide (Entry When Issuing Supplies)

16 Entry When Issuing Supplies
2018 Balance on Hand = 650 Minus Quantity Issued = 350 New Balance = 300 Entry When Issuing Supplies In the example given, the supply clerk issued 350 PS Form 3806s and subtracted 350 from the balance on hand (650). The new balance on hand is now Again, write the date the entry is made to the left of the quantity. NOTE: SHOW SLIDE (Determining What To Requisition)

17 Determining What to Requisition
When to order supplies. How much you should order. Prepare supply requisition and annotate PS Form 1586. Determining What To Requisition b. DETERMINING WHAT TO REQUISITION. When do I order supplies? You may be asking this question yourself this moment. Order supplies when your supplies reach, or fall below, the minimum level. (1) Submit normal supply requisitions at anytime, monthly or quarterly. Now that you know when to order supplies, the next question you might ask yourself is "How much do I order?” You must order the necessary quantity to bring your supplies level to the maximum level. (2) After determining when, and how much supplies you need to order, you must prepare a supply requisition and make an entry on the PS Form 1586 for each item ordered. Later in this lesson, you will learn how to order these supplies from the MDC. Let us look at an example for annotating the entry when ordering supplies. NOTE: Refer students to Student Handout pages 2 and 3 NOTE: Show Slide (Entry when Ordering Supplies)

18 Entry When Ordering Supplies
2018 Entry when Ordering Supplies (3) In this example the stock on hand (300) fell below the minimum level (600) on 1 Feb when the clerk issued 350 forms; therefore, the clerk ordered 700 PS Form 3806s on his next supply requisition (5 Feb) to bring the stock level back to the maximum (1000). NOTE: Show Slide (PS Form 7380, MDC Supply Requisition)

19 PS Form 7380 MDC Supply Requisition
Use form to order routine USPS items. Prepare form in duplicate: Original goes to Distribution Center. Copy is retained in MPO files. Number requisitions consecutively. PS Form 7380, MDC Supply Requisition c. SUBMITTING A SUPPLY REQUISITION. So far, you have determined what needs to be requisitioned. Now you have to prepare PS Form 7380 (MDC Supply Requisition), and/or PS Formx DDDP (Express and Priority Mail Supply Order Form). Use PS Form 7380 to order routine USPS items such as office supplies, forms, and publications. Prepare PS Form 7380 in duplicate. Submit the original to the Material Distribution Center and retain the duplicate in the post office files. Order Express and Priority Mail supply items on PS Formx DDDP and submit it to the Express and Priority Mail Supply Center. Number requisitions consecutively beginning with “1” on the 1st of October, followed by F1, (eg1-10). The Military Post Office (MPO) supervisor or the Custodian of Postal Effects (COPE) reviews and signs the requisitions. The procedures for completing PS Form 7380 are as follows: NOTE: Refer student to Student Handout pages 4 and 5 NOTE: Show Slide (Completing PS Form 7380, Top Section)

20 Completing PS Form 7380 Top Section
1 2 Completing PS Form 7380, Top Section (1) - Type MPO supervisor or COPE along with the complete mailing address of your MPO. (2) - Leave blank. (3) - Enter your MPO finance number here. MPO ZIP Codes starting with 09XXX and 34XXX will use finance number MPO ZIP Codes starting with 96XXX will use finance number (4) - Enter your MPO FEDSTRIP address code. (5) - Enter the Julian Date. The Julian Date is a 4-digit number that represents a specific date. The first digit represents the last number of the year, i.e.,8 of 2018 or 9 of The next 3 numbers is a sequential number that represents a specific day of the year starting with 001 for 1 January through 365 for 31 December. See figures 3-4 and 3-5. EXAMPLES: 15 JAN 10 APR   (6) - Enter the requisition number. Number your requisitions consecutively beginning with the number 1 on 1 October followed by the Fiscal Year (FY) for example, 1-10, 2-10, 3-10, etc. (7) - Enter the requisition page number in this section. If more than one page is used to order supplies then enter "1 of 2", "2 of 2," etc. . NOTE: Show Slide (Completing PS Form 7380, Middle Section) 8007 3-18 3 4 5 6 7

21 Completing PS Form 7380 Middle Section
9 10 11 12 13 EP390B PS Form 17 PS Form 1096 PS Form 1510 Completing PS Form 7380, Middle Section (8) - Enter the group of forms and items in the same order as listed in the handout (Appendix G). NOTE: List "EP" Envelopes first; "PS" Forms are listed next, then Labels, etc. List items in each group in numerical order. (9) - Enter the quantity requested. (Ensure that this quantity is the same as the quantity you wrote on PS Form 1586 under the "ORDER" block.) (10) - Enter the Unit of Issue. (11) - Enter a brief description of the item. (12-14) - Leave Blank. NOTE: Show Slide (Completing PS Form 7380, Bottom Section) PS Form 7380 14

22 Completing PS Form 7380 Bottom Section
16 01/07/2018 17 18 15 19 20 Completing PS Form 7380, Bottom Section (15) - Enter the correct mailing address of the MDC. (16) - Print the name of the COPE or MPO supervisor followed by his/her grade and title. (17) - Signature of the COPE or MPO supervisor and date signed. (18-21) - Leave Blank. NOTE: Show Slide (Julian Date Calendar or Perpetual) 21

23 Julian Calendar Perpetual
Julian Date Calendar or Perpetual NOTE: Show Slide (Julian Date Calendar or For Leap Years Only) NOT FOR LEAP YEAR

24 Julian Calendar – Leap Year
Julian Date Calendar or For Leap Years Only NOTE: Show Slide (PS Formx DDDP, Express and Priority Mail Supply Order Form) USE: 2020, 2024, 2028, 2032

25 PS Formx DDDP 1 2 X 25 Use to order Express and Priority Mail supply items ONLY. Order items listed only. Prepare in duplicate. X X PS Formx DDDP, Express and Priority Mail Supply Order Form d. Use PS Formx DDDP to order Express and Priority Mail supply items ONLY. Requisition only items listed on the form. Prepare PS Formx DDDP in duplicate. Submit the original to the Express and Priority Mail Supply Center at the address given below, and retain the duplicate in the post office files. e. Military Post Offices must submit their requisitions on a monthly basis and must be reviewed by the MPO supervisor or the Custodian of Postal Effects (COPE). To complete PS Formx DDDP, follow the instructions given. NOTE: Refer student to Student Handout pages 7 and 8 Instructions for Completing PS Formx DDDP (1) QUANTITY - Check the appropriate block for the amount needed. If the amount needed is not listed under the "Minimum" column, then check "Other" and write the amount. (2) REPEAT ORDERS - Check "Monthly" for each item ordered. (3) SHIP THIS ORDER TO: - Enter your post office mailing address. NOTE: Show Slide (Check on Learning) X 2 C O P E 3 2 7TH P O S T A L C O U N I T B O X 1 5 A P O A E

26 Check On Learning Q: How often is the “Balance on Hand” section updated on PS Form 1586? A: Every time supplies are issued. Q: When should supplies be ordered? A: When supplies fall below the minimum level. Q: What types of supplies are ordered using PS Form 7380? Using PS Formx DDDP? A: Routine USPS items such as office supplies, forms, publications. Express and Priority Mail supplies. Q: How should requisitions be numbered? A: Consecutively beginning with number 1 on 1 Oct, followed by the fiscal year. Check on Learning NOTE: Conduct a check on learning and summarize the learning activity. Q: How often is the balance on hand section updated on the PS Form 1586? A: Every time supplies are issued. Q: When should supplies be ordered? A: When supplies fall below the minimum level. Q: How does a supple clerk determine how much material to order? A: By maximum level, he/she then orders enough supplies to reflect maximum level. Q: PS Form 7380 is used to order what types of supplies? A: Routine USPS items such as office supplies, forms, publications. Q: Which form is used to order Express and Priority Mail supplies? A: PS Formx DDDP. Q: How should requisitions be numbered? Explain. A: Consecutively beginning with number 1 on 1 Oct, followed by the fiscal year. Q: Who reviews the supply requisitions? A: MPO supervisor or the Custodial of Postal Effects (COPE). NOTE: Show Slide (Receiving USPS Postal Supplies)

27 Receiving USPS Postal Supplies
4. Learning Step / Activity 4. Receiving USPS Postal Supplies Method of Instruction: Conference / Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio: 2:30 Time of Instruction: 30 mins Media: Programmed Instruction a. The Material Distribution Center will fill requisitions within 24 hours after receipt. They will enclose in one of your cartons, a shipping order, and a computer printout invoice indicating the action taken by the Distribution Center. NOTE: Show Slide (Example-Shipping Order)

28 Example – Shipping Order
1/15/2018 Example-Shipping Order NOTE: Show Slide (Actions Upon Receiving Supplies)

29 Actions Upon Receiving Supplies
Check the following against each other: Supplies received. Shipping order. MPO copy of PS Form 7380. Report any discrepancies. Record items received on PS Form 1586. Actions Upon Receiving Supplies b. Do the following when supplies are received at your MPO: (1) Check the supplies received against the shipping order and your copy of PS Form 7380 to ensure all items requisitioned were received. When an item is not received and the shipping order does not reflect the reason for non-shipment, report the discrepancy to the Material Distribution Center by memo. Also, submit a copy of the PS Form 7380 from your files and a copy of the shipping order sent to you with the shipment. Record the discrepancy on that particular item on the PS Form 1586. (2) Annotate on the appropriate PS Form 1586, all supply items that were received. Upon completion, file the shipping order in your post office files. Let us see how supplies received are recorded on the PS Form 1586. NOTE: Show Slide (Annotation Items Received onto PS Form 1586)

30 Annotating ‘Items Received’ on PS Form 1586
2018 Balance on Hand = 300 Plus Items Received = 700 New Balance = 1000 Annotation Items Received onto PS Form 1586 c. In the example shown, the supply clerk received 700 PS Form 3806 and entered this amount in the "QTY" column under the "RECEIVED" column, and the date to the left of the quantity. He/She then added the quantity received (700) to the balance on hand (300), and entered the new balance on hand (1000) in the "QTY" column under the "BALANCE ON HAND" column. Enter the date to the left of the quantity. NOTE: Refer students to Student Handout page 6 NOTE: Show Slide (Touch Tone Ordering System)

31 Touch Tone Ordering System (TTOS)
Toll Free Order Lines How To Register How To Access the System How To Place An Order Touch Tone Ordering System d. Based on the location you are assigned to as a postal clerk, you may have the ability to order through the United States Postal Service automated ordering system known as TTOS (Touch Tone Ordering System). This system allows you to order over the phone the supplies you need. When using this system it is still highly recommended that you keep track of exactly what you order. You may use the form shown to do this. The form contains the numbers to call and all instructions needed to use this easy automated system. You can also order your priority and express via phone. The phone number is on the top of each PS Formx DDDP. NOTE: Show Slide (Check on Learning) How To Exit the System

32 Check On Learning Q: What documents are returned with the supplies from the MDC? A: A shipping order, a computer printout invoice. Q: How are discrepancies reported to the MDC? A: In memorandum form. Q: What documents are included with the memo to MDC? A: A copy of the PS Form 7380 and a copy of the shipping order. Q: What is TTOS and what purpose does it serve? A: Touch Tone Ordering System. This system allows you to order over the phone the supplies you need. When using this system it is still highly recommended that you keep track of exactly what you order. Check on Learning NOTE: Conduct a check on learning and summarize the learning activity. Q: What documents are returned with the supplies from the MDC? A: A shipping order, a computer printout invoice. Q: How are discrepancies reported to the MDC? A: In memorandum form. Q: What documents are included with the memorandum to MDC? A: A copy of the PS Form 7380 and a copy of the shipping order. Q: What is TTOS? Explain. A: Touch Tone Ordering System. This system allows you to order over the phone the supplies you need. When using this system it is still highly recommended that you keep track of exactly what you order. NOTE: Show Slide (Terminal Learning Objective)

33 Automated Military Postal System (AMPS)
Instructor Log Into AMPS Operations Folder Equip/Supplies Discuss Various Areas Of Equip/Supplies Demonstrate process but don’t order AMPS Instructors will demonstrate Supply area of AMPS as described above. NOTE: Show Slide TLO

34 Questions?

STANDARDS: Inventory postal supplies and ensure items are issued, ordered and received, without error. The Army Learning Areas (ALA) are the baseline focal points Soldiers and Army Civilians must possess to prevail in the ambiguous environments that challenge the Army today. The four ALAs are: Army Profession and Leadership; Mission Command; Human Dimension; and Professional Competence. The Army Learning Area taxonomy provides a framework to assist in grouping the General Learning Outcomes. The four Army Learning Areas serve as the framework to catalogue the 14 General Learning Outcomes. The General Learning Outcomes (GLOs) are essential outcomes resulting from training, education, and experience along a career continuum of learning. There are three primary purposes for the Army General Learning Outcomes. First, they provide trainers and educators a lens into how effective they are in conveying their support material. Second, it assists in improving instructional design and/or training support packages. Finally it places responsibility on training and education proponents to be nested with ALAs. ALA: Professional Competence GLOs GLO 14: Soldiers and Army Civilians are technically and tactically competent. LESSON OUTCOME Students will learn how to inventory postal supplies and ensure USPS postal items are ordered, issued, and received IAW USPS and DOD directives/guidance in support of postal operations. TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE ACTION: Maintain Postal Supplies CONDITIONS: You are assigned to a Military Post Office (MPO) and are designated as the Postal Supply Clerk. You will monitor the stock level of supplies to prevent overstocking and ensure timely requisitions of items necessary to maintain operations.   Specific duties include ordering, receiving and issuing supplies; inventory controlling (posting and inventorying), caring, and preserving of supplies; and the disposing and replacing of obsolete supplies.   You have access to DOD M (DoD Postal Manual), USPS Publication 223 (Directives and Forms Catalog), USPS Publication 247 ( Supply and Equipment Catalog), PS Form 1586 (Supply Record), PS Form 7380 (Material Distribution Center (MDC) Supply Requisition), PS Form DDDP (Express and Priority Mail Supply Order Form Postal Installations), Julian Calendar, information on the current stock level of supplies on hand and maximum levels allowed, and standard office supplies and equipment. This task should not be trained in MOPP 4. Terminal Learning Objective (TLO) NOTE: At the completion of this lesson, you [the student] will: ACTION: Maintain Postal Supplies CONDITIONS: You are assigned to a Military Post Office (MPO) and are designated as the Postal Supply Clerk. You will monitor the stock level of supplies to prevent overstocking and ensure timely requisitions of items necessary to maintain operations.   Specific duties include ordering, receiving and issuing supplies; inventory controlling (posting and inventorying), caring, and preserving of supplies; and the disposing and replacing of obsolete supplies .  You have access to DOD M (DoD Postal Manual), USPS Publication 223 (Directives and Forms Catalog), USPS Publication 247 ( Supply and Equipment Catalog), PS Form 1586 (Supply Record), PS Form 7380 (Material Distribution Center (MDC) Supply Requisition), PS Form DDDP (Express and Priority Mail Supply Order Form Postal Installations), Julian Calendar, information on the current stock level of supplies on hand and maximum levels allowed, and standard office supplies and equipment. This task should not be trained in MOPP 4. STANDARDS: Inventory postal supplies and ensure items are issued, ordered and received, without error. The Army Learning Areas (ALA) are the baseline focal points Soldiers and Army Civilians must possess to prevail in the ambiguous environments that challenge the Army today. The four ALAs are: Army Profession and Leadership; Mission Command; Human Dimension; and Professional Competence. The Army Learning Area taxonomy provides a framework to assist in grouping the General Learning Outcomes. The four Army Learning Areas serve as the framework to catalogue the 14 General Learning Outcomes. The General Learning Outcomes (GLOs) are essential outcomes resulting from training, education, and experience along a career continuum of learning. There are three primary purposes for the Army General Learning Outcomes. First, they provide trainers and educators a lens into how effective they are in conveying their support material. Second, it assists in improving instructional design and/or training support packages. Finally it places responsibility on training and education proponents to be nested with ALAs. ALA: Professional Competence GLOs GLO 14: Soldiers and Army Civilians are technically and tactically competent. Safety Requirements: In a training environment, leaders must perform a risk assessment in accordance with current Risk Management Doctrine. Leaders will complete the current Deliberate Risk Assessment Worksheet in accordance with the TRADOC Safety Officer during the planning and completion of each task and sub-task by assessing mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support available-time available and civil considerations, (METT-TC). Note: During MOPP training, leaders must ensure personnel are monitored for potential heat injury. Local policies and procedures must be followed during times of increased heat category in order to avoid heat related injury. Consider the MOPP work/rest cycles and water replacement guidelines IAW current CBRN doctrine. Risk Assessment Level: Low Environmental Considerations: Environmental protection is not just the law but the right thing to do. It is a continual process and starts with deliberate planning. Always be alert to ways to protect our environment during training and missions. In doing so, you will contribute to the sustainment of our training resources while protecting people and the environment from harmful effects. Refer to the current Environmental Considerations manual and the current GTA Environmental-related Risk Assessment card Evaluation: Student will be evaluated on their knowledge and understanding of this lesson by completing Performance Test A or B and achieving a minimum of 80% accuracy. Instructional Operating a Military Post Office (MPO) requires knowledgeable personnel and sufficient equipment. Without either, a MPO Lead-In would be useless. Therefore, it is your job as a Military Postal Clerk to ensure supplies are sufficiently maintained. Knowing how to requisition supplies and accurately inventory supplies are paramount in operating an efficient MPO. NOTE: Show Slide –AMPS overview

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