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i-Familynet Family Resources

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1 i-Familynet Family Resources
i-Familynet is a web-based application used by the Department of Children & Families and its provider partners to share information about children and families. The new family resource functionality is provided to support the management of foster and pre-adoptive homes, from the initial recruitment and preliminary assessment through ongoing license renewal processes.

2 Table of Contents Visual Cues in i-Familynet Navigation Overview Family Resource Inquiry/Create Home Dictation Processing Events Application A Application B License Study Annual Event Types Annual Reassessment License Renewal Annual Event Work Flow Diagram Additional Event Types Limited Reassessment Study Update Pre-Adoptive License Study Close Family Resource Reinstate Family Resource Reopen Family Resource

3 i-Familynet Visual Cues
Red Asterisk * a required field Red Shield dimension required and has not been started Red X dimension started but not completed Green Check dimension has been completed Clock BRC has not been completed in the last 45 days Home Status is indicated by the following: Remember to tell everyone: Status icons merely tell you it is done, not the quality of the work (why we have supervisors) I Inquirer A Applicant L Approved License D Denied License R Revoked License

4 Navigation Pane Navigation Overview
Click this icon to view on-screen help text specific to the task that you are performing. Navigation Pane The Resources tab is where you will be able to view and manage the homes that are assigned to you. You can see in the example above that the user has selected a home from the navigation pane to the left. Everything needed to manage this home is located within the four tabs to the right. The Inquiries tab is where you will record all inquiries made by individuals interested in becoming foster and/or pre-adoptive parents.

5 Family Resources Inquiry
i-Familynet Family Resources Inquiry

6 Click a Name to view more information at the bottom of the window.
Record an Inquiry Important Search Tips Always consider nicknames when completing your search criteria! Use the shortest version of the name to receive the most thorough results. For example, using Sam would bring back Sam, Sammy, Samuel, etc. Using Samuel would only bring back Samuel search results. Click a Name to view more information at the bottom of the window. Click the Inquires tab. You must complete a Person Search before adding an Inquiry. Inquiries can be added for people who are already in the database or created for people unknown to i-Familynet. Completing a thorough search is very important so that duplicate people are not created. If you do find the person that you searched for: Click their name and then the Inquiry button, to the far right of their name, to view their information. Click Add New Inquiry from this window to add this new Inquiry. If you have completed a thorough search and you are positive that the person is not already in the database: Click Add New Person and enter the necessary information. Please see next slide.

7 Always confirm that the Primary Language is accurately indicated.
Record an Inquiry Important Note Important Note Always confirm that the Primary Language is accurately indicated. The Validate Address button will validate that you have entered an address that is registered with the USPS. You can move forward if it is not a registered address Enter all necessary information. Please note that all fields indicated by a red asterisk are mandatory. Ethnicity, Race, and Home Phone fields are not mandatory at the time of the Inquiry, but these will need to be completed before you are able to screen the home. Click the Validate Address button and complete necessary action. Click Next to continue.

8 Type will determine the options available in the Program Type field.
Record an Inquiry Samuel Adams The Inquiry Date and Inquiry Time will default to the current date and time. You should adjust this to reflect a prior date and time as needed. Choose Inquiry Type first and then choose Program Type. The choice you make for Inquiry Type will determine the options available in the Program Type field. The Outcome fields are not required. However, once you enter data into any Outcome field, you will need to complete all three fields to save the Inquiry. Be sure that all fields indicated by a red asterisk are completed before trying to Save. Click Save. You have successfully entered the person into our database as a resource inquirer.

9 Create Home Multiple inquiries can be recorded for a person.  The Inquiry Summary portion of this window will display the Inquiry history of the selected person. When you click the Create Home button the person in focus is automatically categorized as the ‘Primary Caregiver’ of that home. Create Home will assign the home to the user completing this action. The Home can be reassigned to another staff member at a later date if necessary. Click the Create Home button. Important Note You can also access the Inquiry Summary window by clicking the Open Inquiry button across from a name in your search results. This is how you would add a new Inquiry to someone who has previously expressed interest in becoming a foster parent.

10 Create Home Enter the “Name of Resource” under the Family Resource Home section. Please note that the Resource Name will show on the list of homes assigned to the worker, and throughout the application. It should be something logical and easily identifiable. You must include the Division/Unit where the Family Resource will be assigned in order to complete the Create Home process. You can add a secondary caregiver into the home at the time that the home is created. This action can also be completed later if necessary.

11 Create Home Once the home has been created it will display on the Resources tab of the staff to who created it. Resources in the Navigation Pane will have an icon next to their name: I = Inquirer A = Applicant L = Approved License D = Denied License R = Revoked License

12 Information/Collaterals
The Information tab will provide a list of Household members for the home. This Information will include Name, Person I.D., Date of Birth, Role in the Household, etc. Anyone using the application, who has a Resources tab, can search for a home and view the Information tab. You must have specific rights to a home to view any other information. Status History - This will give the user a chronological history of the homes path from the time of their first inquiry. Collaterals - You can click this button to add information about other people involved with this home. This information must include at least a Name, Date, Role and Address. It is important to note that anyone whom you add as a collateral will not display in future search results in the application. Adding them here simply displays them in this Home record as a collateral.

13 Family Resources Dictation
i-Familynet Family Resources Dictation

14 Dictation Every interaction or communication with, or on behalf of, a Family Resource needs to be recorded as Dictation. Interactions and communications have several key components:  the method of the communication (Telephone Call, , In Person, etc), the purpose of the communication (References, Home Visit, Obtain/Provide Information), and the description of the interaction.  Dictation entries can be linked to Events performed during the management of the home. Click the Print button to print your Dictation. If you would only like to print a specific type of Dictation you’ll need to use the Dictation Filter prior to clicking the Print button. Dictation entries can be searched for by using the Dictation Filter using the following criteria: date range, contact method, contact purpose, staff member. Click Add New to begin a new entry.

15 Dictation Enter the Contact Date and Contact Time. These default to the current but should be changed to accurately reflect the interaction. Enter the Contact Method and Contact Purpose Click the Add button in the Contact With/Attempted portion of the window. The window will refresh. Use the checkboxes to select the Household Members involved in the contact. Enter narrative. Click Save.

16 Dictation Be sure to enter all contacts relevant to References that you receive for the potential foster parent. These will be required later. For example, the completion of a License Study requires that you have at least a Personal and Medical Reference dictation entry to link to your License Study Event.

17 Family Resources Application A
i-Familynet Family Resources Application A

18 Events can be broken down into 3 classifications: Preliminary
Event Overview The Events module allows users to record all assessments that occur in the management of Family Resource Home. Events can be broken down into 3 classifications: Preliminary Application A: Initial Eligibility/Screening, Application B: License Study Information, and License Study Chronological Annual Reassessment, and License Renewal As Needed Limited Reassessment, Pre-Adoptive License Study, and Study Update (including License Study Update/Kinship -License Study/Child- Specific License Study)

19 Event Overview The Resources tab is where you will be able to view and manage the homes that are assigned to you. You can see in the example above that the user has selected a home from the navigation pane to the left. Everything needed to manage this home is located within the four tabs to the right. The information in this lesson will instruct you on how to record a Family Resource “Event”.

20 Application A The “Application A Initial Eligibility Screening” event allows a user to record the preliminary application that occurs in the screening of a Family Resource Home. The Application A occurs as the first event for the Family Resource’s episode. It is the initial screening allowing the worker to determine the Family Resource’s eligibility to move toward licensure. Click the Add New button Complete the Event Date Select an Event Type: Application A Select a Reason: Caregiver Interest Click Save

21 Application A Four dimensions are required for the Application A event: Home & Household, Background Record Check, Physical Standards and Subjective Narrative. The Home & Household dimension lists all household members. Clicking on the Action button will open the record for each person. Tabs that you will see include: Demographics, Address, Communication, Marital Status and Relationships. Click the Action button to modify or enter the Home and Household information. Please see next slide.

22 Application A – Marital Status
The Home & Household dimension should include all household members as defined by the Family Resource policy: those individuals residing in the Family Resource Home as well as those who spend substantial time in the home. Use the tabs to complete/edit all necessary information. All fields indicated by a red asterisk are mandatory. At a minimum you will need to complete the Marital Status tab before the Home and Household section is considered complete. Remember, you will need the primary caregiver SSN. Please confirm that the information on each tab is up to date and accurate. See next slide for sample Marital Status data entry.

23 Application A – Marital Status
Click the Marital Status tab and then the Add New button. Each of these tabs has an Add New button to initiate adding new information. For example, if you wanted to add a new Address or a new Relationship you would also start by clicking Add New on the respective tab.

24 Application A – Marital Status
Select a Marital Status from the dropdown. Enter a Start Date. Add any necessary Comments Click Save.

25 Application A – Marital Status
You can now see that the Home and Household Dimension is complete because of the appearance of the green checkmark. Please remember that Home & Household, Background Record Check, Physical Standards and Subjective Narrative must be completed before an Application A can be submitted for review.

26 For any addition that you make to a household you will have to record the relationship of that person to the primary caregiver (and secondary caregiver if there is one). Application A – Relationship Important Notes Someone who is a “spouse” or “live-in partner” cannot be added as a household member, they must be added as a secondary caregiver. Babysitters should have a relationship type of “other” to the caregivers unless they are a relative. Establish the relationship The start date is the date the relationship began (date of marriage, date of child’s birth, etc). Click Save

27 Important BRC Notes Application A – BRC There are two categories of Background Record Check: Foster/Adoptive - includes all people over 14 yrs. living in the household. General - includes anyone labeled Household Member who does not reside in the household. If you have not yet submitted a BRC request, the dimension will have the shield icon displayed. If you have submitted a BRC request, but it has not been processed the red X icon will be displayed. If the BRC has been processed, the system will show the green checkmark. The green checkmark does not mean the BRC is “good” but only that it has been completed. If 45 days have elapsed since the BRC was processed, the clock icon will display. This BRC has expired and a new request must be submitted to complete the event. If the BRC returns with a household disposition showing anything but “No BRC Restrictions” a waiver will need to be processed with the DCF Central Office Foster Care and Adoption Services Unit. If a new household member (aged 14 or older) is added after the BRC request was processed, the status icon will change from the green check mark back to the red X. A new BRC request that includes all household members will need to be processed.

28 Application A – Physical Standards
All 15 required physical standards must be completed. If you change the home address of a family while the event is in process the green check will revert back to a red X. Enter the date of the visit Enter whether the standard is met, not met, or not applicable. Comments concerning the standard are optional. Click Save.

29 Application A – Subjective Narrative
Important Note The questions that need to be answered for the narrative are available under the question mark icon above the Narrative box Click Add New to enter the Subjective Narrative window. Verify the Date of narrative and Type of narrative. Click Add New to enter a Narrative. Enter the Narrative (or cut and paste from another document) Click Save.

30 Click to Print the document
Application A – Event Summary Click to Print the document View Event Summary allows you to view all information that has been entered for the event. To print the document click the printer icon in the upper right Click Cancel to leave the screen

31 Application A – Recommendation
Use the dropdown to select a License Recommendation. Select a Type of Home. Use the checkboxes to select the new service(s) that this home will likely provide. The actual services will be determined at the conclusion of the License Study. Select the appropriate Capacity. Enter any necessary Comments. Click Submit Recommendation. See next slide for Kinship/Child and Emergency placement guidance.

32 When submitting a Kinship/Child Specific recommendation for an
Application A you will be asked “Is this an Emergency Placement”? Application A – Recommendation Kinship/Child Specific If you answer “Yes” you will be prompted to answer “Placement Occurred Prior to Today”? If you answer “Yes” to this you will be asked “CORI Completed By? and also the “Placement Date”. If you answer “No” you will complete the remainder of the window per the usual. Emergency placement will require Area Director review.

33 Application A – Recommendation
Click Submit Recommendation at the bottom of the Recommendation screen. Review your Recommendation Summary Click the Confirm & Submit button.

34 Application A – Review The FR Supervisor will receive the App A for the first review. This notice will appear on their Work Reminders tab. The Supervisor will need to click the Open button (circled above) and review the Application A and the completed Recommendations for the home. The Supervisor then needs to use one of the buttons below to respond. If Accepted by the Supervisor, the Family Resource Area Program Manager, or Reg. Clinical Dir, will receive the final review request. Click this button to view a summary of completed tasks for this Event, including who completed the task and when. Click this button to send a Work Reminder to the staff who completed the Event requesting that it be edited in some way. You can use the Comment field to describe the necessary edit(s). Click this button to indicate that the Event and its Recommendations have been reviewed and that it is appropriate. This action will prompt the Recommendation summary window and the need to select Confirm and Submit.

35 Family Resources Application B
i-Familynet Family Resources Application B

36 Application B The Application B/ License Study Information is the second Event to assess a new Family Resource. The B allows users to record the remaining application information necessary for the completion of the Initial Eligibility/Screening for a Family Resource Home. Important Note Subjective Narrative is the only required dimension for the Application B.   Completing the B allows the applicant to file for a Fair Hearing if they desire. Do not complete the B if you are going to close an ineligible home. Click the Add New button on the Subjective Narrative Summary window. You will also need to click Add New on the subsequent window.

37 Application B – Subjective Narrative
Click the ? icon to view the list of five Questions that must be answered to complete the Subjective Narrative. Answer each question in a narrative format. Click Save when finished. A green check mark will appear next to Subjective Narrative in the navigation pane. This needs to be submitted for Recommendation in order to reach a status of Completed. See next slide.

38 Application B – Recommendation
There is no review process for the Application B event.  Once the Subjective Narrative questions are answered and the event is submitted, it is complete. Enter any necessary Comments and click Submit. The Application B is complete, you can now proceed to the License Study.

39 Family Resources License Study
i-Familynet Family Resources License Study

40 License Study The License Study is the third event to assess a new Family Resource.  The License Study Event determines the Family Resource’s eligibility for licensure. Five dimensions are required for the License Study event: : Background Record Check (BRC) Physical Standards Training References & Observations Subjective Narrative

41 Please see slide #27 for information regarding the completion the BRC
License Study Please see slide #27 for information regarding the completion the BRC Please see slide #28 for information regarding the completion of Physical Standards.

42 License Study – Training
Important Note License Study – Training Required training for both caregivers to satisfy a License Study event includes: MAPP training for IFC and Unrestricted homes Kinship/Child-Specific Training Guide for Kinship/Child-Specific homes Click Add New from the Training window to begin. Complete all necessary fields. Those with a red asterisk are mandatory. Click Save.

43 License Study – References & Observations
Important Note You will need to have completed Dictation entries which refer to the acquisition of at least the Medical Reference, Personal Reference, and Employment reference, if caregiver works. Click the References and Observations Dimension. If necessary, you may use the References and Observations Search to find any/all appropriate Dictation entries. Your Search results will display in the lower (Unlinked Dictations) portion of the window. Use the Link button to link any appropriate Dictation entries, I.e. Personal Reference, to this License Study. Once you have linked at least one Medical and Personal Reference you will earn the green checkmark. Dictation entries linked to an event cannot be used again in a different event.

44 License Study – Subjective Narrative
Use the Topic dropdown to select a Topic. The ? to the right will provide prompts specific to the Topic that you have selected. Provide information for each Topic. Click Save.

45 License Study – Recommendation
Important Note The License Study Event will proceed through a supervisor and manager review.   Use the dropdown to select a License Recommendation. Select a Type of Home. Use the checkboxes to select the Service. Enter any necessary Comments. Comments are required for a deny license recommendation. Click Submit Recommendation On the next window you will need to carefully review the recommendation and click Confirm and Submit. After the completion of the Supervisor and Manager reviews: the Supervisor will receive a Work Reminder to “reconcile” the recommended services for the family resource. You will not be able to complete a service referral for this home until services have been “reconciled”.

46 Family Resources Additional Event Types
i-Familynet Family Resources Additional Event Types

47 Annual Reassessment Event
The Annual Reassessment Event allows users to record the information that is required to verify a Family Resource Home continues to meet licensing standards at their anniversary date. The Annual Reassessment occurs one year after the Family Resource home had its License Study and one year from its most recent License Renewal.   Ninety (90) days before the Family Resource’s License Study/Renewal anniversary date, the system will create the Annual Reassessment Event and issue a work reminder to the assigned family resource worker for its completion.  Annual Reassessments cannot be manually added. The event should be submitted for review 30 days prior to the anniversary date to assure that the Annual Reassessment is completed before the anniversary date. Four dimensions are required for the Annual Reassessment Event: Background Record Check (BRC) Physical Standards References & Observations Subjective Narrative Once all required dimensions are completed successfully the Event needs to be submitted for review.  In order to do this, you must first make a license recommendation on this event - either to Continue License, Modify License, or Revoke the License. Once submitted, the Annual Reassessment Event will proceed through a supervisor and manager review and then reach a status of completed.  If the recommendation is to Continue License or Modify License, then the Family Resource’s license remains in good standing for another year.

48 License Renewal Event The License Renewal Event allows users to record the information that is required to reissue a license for a Family Resource Home. The License Renewal occurs two years after the Family Resource home had its License Study approved and one year from its most recent Annual Reassessment.  It is the event that determines the Family Resource’s continued eligibility. Ninety (90) days before the Family Resource’s annual reassessment date, the system will create the License Renewal Event and issue a work reminder to the worker for its completion.  The event should be submitted for review 30 days prior to the anniversary date to assure that the License Renewal is completed before the anniversary date. Four dimensions are required for the Annual Reassessment Event: Background Record Check (BRC) Physical Standards References & Observations Subjective Narrative Once all required dimensions are completed successfully the Event needs to be submitted for review.  In order to do this, you must first make a license recommendation on this event - either to Continue License, Modify License, or Revoke the license. Once submitted, the License Renewal Event will proceed through a supervisor and manager review and then reach a status of completed.  If the recommendation is to Continue License or Modify License, then the Family Resource’s license is renewed for two more years.

49 Annual Event Flow All subsequent annual Work Reminders will be based on this Approval date 21 mths. after license approval 11 mths. after license approval 24 mths. after license approval License Renewal Work Reminder appears Worker submits Annual Reass. for review License Approved Supervisor and Manager Review/Approve L.R. 9 mths. after license approval 23 mths. after license approval 12 mths. after license approval Annual Reassessment Work Reminder appears Worker Submits L.R. for review Supervisor and Manager Review/Approve Annual Reass. Ongoing work occurs and all communication regarding the family resource should be recorded on the dictation tab, including: family resource home visits social worker observations references received family resource training completed Entering annual event information includes: update Home and Household, if necessary gather outstanding References/Observations revisit Physical Standards request the Background Record Check write Subjective Narrative answering all 20 questions record any completed training in Training Dimension

50 Limited Reassessment Event
The Limited Reassessment event allows users to record the information that is required to verify a Family Resource Home continues to meet licensing standards due to a change in the home or filing of a 51A. The Limited Reassessment occurs at specific times as required by policy when a review of the home is needed.  It is an event that determines the Family Resource’s continued eligibility for licensure. A Limited Reassessment can be initiated at any time that an issue presents itself and requires review of the Family Resource home, I.e. someone moves in who is not an identified Caregiver, add a babysitter, add a frequent visitor, home renovations, a Service needs to be added to a license, .  The window will display a list of Required reasons for a Limited Reassessment: Supported 51A/B, Family Moved, DCF-Initiated Emergency Removal or Corporal Punishment. Only one dimension is required for the Limited Reassessment event:  Subjective Narrative. However, the worker should use his/her clinical judgment as to which other Dimensions should also be included. For example, if a family moved they should include Physical Standards. Once the necessary information is completed successfully the Event needs to be submitted for review.  In order to do this, you must first make a license recommendation on this event - either to Continue License, Modify License, or Revoke License. Once submitted, the Limited Reassessment event will proceed through a supervisor and manager review and then reach a status of completed.  This outcome determines if the Family Resource home will remain open and licensed.

51 Study Update Event The Study Update Event occurs when an update of the home’s record is needed that involves a change to license information. A Study Update event can be initiated at any time that a change to the home presents itself and requires updating the Family Resource home’s record, I.e. a secondary caregiver has moved into the home, Required reasons for a Study Update event include: License Study Update, Kinship License Study, or Child-Specific License Study. Only one dimension is required for the Study Update event:  Subjective Narrative. You can optionally enter information in non-required dimensions if clinically necessary.   You must also Submit the Event with Recommendations for review. Once submitted, the Study Update will proceed through a supervisor and manager review and reach a status of completed.   For additional information regarding an Other Event please refer to the Family Resource Help files in the web application.

52 Pre-Adoptive License Study Event
The Pre-Adoptive License Study Event allows users to record the information that is required to study a licensed Family Resource Home for a pre-adoptive placement. The Pre-Adoptive License Study occurs when a licensed Family Resource home wants to pursue a pre-adoptive placement. It is the event that determines the Family Resource’s eligibility for providing pre-adoptive services. A Pre-Adoptive License Study event can be initiated at any time that a licensed Family Resource home requests to adopt a child. The Pre-Adoptive License Study is the only event that can be assigned to a secondary worker in another agency/division for completion. Four dimensions are required for the Pre-Adoptive License Study event: Background Record Check (BRC) Physical Standards References & Observations Subjective Narrative Once all required dimensions are completed successfully the Event needs to be submitted for review. The only recommendations that can be made are to Modify License and add Pre-Adoptive services to the home or to Deny License Study and not add Pre-Adoptive services. Once submitted, the Pre-Adoptive License Study event will proceed through a supervisor and manager review and then reach a status of completed. When a secondary worker is assigned, he/she may only work on the Pre-Adoptive License Study and cannot do other Event work in the Family Resource home. He/She can add Dictation. Likewise, the assigned primary worker cannot make changes to the Pre-Adoptive License Study if it is assigned to a secondary worker.

53 Close Family Resource Before Attempting to Close a Family Resource please be sure that : There are no children placed in the home There are no active service referrals for placement to the home. There are no open services for the home. Select the family resource to be closed. Click the Close Family Resource button. Click the appropriate “Initiated By” option. This selection dictates the options that you will see in the Reason dropdown menu. Select the Reason for the closing. Provide a “Closing Narrative”. Click Submit to send for Review by your Supervisor and APM.

54 Reinstate Family Resource
If a formerly licensed family resource inquires about returning to again provide foster care: (including an active subsidy vendor) You must first search for the person in i-Familynet and record the Inquiry so that it is added to their Inquiry Summary. If the resource was closed within the last six months and is returning to the same agency that it previously worked for i-Familynet will provide you with the “Reinstate Home” button. Reinstate Home will create an Event (similar to an Annual Reassessment) that will need to be completed. Upon the favorable recommendation of this Event the home will be re-licensed and fall back into its old annual Event flow.

55 Reopen Family Resource
If a former licensed family resource inquires about returning to again provide foster care: (including an active subsidy vendor) You must first search for the person in i-Familynet and record the Inquiry so that it is added to their Inquiry Summary. If the resource has been closed for more than six months or is returning to a different agency than it previously worked for i-Familynet will provide you with the “Reopen” button. You will need to start from the beginning/Application A with this family resource.

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