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How to focal mechanisms a review for Lab 12

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1 How to focal mechanisms a review for Lab 12
Modified from online version created by Peter Polivka

2 On LOWER hemisphere projections the arc bows in the dip direction

3 How do things move? Compression (Black) moves away
Along the red line - Right lateral strike slip fault b/c the block you look at moves to your right This would be left lateral along the alternate plane What type of fault is this? Is this left or right lateral?

4 What are each of these? How can you tell?
Normal Reverse/Thrust Map view

5 To figure out the 2 alternate fault planes – start with one plane at a time
What type of fault is this? oblique normal

6 Connect the endpoints

7 Which way is the dip?

8 To measure dip: visualize stereonet

9 Rotate poles to strike line

10 Read off dip 0o 30o 60o ~77o 90o

11 2 strike options – which one for R.H.R.?

12 2 strike options – which one for R.H.R.?
L R NO GOOD Option 1

13 2 strike options – which one for R.H.R.?
CORRECT! R L Option 1

14 Read off the strike ~298o Option 2 0o 330o 30o 300o 60o 270o 90o 240o

15 Once one fault plane is complete, do the 2nd fault plane
Striking 298o Dipping 77o Striking 190o Dipping 39o

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