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Customers: Your Greatest Asset or Your Worst Nightmare? TASTER SLIDES!!

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Presentation on theme: "Customers: Your Greatest Asset or Your Worst Nightmare? TASTER SLIDES!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Customers: Your Greatest Asset or Your Worst Nightmare? TASTER SLIDES!!

2 Agenda What is Selling The Sales Process Having a Purpose Communication Skills –Questioning Skills –Presentation Skills –Sales Tips and Checklist Practical – Assertiveness in Difficult Circumstances

3 Why Sell? Production minus sales=scrap Pays for our salaries Develops the business Provides profits to reinvest

4 Ancient Chinese Proverb A man without a smiling face must not open a shop

5 Who would you rather buy from? Bored and unhelpfulPleasant and interested

6 Empathy empathize (also empathise) verb understand and share the feelings of another.

7 Have a Selling Purpose Sales is not your goal in life, it is an objective Help people get good feelings they want about what they bought and themselves Have a Purpose

8 Funnelling Open questions Directive questions Closed questions Closing

9 Presenting your product/service Product Preciousness Personalise the presentation Say/Show principle Magic Wand Hands on principle

10 Communication TransmitterMessageReceiver // = interference/Noise //

11 Visual Auditory Kinaesthetic Which is your preference? Communication Channels Digital

12 Features Advantages Benefits Features tell, benefits sell So What Test

13 What do you make of these people?

14 Using the Voice I Love You

15 Menacing Remember this is what we want to see: –Assertive

16 Meet the MADMAXMAN

17 Thank you If you would like to face the MADMAXMAN for real please let one of us know and leave your details

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