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VISION Developer 9.0 Upgrade Training.

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Presentation on theme: "VISION Developer 9.0 Upgrade Training."— Presentation transcript:

1 VISION Developer 9.0 Upgrade Training

2 Introduction The components of the VISION display: 1. Main Menu
2. Workbench Menu 3. Workbench 4. Project Work Areas (hierarchies) 5. Links Windows Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Intro – VISION Display

3 Identify each of the components of the main VISION display
Objective Identify each of the components of the main VISION display Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Obj – Vision display

4 Main Idea Workbench Menu Main Menu Main -Vision display Sum Intro Obj
Exp E.g. Prac Main -Vision display

5 Main Idea Workbench Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac

6 Project Work Areas (Hierarchies)
Main Idea Project Work Areas (Hierarchies) Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac

7 Main Idea Links Windows Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac

8 Interlude Let’s take a closer look Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac

9 Explanation Workbench Menu Main Menu Modifies workbench
Access almost everything from Main Menu Modifies workbench Only visible when workbench is open Main Menu: On top of every VISION screen. Menu bar will change with the type of window that is active Workbench Menu: located on the top of the VISION Workbench. only visible when the workbench is displayed (click to make info disapear() Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Exp Vision display

10 Explanation Workbench Project Work Areas (Hierarchies)
Hierarchy is synonymous with work areas Perform all instructional activities here Analysis Objective Program Contains one or more hierarchies Three types of work areas: Analysis, Objective, Program Workbench: The VISION Workbench is designed to help you carry out instructional analysis and design activities from a hierarchy perspective. Contain one or more hierarchies. A Workbench - two areas: the Hierarchy area, and the Links window You can resize either region up or down. You can also ‘undock,’ the links windows Hierarchy: three types of hierarchies – Analysis, Objective, and Program terms ‘work area’ and ‘hierarchy’ are often used interchangeably Explain different hierarchies? One or more work areas at a time Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac

11 Shows relationship between hierarchies
Explanation Links Windows Shows relationship between hierarchies Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac

12 Summary and Questions Sum - Vision display Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g.
Prac Sum Vision display

13 VISION’s Main Menu Bar Introduction Intro -Main Menu Bar Sum Intro Obj
Exp E.g. Prac Intro -Main Menu Bar

14 Locate the appropriate Main Menu button for a given operation
Objective Locate the appropriate Main Menu button for a given operation Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Obj Main Menu Bar

15 Main Idea Manage Action Tracking Various Preference functions
Open/Close, Print, Settings Jump to date Search database Open various features Open/Close workbenches Open and generate tests Reports and Documents Single node Functions Project and work area settings Cross reference functions Open and arrange windows Help Programs Extras Security, Import/ Export File Open, close, print and personal settings Setup Change password and preferences Project Work areas, Qual Cards, Recycle Bin, Change Project View Reveal items, change colors and open various features Node Insert, delete and expand hierarchies Outcomes Reports and documents Search Various ways to search the VISION database Cross Reference Open/close, show/hide cross reference items Workbench Open/customize specific workbenches Test Open, delete and generate tests Action Items Manage action items and question feedback Versioning Jump to Date Other Features Security, Tables, Import/Export Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Window Open/arrange windows Help VISION Help, User Guide, What’s New, Advisor Main -Main Menu Bar

16 Main Idea Open a Text Document Print Options Workbench
Reports and Documents Search Qual Cards Cross Reference Tables Question Feedback Test Help Options Logged Project Owning Project Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac

17 Let’s take a closer look
Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Interlude

18 Explanation New Print settings Open Exit Close Reports and documents
Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Exp Main Menu Bar

19 Explanation Change Password Edit Preferences Save Current Workspace
Change colors Change Language Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac

20 Explanation Open a Work Area Open a Recycle Bin
Open a different project View your security settings Access Qualification Cards Make a new Work Area Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac

21 Explanation Open the Links Windows Select toolbars to view
Select hierarchy columns to show or hide Show or hide VISION’s status bar Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac

22 Explanation Various Review Manipulate hierarchy hierarchy questions
functions Manipulate hierarchy Review questions Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac

23 Explanation Generate reports and documents Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g.

24 Explanation Various search functions Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac

25 Explanation Cross Reference Open, insert Various cross Setting up and
using tables Open, insert and delete table items Various cross reference table functions Search table items Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac

26 Explanation Open groups of work areas Help with activities Customize
Opens work areas Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac

27 Explanation Open tests Usable when tests are open Generates tests
New tests Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac

28 Explanation Opens Action Tracking Opens Question Feedback Sum Intro
Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac

29 Explanation View the hierarchy at a past date Sum Intro Obj Main Exp
E.g. Prac

30 Explanation View your security profile
Manipulate VISION tables for projects Open the Import/Export utility Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac

31 Explanation New window Arrange windows Customize windows Sum Intro Obj
Main Exp E.g. Prac

32 Explanation Opens various help programs Additional information Sum
Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac

33 Summary and Questions Sum –Main Menu Bar Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g.
Prac Sum –Main Menu Bar

34 VISION’s Workbench Menu
Introduction VISION’s Workbench Menu Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Intro –Workbench Menu

35 Locate the appropriate Workbench Menu button for a given operation
Objective Locate the appropriate Workbench Menu button for a given operation Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Obj Workbench Menu

36 Opens different hierarchies
Main Idea Opens different hierarchies Open Analysis work area Open Objective work area Open Program work area Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Main -Workbench Menu

37 Hierarchy insert location
Main Idea Hierarchy insert location Insert as “last child” *Point out the red bar as an indicator of below, above or last Insert as “sibling above” Insert as “sibling below” Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac

38 Main Idea Unlink branch Delete branch Remove components
Point out that that X will permanently delete And, Unlink will move branch to the Recycle Bin Delete branch Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac

39 Main Idea Color attributes Change font Format hierarchies Sum Intro
Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac

40 Main Idea Shows different visual orientations of hierarchies
Show Flowchart Shows different visual orientations of hierarchies Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac

41 Main Idea Show Steps Show Instructional Advisor Help Sum Intro Obj
Exp E.g. Prac

42 Summary and Questions Sum –Workbench Menu Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g.
Prac Sum –Workbench Menu

43 Introduction Launch a SAT Activity
Use the Main Menu to launch SAT activities on the workbench Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Intro – ACTIVITY

44 Objective Launch a SAT activity Obj – ACTIVITY Sum Intro Obj Main Exp
E.g. Prac Obj – ACTIVITY

45 Main Idea SAT activities are launched from “Workbench” on the Main Menu. Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Main - ACTIVITY

46 Summary and Questions Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Sum ACTIVITY

47 Intro – analysis workscreen
Introduction The Levels of the Analysis Hierarchy Different workscreens related to each level Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Intro – analysis workscreen

48 Obj -analysis workscreen
Objective Identify features and organization of the workscreen for each analysis hierarchy level Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Obj analysis workscreen

49 Main -analysis workscreen
Main Idea The Analysis Hierarchy workscreens are organized by pages. All levels have a General, Cross-Reference, Document Links, and Past Versions page. Other levels will have special pages for extra information. Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Main -analysis workscreen

50 interlude Let’s take a closer look Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac

51 Exp -analysis workscreen
Explanation Organizers, Job position, Responsibility Area, Function and Phase all have the same four page options. General Page Document Links Page Cross Reference Page Past Version Page All levels contain this page Provides a place to link documents to the training unit. Provides a place to record changes and access previous versions. Contains the title, ID, and other information that all nodes must encompass. Provides a place to link cross reference items to the training unit. Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Exp analysis workscreen

52 Task, Element, and Skill/Knowledge have extra page options.
Explanation Task, Element, and Skill/Knowledge have extra page options. Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac

53 Explanation Procedure Page
The Element Properties Window has the Conditions, Standards, Procedure, and OJT Notes pages in addition to the standard pages. Procedure Page Add step-by-step instructions on how to do a procedure. Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac

54 Explanation Questions Page
The Skill/Knowledge Properties Window has a Questions page in addition to the standard pages. Questions Page Unique to the Skills/Knowledge level Displays a list of test questions that are currently associated with the selected objective. Used in very limited circumstances Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac

55 Sum -analysis workscreen
Summary and Questions Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Sum -analysis workscreen

56 Introduction Objectives Workscreen
How properties of an objective are documented in VISION Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Intro – obj workscreen

57 Identify the properties of the objective workscreen
Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Obj – obj workscreen

58 Main Idea The properties of the Objective workscreen are available in the following pages: Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Main – obj workscreen

59 Let’s take a closer look
Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Interlude

60 Explanation General Contains the objective title (behavior), ID, conditions, standards and other information that nodes must contain. Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Exp – obj workscreen

61 Explanation Version Comments
Provides a place to record information on each revision that you make to this node. Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac

62 Explanation Past Versions
Provides a record of changes to the node and a way to view previous versions of it. Menu Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac

63 Sum – question workscreen
Summary and Questions Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Sum – question workscreen

64 Intro -Program workscreen
Introduction Program Workscreen Understanding how to navigate through the Program workscreen Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Intro -Program workscreen

65 Obj -Program workscreen
Objective Identify the properties of the workscreen pages associated with Program titles Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Obj Program workscreen

66 Main -Program workscreen
Main Idea The properties of the Program workscreen are available in the following pages: Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Main -Program workscreen

67 Sum -Program workscreen
Summary and Questions Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Sum -Program workscreen

68 Intro -Analysis Structure
Introduction Job Analysis Hierarchy Structure The hierarchy levels that VISION supports Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Intro -Analysis Structure

69 Obj -Analysis Structure
Objective Identify the levels of a job analysis hierarchy structure supported in VISION Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Obj Analysis Structure

70 Main -Analysis Structure
Main Idea These are the job analysis hierarchy levels supported in VISION: Hierarchy Terms Definition Job The title of a position Responsibility Area A broad aspect of a job that usually takes up the majority of work time A set of activities within a job responsibility. Also referred to as a Duty Area Function Occupies exclusive time slices of a function and are interdependent Phase The measurable activities that comprise the job; usually grouped by phases or functions Task Used to divide complex tasks or when the task can be done in more than one way Sub Task Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Main -Analysis Structure

71 Let’s take a closer look
Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac interlude

72 Exp -Analysis Structure
Explanation JOB Job A position with a title Involves an ongoing collection of work functions Compromises the worker’s entire set of responsibilities Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Exp Analysis Structure

73 Explanation Responsibility Area The first step in breaking a job
into hierarchy components Responsibility Area Responsibility Area General areas of a job, rather than specific duties Results in more than one specific outcome The job holder operates within one responsibility at a time. Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac

74 Explanation Function (Duty Area) A set of activities within a
Job A set of activities within a responsibility area Responsibility Area Responsibility Area Function Function May comprise a process with a definitive beginning and end Directed toward a whole outcome, product or result Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac

75 Explanation Phase Some functions can be separated into phases
Job Responsibility Area Responsibility Area They occupy exclusive time slices of a function Function Function They are interdependent: the outcome of most phases is input to the next Phase Phase Phase Each usually contains more than one major task Not all functions contain phases! Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac

76 Explanation Task Results in a product, completion of a service or decision. Job Responsibility Area Responsibility Area Has a definite beginning and end Function Function Generally contains two or more steps Phase Phase Phase Normally performed within one specific period of time Task Task Task Task Can usually be observed and measured Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac

77 Explanation Sub Task A subtask is used if either of these
Job A subtask is used if either of these two conditions apply: Responsibility Area Responsibility Area 1. The task can be performed in more than one way based on conditions, equipment or circumstances Function Function Phase Phase Phase 2. The task is so complex that each step or element is actually a task itself. Task Task Task Task Sub Task Sub Task Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac

78 Sum -Analysis Structure
Summary and Questions Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Sum -Analysis Structure

79 Two Types of Sub-Tasks Introduction Intro – Sum Intro Obj Main Exp
E.g. Prac Intro –

80 Objective Differentiate between the two types of Sub- Tasks available in VISION Developer. Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Obj –

81 Main Idea The two types of subtasks in VISION are Conditional Tasks and Component Tasks. Conditional Tasks: Tasks are broken into sub-tasks that are preformed under different conditions. Component Tasks: A task that has been broken up into smaller tasks. Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Main -

82 Explanation Conditional
Conditional sub-tasks distinguish between a task done under one condition and the same task done under a different condition. The parent task here is an organizer and each sub-task must be mastered individually. Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Exp -

83 Explanation Conditional
Conditional sub-tasks represent the task in different conditions. In this case, the parent task is an organizer that can only have sub-tasks as children. All elements and SK items must be children of the sub-tasks. Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Exp -

84 Explanation Component
Component sub-tasks are parts of a larger task that has been broken up. These sub-tasks can be qualified just like any other task. Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Exp -

85 Examples Conditional Sub task (S/T) Component Sub task (T)
Different versions of the task/different steps and considerations Conditional Sub task (S/T) T: Plan and organize a convoy S/T: Plan and organize a convoy under civilian, peacetime conditions S/T: Plan and organize a convoy under combat conditions0000 Component Sub task (T) T: Build a shed Components of the same task, such as very large steps T: Lay a concreate (slab) foundation T: Build a frame Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac T: Add exterior panels Exp -

86 Introduction Using Sub-Tasks Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Intro –

87 Objective Identify the implications of using each type of Sub Task on qualifications and reports Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Obj –

88 Main Idea The implications of using sub-tasks on qualifications and reports depends on the type of sub-task you use: Conditional Tasks: The parent task is an organizer and doesn’t need to be qualified. Each sub-task must be qualified individually. Component Tasks: A part of a larger task. Qualified like any other task. Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Main -

89 Explanation Component
Component sub-tasks are tasks just like any other, and are qualified as such. How they are used will depend on the organization using them. Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Exp -

90 Intro – Test Properties
Introduction Test Properties Workscreen Features that give VISION’s Test Generator maximum power and flexibility. Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Intro – Test Properties

91 Objective Identify the features on the test properties workscreen
Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Obj – Test Properties

92 Main Idea The Test Properties window consists of five different pages:
Test Units, Selection, Summary, Print Options, Security, Version Comments, and Past Versions. Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Main – Test Properties

93 Summary and Questions Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac

94 Versioning Security Features in Exams
Introduction Versioning Security Features in Exams Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Intro –

95 Identify exam security features associated with versioning
Objective Identify exam security features associated with versioning Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Obj –

96 Main Idea Versioning has introduced the following exam security features: Questions can be disqualified and removed from tests Test units must be approved in order to approve the test Tests must be approved in order to be given to learners Version warning icons alert you when items have been changed Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Main -

97 Explanation Questions can be disqualified and removed from tests
Questions must be “approved” to be included in a test. If a question is edited there will be an option to disqualify it, removing it from dynamic tests and disqualifying static tests that it is on. Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Exp -

98 Explanation Test units and tests must be approved in order to be given to learners If a test unit is not approved, the test cannot be approved. If a test is not approved it cannot be given to learners over VISION Web, and a printed version will have a watermark on it reading “Not Approved”. Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Exp -

99 Explanation Version warning icons alert you when items have been changed If an item has been changed or updated since a test was approved, the changed version will not automatically appear on the test. Instead, you will see an approval warning icon next to the item, and you can choose whether to update the test to use the new material, or choose not to. Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Exp -

100 Generate a Test for the Selected Lesson
Exercise Generate a Test for the Selected Lesson

101 What is Versioning? Introduction Intro – Help Features Sum Intro Obj
Main Exp E.g. Prac Intro – Help Features

102 Objective Define Versioning OBJ – Help Features Sum Intro Obj Main Exp
E.g. Prac OBJ – Help Features

103 Main Idea Versioning stores changes to the data in your VISION database so that past versions of records can be reviewed in the future. Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Main -

104 Let’s take a closer look
Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Interlude

105 Explanation Suppose you make changes to a task in your analysis hierarchy… The task node will be saved as it was before you made the changes. If you make more changes, those versions will also be saved. Versioning does this for all of the data stored in VISION. Analysis Hierarchy Program Hierarchy Objective Hierarchy V V V V Main Menu: On top of every VISION screen. Menu bar will change with the type of window that is active Workbench Menu: located on the top of the VISION Workbench. only visible when the workbench is displayed (click to make info disapear() Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Exp

106 Explanation Training Unit
This Ensures that every learner who takes this course will get the same information. Opening and “editing” the training unit will make a new, editable version of it. Training Units, for example, are containers that are filled with objectives. When the training unit is approved, the objectives and content in it are “frozen”. In some cases the object being versioned is not a node, but a “container” Objective Hierarchy Program Hierarchy Training Unit Approved Objectives Training Unit

107 Summary and Questions Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Sum -

108 Versioning Controls Introduction Intro – Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g.
Prac Intro –

109 Identify the components of Versioning
Objective Identify the components of Versioning Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Obj –

110 Main Idea The components of versioning are the Versioning menu,
Versioning node pages, and Welcome page. Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Main -

111 Let’s take a closer look
Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Interlude

112 Explanation This menu will open the hierarchy as it appeared at the date and time you select. The Versioning menu item, Jump to Date, and Welcome Page will bring up the Jump to Date menu. Enter a date Select a tagged date Create a date tag Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Exp -

113 Explanation Versioning options on an individual node only apply to that node. Use the Jump to Date button to open the whole VISION database as it was at the time of this version. Past Versions displays a list of past versions of the node and options to view it on that date. Version Comments gives you a place to enter a revision number and enter comments regarding the version. Select a version View the node Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac

114 Summary and Questions Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Sum -

115 View a Version History of an Object
Exercise View a Version History of an Object

116 View a Version of a Project
Exercise View a Version of a Project

117 Exercise Create a Version Tag

118 What can be “Approved” Introduction Intro – Sum Intro Obj Main Exp
E.g. Prac Intro –

119 Objective Identify the items that are associated with an "Approval" state and the outcomes that are affected by it. Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Obj –

120 Main Idea Here is a list of items that have an “approval” state, along with the associated outcomes for each: Item Approval Outcome Task Completed Qualification Card/OJT Objective Approved Lesson Content Question Active Test Program Node (Course or Training Unit) Completed-Active Lesson Qualification Card Qualification These are the “approval” terms on the workscreens These are the outcomes associated with each item. Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Main -

121 The “Approval Warning”
Introduction The “Approval Warning” Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Intro –

122 Identify the meaning and implications of the "approval warning"
Objective Identify the meaning and implications of the "approval warning" Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Obj –

123 Main Idea The “approval warning” shows you when a node linked to an approved item has been updated. Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Main -

124 Explanation For example, we have a task with elements. This task has been approved. When an item is approved, it is “frozen” in it’s current state. When a child or linked item is updated, the approved item is not updated, but you will see an approval warning to indicate that something has changed. So when one of those elements is changed… An approval warning appears. Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Exp -

125 Explanation So remember, the Approval warning indicates that the item changed since the last time the associated “node” (component) was approved. The change will NOT be reflected until it is re-approved. Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Exp -

126 The “outcome” associated with a Task is a Qualification Card…
The Qual Card would be delivered in the state when last approved. It would NOT reflect the change indicated by the warning until you reapprove the Task. Explanation So, what does this mean? The “outcome” associated with a Task is a Qualification Card… Item Outcome Task Qualification Card/OJT Objective Lesson Content Question Test Program Node (Course or Training Unit) Lesson Qualification Card Qualification Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Exp -

127 An “outcome” associated with an Objective is a Lesson Content…
Any Lesson in which the Objective appears would be delivered in the state when last approved. It would NOT reflect the change indicated by the warning until you reapprove the Objective. Explanation Let’s look at an Objective change An “outcome” associated with an Objective is a Lesson Content… Item Outcome Task Qualification Card/OJT Objective Lesson Content Question Test Program Node (Course or Training Unit) Lesson Qualification Card Qualification Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Exp -

128 The Parts of a Learning Object
Introduction The Parts of a Learning Object Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Intro –

129 Identify all of the elements of a Learning Object (Objective)
Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Obj –

130 Main Idea VISION objectives, or Learning Objects, include:
Objective (Learning Object) Analysis Items (Consolidated or Directly Linked) Questions Content Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Main -

131 Explanation If the objective is moved, the questions, content, and analysis item links will all move with it. All of these parts should be ready for learners when the objective is approved. All of these items will be frozen with the objective when it is approved (regardless of their approval states), so anything that isn’t ready can’t be fixed in this version of the objective. Objective (Learning Object) Objective (Learning Object) Analysis Items (Consolidated or Directly Linked) Questions Content Analysis Items (Consolidated or Directly Linked) Questions Content Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Exp -

132 Introduction “Item” and “Container” Approvals Intro – Sum Intro Obj
Main Exp E.g. Prac Intro –

133 Objective Apply the idea of approvals at the Objective level to approvals of larger units, such as lessons and courses Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Obj –

134 Questions Objectives Training Units Courses
Main Idea Just as objectives contain questions, content, and analysis links, courses and tests also contain other items that need to be approved before the course or test is approved. Objective Analysis Items Questions Content Tests Test Units Questions Objectives Training Units Courses Course Training Units Objectives Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Main -

135 Explanation Objective Objective Tests Tests Course Course
You’ve already learned that analysis items, questions, and content should be approved before the objective is approved. And the objectives linked to training units and the training units in courses must also be approved before the training unit or course can be approved. The Tests Units that make up an exam must also be approved in order for the test to be approved. Objective Analysis Items Questions Content Objective Analysis Items Questions Content Tests Test Units Questions Objectives Training Units Courses Tests Test Units Questions Objectives Training Units Courses Course Training Units Objectives Course Training Units Objectives Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Exp

136 Introduction Whether to Resolve Approval Warnings Intro – Sum Intro
Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Intro –

137 Objective Given an approval warning, decide on whether or not to resolve the approval states Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Obj –

138 Main Idea The approval warning is not necessarily “good” or “bad”, it just indicates that changes have occurred since the last time the item was approved. “Resolving” the warning means updating to the current material. Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Main -

139 Explanation Here are examples of why you would or wouldn’t choose to resolve an approval warning: A factual error was found in objective content. You take the objective out of the “approved” state to correct the mistake, causing an approval warning to appear next to the objective in a training unit. The normal task review process begins and affects an approved task that is on a qualification card. Updates will be made to this task as part of the review process, but the qualification card shouldn’t be changed until the process is complete. You will want to resolve this warning to fix the error in the training unit. You will not want to resolve this warning until the process is complete. Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Exp

140 Resolve Approval Warnings
Exercise Resolve Approval Warnings

141 Introduction The Four Items that make up Tests Intro – Sum Intro Obj
Main Exp E.g. Prac Intro –

142 Identify the four items contained in the test/exam “box”
Objective Identify the four items contained in the test/exam “box” Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Obj –

143 Main Idea These are the four items that can be used in a test:
Questions Objectives Training Units Courses Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Main -

144 Explanation Training units contain objectives, which contain questions. Using these will give you access to all of the questions in the objectives contained in the training units for the test. Use objectives, and all of the questions in those objectives will be available for the test. Using a course is like using a training unit except that a course can contain more than one training unit. You would therefore get access to all of the questions in each training unit for the test. Questions are the simplest. Select any question and add it to the test. Questions Objectives Questions Training Units Objectives Questions Courses Training Units Objectives Questions Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Exp

145 Introduction What Disqualification Does Intro – Sum Intro Obj Main Exp
E.g. Prac Intro –

146 Objective State the implications of disqualifying a question that appears on an exam Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Obj –

147 Main Idea A disqualified question will disqualify a static exam, and will be excluded from a dynamic exam. Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Main -

148 Explanation Static Exam
A disqualified question will disqualify a static exam because the exam cannot be created without the question on it. A disqualified static exam will print with a “DISQUALIFIED” watermark on it. Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Exp -

149 Explanation Dynamic Exam
A disqualified question will be permanently kept off of a dynamic exam. This might mean that VISION doesn’t have enough questions to create the exam and it will have to be edited. Sum Intro Obj Main Exp E.g. Prac Exp -

150 Manage Disqualified Exams
Exercise Manage Disqualified Exams

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