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Ease OpenStack : Non-Containerized to Containerized

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Presentation on theme: "Ease OpenStack : Non-Containerized to Containerized"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ease OpenStack : Non-Containerized to Containerized

2 Introduction : -- Surya Prakash Singh (NEC Technologies India Pvt Ltd)
-- Jeffrey Zhang (99cloud) -- Duong Ha-Quang (Fujitsu)

3 Agenda: Evolution of Containers Evolution of Containerized Deployment
Advantages of Containers Why Migrate ? Use Cases Why Containerized with Kolla ? Future of migration with Kolla Containerized Analytics Migration Feasibility How do we containerize OpenStack Demo Q & A

4 Evolution of Containers:
Process Container 2006 1979 2000 2001 2004 2005 2008 2011 RKT Container Tools Container Security LMCTFY 2017 2017 2017 2016 2013 2013

5 Advantages of Containerized Deployment:
Efficient CI Compatibility and Maintainability Simplicity and Faster Configuration Rapid Deployment Multi Cloud Platform Isolation Security Environment Standardization and Version Control

6 Evolution of containerized deployment:
Packstack Devstack

7 Why migrate ?

8 Use Cases Node failure Maintenance of cloud Efficient resource use

9 Node Failure Storage failure Network issue Natural disaster
Heating issue on node Natural disaster

10 Maintenance of DC Firmware Upgrades Hardware Upgrades Kernel Upgrades

11 Resiliency improvement
Efficient Resource use Cost Reduction Resiliency improvement VM1 VM2 VM3 VM VM VM4 VM5 VM6 VM VM VM VM VM1 Low network latency VM6 VM VM VM Retire VM Compute Node Transfer VM

12 Why Containerized with Kolla?
Quick OpenStack Deployment with high availability Microservice architecture Easy upgrades Easy development environment Different OpenStack releases in single environment

13 Quick OpenStack Deployment
Kolla + Kolla-ansible

14 Micro-Service Architecture

15 Easy Development Environment
Easy Upgrade Ocata Pike Queens Easy Development Environment Horizon Murano Heat Kuryr Zun Horizon Keyston Glance Tacker

16 Different OpenStack releases in single environment
One Cloud Compute Node Controller Node Storage Node Heat Cinder Nova Neutron Swift Object Storage Ocata Pike Queens

17 Containerized Analytics
Architecture Case Study: Complexity of process migration Easy Normal Difficult Code Single Process Multiple Processes Self modifying Configuration One file Several Files Anywhere in FS Data Saved at one place Saved in several Places Network HTTP, HTTPS TCP, UDP IPSEC, Highly isolated Installation Packages, Source Installer & Understood Configuration Licensing Open Source Proprietary Restrictive & Proprietary Recoverability Easy to Restart Fails Sometimes Fails often

18 Type1 Migration Feasibility :
Application on Old-infra Application on New Infra Possibility Performance Drawbacks Case1: Yes Case2: Case 1: Depends on application Case 2: n-api DB Case 1 Docker DB n-api Cinder-api OS H/w OS DB n-api Case 2 HW Docker VM Hypervisor OS HW

19 Type2 Migration Feasibility :
Application on Old-infra Application on New Infra Possibility Performance Drawbacks Case1: Yes Case2: Application dependent n-api App2 Case 1 Docker VM n-api App2 Hypervisor H/w Case 2 n-api App2 VM Hypervisor OS Docker OS HW HW

20 Type3 Migration Feasibility:
Application on Old-infra Application on New Infra Possibility Performance Drawbacks Case1: Yes Case2: Application dependent n-api App2 Case 1 Docker VM App2 Hypervisor H/w n-api n-api App2 Case 2 VM Hypervisor H/w Docker OS HW

21 [Assumption] Future of migration with Kolla
Live migration of services into containers Cold migration of services into container

22 [Assumption] Non-containerized to containerized execution steps:
Stop Node Copying Configuration/Data Start Container of Service Rollback

23 Non-Containerized Cloud
Flow ~ ~ ~ Docker Hub Nova API Image Nova Compute Image Nova Nova Cinder Nova Conductor Image Nova Scheduler Image Cinder API Volume API Volume Nova API Nova Compute Nova API Container Nova Compute Container Backup Backup Nova Conductor Nova Schedule Nova Conductor Container Nova Scheduler Container Stop Kolla Start Swift Neutron Swift Neutron Proxy Acc Proxy Acc API L2/l3 API L2/l3 Cont Obj Cont Obj Kolla-Migrator Copy/Configure Keystone Keystone Api DB Api DB Kolla-ansible Non-Containerized Cloud Containerized Cloud

24 Way of doing with kolla for OpenStack services:
Control Plane Services Possible steps of doing Network Nodes setup of l3-ha stop slave,start kolla slave, vrrp restores cluster stop master, vrrp moves to kolla-based l3 agent Ironic copy PXE state /tftboot/ to ironic_pxe volume Nova Copy /var/lib/libvirt to volume/container cgroup set for Qemu worst case live migration Data Plane Services Possible steps of doing Cinder + LVM/NFS kill iscid/tgtd start kolla container tgtd/iscsid Swift Add swift container wait for rebalance (heavy) or restart containerized node Config migration Possible steps of doing Config Migration Current config as override update log directory Playbook to diff existing config with kolla-ansible generated Glance Images Move contents of /var/lib/glance to glance/volume Depends on backend

25 How do we Containerize OpenStack
Way of doing with kolla for OpenStack services: Infra Services Possible steps of doing DB + Rabbit MQ within same db version copy data to docker/volume worst case backup and restore Ceph switch from non-containerized to containerized ceph existing .yml (with some customization may be possible) external ceph

26 Swift Storage Container
Architecture: Containerization of OpenStack swift service Adding to existing cloud Proxy Swift Cluster Swift Storage Container Keystone Swift storage Swift storage Ac Cont Ac Cont Obj Obj Docker Ac DB Cont DB Obj DB Virtual Box OS H/W

27 Migration of OpenStack swift service into container
Expected Operations : 1- Create an Object in non-containerized Swift cluster 2- Add a container as new node addition in swift cluster 3- Wait for rebalancing of swift cluster 4- Access the created object from in partly containerized cloud

28 Challenges Faced in swift service migration:
Heavy data traffic AIO installation of swift into container Applying config to Kolla-container

29 Q & A

30 Surya Prakash Singh IRC: spsurya Jeffrey Zhang IRC: Jeffrey4l
Communication Surya Prakash Singh IRC: spsurya Jeffrey Zhang IRC: Jeffrey4l Duong Ha-Quang IRC: duonghq

31 Thank You !!

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