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Presentation on theme: "1ST DECLENSION."— Presentation transcript:


2 SINGULAR Nominative Accusative Genitive Dative Ablative a subject
am object Genitive ae of _____ Dative ae to/for ______ Ablative ā by/with/from _________

3 PLURAL Nominative Accusative Genitive Dative Ablative ae subject
ās object Genitive ārum of _____ Dative īs to/for ______ Ablative īs by/with/from _________

4 fēminae

5 of woman to/for woman women (subj)

6 îrâ

7 by/with/from anger

8 pecûniârum

9 of monies

10 ancillîs

11 to/for maids by/with/from maids

12 poēta

13 poet (subj)

14 aquîs

15 to/for waters by/with/from waters

16 nautae

17 sailors (subj) of sailor to/for sailor

18 îram

19 anger (obj)

20 hasta

21 spear (subj)

22 hastârum

23 of spears

24 însulâs

25 islands (obj)

26 pecûniam

27 money (obj)

28 sagittâs

29 arrows (obj)

30 fēminam

31 woman (obj)

32 nautâs

33 sailors (obj)

34 însulîs

35 to/for islands by/with/from islands

36 sagitta

37 arrow (subj)

38 puellâ

39 by/with/from girl

40 poētâs

41 poets (obj)

42 aquâs

43 waters (obj)

44 patriam

45 fatherland (obj)

46 puellârum

47 of girls

48 fēminîs

49 to/for women by/with women

50 hastam

51 spear (obj)

52 hastae

53 spears (subj) of spear to/for spear

54 puellam

55 girl (obj)

56 patria

57 fatherland (subj)

58 îra

59 anger (subj)

60 aquam

61 water (obj)

62 poētâ

63 by/with/from poet

64 puellâs

65 girls (obj)

66 terrae

67 lands (subj) of land to/for land

68 turbae

69 crowds (subj) of crowd to/for crowd

70 viam

71 street (obj)

72 fēminârum

73 of women

74 puellae

75 girls (subj) of girl to/for girl

76 pecûniae

77 monies (subj) of money to/for money

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