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WAG Publishing Traditional, Self Publish & Print On Demand Publishing Business Models.

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Presentation on theme: "WAG Publishing Traditional, Self Publish & Print On Demand Publishing Business Models."— Presentation transcript:

1 WAG Publishing Traditional, Self Publish & Print On Demand Publishing Business Models

2 Compare & Contrast Publishing Models Traditional, Self &Independent Publishers Making a Decision for a POD Publisher Our Publishing Model Contact Information

3 Literary agents are gatekeepers to publishers Literary agents approve and submit your manuscript Very difficult for new authors to be accepted Literary agents negotiate your royalties(7% to 12%) Publishing companies decide what gets published Publishers buy the rights and offer author advances Publishing house markets and prints your book Publishing house distributes your book for sale Traditional Model

4 Self Publishing Model Self Publishing used to be known as Vanity Press. Today, technology has made it more readily available. Most of the Self Publishing companies require you, the author to be accountable for the entire process. You must determine the following: Who will format your book and design its cover? Who will perform your file conversions and uploads? Who will print, market and distribute your books? Who will perform your editing? Will you have an opportunity to review and approve it before it gets published? If you hire a Self Publishing company, their services have hidden costs and how will you know which Package you need? Package 1($), Package 2($$), Package 3($$$)

5 Independent Publishers (POD) We use the same Print On Demand Technology New authors are more readily accepted Books are available for sale on the Internet Authors are involved in the publishing process but not the technical process Independent Publishing Companies do all the work for you Authors own the rights to their work As an Independent Publisher we can offer authors higher royalties (75%

6 Traditional Publishing – Place many barriers in front of new authors and entrance to publishing is very difficult (many rejection letters). Self Publishing- Formerly known as Vanity Press. There exists many technical steps to master and expensive packages to choose from. Independent Publisher- We can publish your book more quickly and for less cost. We perform all the technical work and use Social Media for Marketing. Key Differences in Models

7 Our Publishing Process Review and Acceptance Process Contractual Agreement Receive a written cost estimate good for 30 days We do all the legal and technical work! We pay higher royalties (75% after costs) We use social media as free marketing Your book is published online (, Barnes &Noble) the same as a traditional publisher

8 Contact Information Review our other presentation: Prospective New Client Presentation (download from website) Contact us at: Wayne & Robin Gulley 760-881-5032

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