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Probability and Statistics for Computer Scientists Second Edition, By: Michael Baron Section 11.1: Least squares estimation CIS 2033. Computational.

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Presentation on theme: "Probability and Statistics for Computer Scientists Second Edition, By: Michael Baron Section 11.1: Least squares estimation CIS 2033. Computational."— Presentation transcript:

1 Probability and Statistics for Computer Scientists Second Edition, By: Michael Baron Section 11.1: Least squares estimation CIS Computational Probability and Statistics Pei Wang

2 Regression models Regression models relate a response (or dependent) variable Y to one or several predictors (or independent) variables X(1), …, X(k) Regression of Y on X(1), …, X(k) is the conditional expectation G(x(1), …, x(k)) = E[Y | X(1) = x(1), …, X(k) = x(k)] We only consider the cases of k = 1, that is, G(x) = E[Y | X = x]

3 Regression example: linear

4 Regression example: non-linear

5 Overfitting a model Overfitting a model: to fit a regression line too closely to the observed data often lead to poor predictions

6 Linear regression The simple linear regression model for a bivariate dataset (x1, y1), , (xn, yn) is Yi = α + βxi + Zi, for i = 1, . . ., n, where Z1, , Zn are independent random variables with zero expectation The ith residual ri is the distance between the ith point and the estimated regression line:

7 Method of least squares
Choose α and β to minimize the total residual +

8 Parameters estimation (1)
To get α and β from (x1, y1), , (xn, yn):

9 Parameters estimation (2)
Solve the previous equations: Both estimators are unbiased

10 Parameters estimation (3)
Another equivalent method to estimate the parameters in y = b0 + b1x is to let

11 Regression and correlation

12 Regression and correlation (2)
The estimated slope (β or b1) is proportional to the sample regression coefficient r β > 0: X and Y are positively correlated β < 0: X and Y are negatively correlated β = 0: Y is a constant, uncorrelated to X Game: Guess the correlation

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