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WELCOME TO 3RD GRADE Mrs. Lauren Till (973) (Main Office)

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME TO 3RD GRADE Mrs. Lauren Till (973) (Main Office)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Follow us on Twitter @lauren_till
WELCOME TO 3RD GRADE Mrs. Lauren Till (973) (Main Office) Teacher Webpage Follow us on

2 ABOUT MRS. Till Elon College (University)
Received my Master’s Online from NOVA Southeastern University This is my 18th year of teaching at Brookdale Avenue School Taught fourth grade for the first 13 years I live in Caldwell with my husband, Almost 7 year old boy/girl twins, and A 4 year old daughter.

3 MY PHILOSOPHY Promoting a love of learning
Creating a learning environment that we feel safe to make mistakes in. *Growth Mindset Implementing challenging and relevant curriculum Using hands on approaches to learning as much as possible Fostering kindness and respect

Be kind and respectful with your words and actions. Behave in a manner that does not interrupt classroom learning. Listen carefully to instructions. Be prepared for class. Always make safe choices.

5 CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT Positive Reinforcement/Praise Red Tickets
Class Dojo Oops Slip Positive Notes and s/Contact with Home Tangible Incentives- stickers,homework passes Water Bottles


7 Fundations is a systematic and explicit approach to teaching phonics, spelling, and reading. It’s about learning concepts, not memorizing lists.

8 HANDWRITING Zaner-Bloser workbooks At-home practice

9 READING WORKSHOP Whole group, small group, and individual
“Just Right” books from leveled library Reading deeply (for meaning vs. plot) Reader’s Response Notebook as a tool

10 READING WORKSHOP Comprehension strategies:
Monitoring for understanding Using schema and author’s clues to infer Visualizing Determining importance Identifying Unfamiliar Words Questioning Identifying genre and text structures Engaging in discussion/collaboration using Google Classroom Character Traits Predicting

11 HOME READING Books at your child’s independent reading level come home in a ZipLock every day to be returned to school the next day 15 minutes of reading nightly (to increase as the year goes forward) Reading log to be filled in daily in School & Home Reading with your child Encourage the use of reading strategies Fluency Poems

12 FINDING THE RIGHT FIT Choosing a “just right” book: more than the five-finger guideline Book leveling through Scholastic Book Wizard app or directly through searching purchasing site Levels are not everything Scholastic Reading Club orders

13 WRITING WORKSHOP Lucy Calkins’ Units of Study (Heinemann)
Whole group mini-lessons/Writing Conferring with individual students Living a writer’s life: Using a Writer’s Notebook Growing as writers: Planning Applying concepts taught in mini-lessons Expanding on opinion and narrative writing Exploring different genres Writing with purpose Showing a growing understanding of structure

14 MATHEMATICS enVision Math (Pearson) Thinking about math
Hands-on learning games and activities Word problems, key words Daily review of concepts Websites Online textbook

15 SCIENCE/Social Studies
Carolina Biological: 3 Units of Study Motion & Design Chemicals Plant Growth & Development U.S. Regions

16 HOMEWORK The Home and School Folder
Homework usually Monday through Thursday Home reading and reading log Student planner Assistance in helping your child with directions and any difficulties is appreciated Homework should not take more than 60 minutes a night INCLUDING independent reading Homework passes Red test folder Missing Homework Policy

Math facts Preparing for tests Red test folder

18 Special Visitor to Read
Invites and goodie bags

19 ATTENDANCE & ABSENCES Call office Missing assignments Tardiness
Early dismissal CC Mrs. DeNotaris on s

Parent conferences take place in December. You will receive information soon about signing up for a conference online. As needed in the Spring. Report Cards are sent out in trimesters.

21 Ms. Squilanti & Ms. McDermott
to our class parents: Ms. Squilanti & Ms. McDermott

22 Follow us on Twitter @lauren_till
QUESTIONS? Mrs. Lauren Till (973) (Main Office) Teacher Webpage Follow us on

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