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First Grade Curriculum Night

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1 First Grade Curriculum Night 2018 - 2019

2 Readers and Writers Workshop
Literacy Readers and Writers Workshop We use the balanced literacy approach which consists of a mini lesson, independent work, meet with teacher, and share time. The mini Lesson focuses on current teaching point. The meet with teacher component will be individual conferences, guided reading, or group strategy lessons based on students’ strengths.

3 Reading Units of Study Unit 1: Building Good Reading Habits
Unit 2: Learning About the World (Non-Fiction) Unit 3: Reading Across Genres Unit 4: Readers Have Big Jobs to Do: Monitoring our Reading Unit 5: Growing Readers through Thinking, Talking, and Writing Unit 6: Non-Fiction Reading Unit 7: Meeting Characters and Learning Lessons

4 Parent Reading Information

5 Writing Units Unit 1: Launching Small Moments
Unit 2: Writing Informational Chapter Books Unit 3: Poetry Unit 4: Writing Reviews Unit 5: Cross-Genre Writing Unit 6: Research in a Content Area Unit 7: Realistic Fiction

6 Math Workshop Model: Explore, Explain, Extend
Explore – students attempt to work out a problem independently or in small groups that will lead to teaching point Explain – teacher introduces teaching point by going over explore problems and modeling lesson Extend – students work independently or in groups to practice teaching points

7 Math Curriculum Numbers and Operations –Base 10
Counting to 120, understanding place value, use place value understanding and properties operations to add and subtract within 20 Measurement and Data Compare length of objects, measure using objects using units(paper clips, interlocking cubes ), build an understanding of time and money Operations and Algebraic Thinking Solving addition and subtraction word problems, add and subtract within 20 with addition and subtraction equations Geometry Describe attributes of two and three dimensional shapes

8 Science Earth in the Universe: Understanding day and night sky
Earth Materials: Rocks, Soil, Water Balance and Motion: Push, Pull, Force, Motion Needs of Living Things/ Environments: Animal Adaptations, Ecosystems Plants, What things need to survive

9 Social Studies This year students will learn about the following in social studies: Citizenship Exploring Our World (Geography and Culture) Earning and Spending Money Caring for Our Community

10 Word Study Each week we focus on a different topic. We will discuss things like vowel sounds, blends, syllables, plurals, word endings, etc. We spend time each day practicing these objectives through group work and manipulatives. We do not give weekly spelling test.

11 Homework Reading Nightly – 20 Minutes
Difficulty will increase as we grow as readers Written component will come home once students are taught how to answer questions in complete sentences and what the expectations are. Math sheet given at the beginning of the week and due on Friday.

12 How Grades are Determined:
Grading How Grades are Determined: Exit Tickets, Observations, Work Samples and UCPS Rubrics Papers that come home will either be practice work or graded with a 4, 3, 2, 1. The goal is to see growth over the course of the unit/ term. Some samples may be kept until the end of the unit/ term.

13 Assessments Students will complete mClass assessments 3 times a year to determine reading levels. Students will also be monitored throughout the year to keep students engaged on his/her correct level. County math assessments will be given at the end of each six weeks. Students will also complete a state math assessment mid year and at the end of the year.

14 Please have your child bring a water bottle each day
Our Classroom Please have your child bring a water bottle each day Make sure all transportation changes are sent in written form (please keep separate from agenda) Work displayed in the hallway will not have names, but rather your child’s number. You can look on his/her desk to see their number. Early dismissal days- A bag lunch will be offered. However if your child is not eating lunch, please pack a heavy snack

15 Questions

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