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3rd Grade Parent Orientation

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1 3rd Grade Parent Orientation
Randolph Elementary

2 About the Teachers Contact Information Tanya Horowitz Neely Wood Huyen Bernheisel Chante Jefferson Allison Mitzner Amy Novosel Hemali Shah Susie Redditt Erica Curley Jestine Pineda Tess Yaro

3 Parent/Teacher Conferences
Parent/teacher conferences are to be held by the end of the first semester for every student. Please be on the lookout for a Sign-Up Genius link via .

4 Planning 10:10 – 10:55 All district and state objectives are planned for the week to meet the academic level of our students here at Randolph. Every teacher will be teaching the same objectives. However, these lessons may creatively vary from classroom to classroom.

5 Lunch Times Time Teacher 11:35 – 12:05 Shah 11:40 – 12:10
Redditt & Curley 11:45 – 12:15 Bernheisel & Jefferson 11:55 – 12:25 Pineda & Yaro 12:00 – 12:30 Horowitz & Wood 12:05 – 12:35 Mitzner & Novosel * GT days will be on Tuesdays 11:45- 12:15

6 Birthday Treats Birthday treats are welcome and will be passed out at the end of lunch. The treats need to be store bought with a label attached, since we have various food allergies. Please make sure birthday treats are pre-cut or in individual portions.

7 Folders Binder/Planner/Homework Folder *Check and return daily
Tuesday Folder *Check on Tuesday for graded papers and important school information *Sign Tuesday Folder and return empty folder on Wednesday

8 Homework All homework will be assigned and written in planner on Monday and will be due on Friday.

9 Discipline We focus on positive reinforcement and encourage desired behaviors. *School wide discipline is based on our Community Agreements -Mutual Respect Attentive listening -Do your personal best -Appreciations/no put downs *Please check the Communication Log daily.

10 Reading Workshop *Develop the love of reading!
*Mini-lessons (whole group) *Independent Reading *Conferring *Shared and Guided Reading *Flexible Grouping *Partner Reading *Comprehension Strategies *Readers’ Notebook

11 Writer’s Workshop *Develop the love of writing!
*Mini-lessons (whole group) *Writers’ Notebook *Independent writing *Conferring *Writing Process *Sharing *Grammar *Cursive

12 Social Studies *Integrated with other content areas when applicable
*Cooperative groups *Projects *Building classroom communities based on our Community Agreements

13 Math *Warm-up *Mini-lessons (whole group) *Small group *Journaling
*Questioning: How and Why *Flexibility in thinking *Problem solving *Fact fluency *Manipulatives *Work stations

14 Science *Investigations & labs *Hands on Science
*Journaling the Scientific Process *Interactive Notebooks

15 Assessments Core Area Grades for 3rd Grade 90 - 100 A 80 - 89 B
69 & below F

16 Assessments Major items will be 40% of the total grade
*Tests/In-class projects Minor items will be 50% of the total grade *Classwork *Quizzes *Labs Other items will be 10% of the total grade *Homework *Participation

17 Retest Policy *Applies to only failing (<70%) major assessments (to be determined collectively by teams). *The original grade and the retake grade will be averaged with a cap of 70%. *Students will have one retake opportunity.

18 Important Reminders *The tardy bell rings at 8:20.
*Changes of transportation must be written and sent with your child in the morning. If a change is needed after school starts, please the front office at by 2:00 PM. *If your child is absent, please call the front office, , and let them know. *PE will be every other day. Please be sure your child is wearing appropriate shoes. *Administration will let you know via Remind 101 if we are having a Severe Weather Dismissal by 3:00. *Students will be required to wear their ID on a BREAKAWAY lanyard during the entire school day.

19 PTA Information If you would like more information about the JRE PTA, please visit

20 for taking the time to view this Orientation!
Thank You... for taking the time to view this Orientation! We look forward to working with you and your child this year. It is going to be a wonderful year filled with exciting learning experiences!

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