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Close Reading Training Core Action 2

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1 Close Reading Training Core Action 2
December 2, 2015

2 Close Reading "Close reading is a careful and purposeful rereading of a text,“ according to Dr. Douglas Fisher of the NCTE •Students are reading a short, worthy text (from the top end of their text complexity band) multiple times to build deeper understanding of the text •Students are annotating the text •Students are answering text-dependent questions •The teacher provides mini-lessons about how to complete a close reading prior to having the students work on them independently

3 Another way to think about close reading!
Visual Metaphor Another way to think about close reading! 1st Read

4 Another way to think about close reading!
Visual Metaphor Another way to think about close reading! 2nd Read

5 Another way to think about close reading!
Visual Metaphor Another way to think about close reading! 3rd Read

6 Possible mini-lessons prior to independent close reading
•How to mark the text •Circle words that you can read but do not understand or important vocabulary •Underline parts that you think are important •Put question marks next to parts that confuse you •How to chunk the text •What text evidence “looks like” •How to share their thinking with a partner •How to “read” the author •How to ask themselves questions while reading •Model each of the 3 close read steps •Additional reading skills needed to answer text-dependent questions

7 Process to Engage with Complex Text
Close Reading Process to Engage with Complex Text Set purpose Read for overall “gist” Chunk text Re-read & mark vocabulary Summarize each chunk Re-read & note important info

8 Close Reading Practice
Classroom Video

9 Close Reading Evidence
Simply Stated! Evidence of Close Reading ● Chunking ● Annotating ● Noting Vocabulary

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