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Welcome to First Grade!.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to First Grade!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to First Grade!

2 We are so excited to be teaching your children this year, and we look forward to a wonderful year together! This year your first grader will participate in an active learning community and will develop: Independence Strong Academic Skills Social Skills Friendships                                    Problem Solving Skills A Love of Learning

3 PBIS Duffy Promise As Duffy citizens, we show respect, demonstrate compassion, and take responsibility for our learning and our actions. We focus on positive behaviors with a goal of increasing academic success. We use common language and explicitly teach behavior expectations. Students earn tickets individually, each class earns scales on a dragon, and all Duffy students work toward school wide celebrations. We have fun! We are a community that plays, learns and works together.

4 Typical Schedule RISE (Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday) Morning Meeting
Specials (P.E., Music, Art, Library/Computer Lab) Literacy Snack Writer’s Workshop Recess (12:05 – 12:35) Lunch (12:45 – 1:15) Math Science/Social Studies Book Buddies

5 Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday ~ 8:45 – 9:15
RISE Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday ~ 8:45 – 9:15 Flexible groupings of students across the grade for 6-8 week sessions All children will participate in RISE. Your child will participate in one of the following ways: Small group with a teacher, independent practice with teacher check-ins, partner or group work, projects, reading, writing and/or math

6 Students will develop a positive, growth mindset.
Students will be engaged in mathematical problem solving. Mathematical thinking and reasoning (the process) will be stressed. Problems can be solved in more than one way and students will need to model and explain their solution. Students will engage in mathematical discourse to evaluate solutions.

7 Mathematical Practice Standards
Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. 4. Model with mathematics. 5. Use appropriate tools strategically. 6. Attend to precision. 7. Look for and make use of structure. 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.

8 Math instruction will focus on:
Operations and Algebraic Reasoning Story problems and equations Fluency of addition and subtraction facts within 10 Number and Operations in Base Ten Counting Place Value Measurement and Data Measure lengths Tell time to hour and half hour Represent and interpret data Geometry 2D and 3D shapes and their attributes

9 Whole Group Instruction Small Group Instruction
Math Block Whole Group Instruction Small Group Instruction Number Talks Guided Practice Independent Practice Math Centers

10 Literacy instruction will focus on:
Phonological Awareness, Phonics and Word Recognition Skills Speaking and Listening Reading with Fluency Identifying Key Ideas and Details Understanding the Structure of Texts Integrating Knowledge and Ideas Within and Across Texts

11 Literacy Block Whole Group Small Group Guided Reading
Independent Practice Independent Reading Literacy Centers

12 Guided Reading (differentiated small group instruction)
Reading Hand Strategies for reading unfamiliar words

13 Writer’s Workshop Direct Instruction (mini-lesson)
Independent Writing and Conferences Sharing and Celebrating Unit 1 - Creating a Community of Writers Unit 2 – Narrative Writing: Small Moments Unit 3 - Information Writing: Nonfiction Chapter Books Unit 4 - Opinion Writing: Writing Reviews

14 Writer’s Workshop Mini-lessons will focus on the writing process, conventions, and/or craft based on the needs of the students We will also focus on: Handwriting Spelling Editing (capitalization, punctuation, spelling, sentence structure) Revising (rewriting, adding details) Publishing

15 Social Studies - Geography
Explore maps and their purpose Create maps Identify and locate places Use symbols, legends and keys Determine distance and direction

16 Social Studies - Civics
Develop a positive self-concept Identify, understand and regulate emotions of self and others Develop an understanding of rules and responsibilities within communities Develop positive interpersonal relationships

17 Science Students will…
participate in inquiry-based lessons that build science and engineering practices. engage in hands-on experiences that allow them to discover the big ideas of science. Patterns of the Sun and Moon Shadow Changes on the Playground Communicating with Light and Sound Using Light and Sound to Send Messages Learning From Nature Through our Senses Structure and Function of Plants & Animals Seasons Change and So Does Nature Sunlight, Seasonal Patterns, and Characteristics of Living Things

18 Health Healthy Heart Program (Nutrition and Wellness)
Second Step (Skills for Learning, Empathy, Emotion Management, Problem Solving) Safety

19 Snack Please send a small, healthy snack to school with your child each day. Snack time is about 10 minutes. Our classrooms are all nut free.  Please be sure to check food labels to ensure that we are keeping all of our students safe.

20 Reading each night reflected in monthly reading log
Weekly math activity Optional monthly challenge projects

21 Seesaw Digital learning portfolio
Opportunity to see what your child is learning We welcome your comments and feedback! We will send home directions for signing up soon

22 Field Trips More information coming soon…..

23 Extra Resources Visit our district website for math and literacy resources: Visit our Duffy website:

24 It’s an exciting year to be a first grader at Duffy School!
Get ready to watch your child GROW!

25 Take one, Make one! Please find the special dragon note your child made for you attached to Curriculum in a Nutshell on the table. Write a quick note of encouragement to your child on one of the blank dragon papers. Your child will have fun reading it tomorrow! 

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