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Greek Foundations.

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1 Greek Foundations

2 Early Greece – The Foundation
No such thing as a nation called Greece. [ Hellas ] Hellenes – common language, religion, & heritage

3 Greek Mainland – from the Peloponnesus to Illyria & Thrace
Geography: Greek Mainland – from the Peloponnesus to Illyria & Thrace mountainous, difficult climate Aegean Islands – good climate Ionian Coast – driven out by Dorian Greeks Colonies – Byzantium, Sicily, France

4 Harsh climate leads to spirit of ingenuity
Always more artisans & artists than peasants Coastline & Islands lead to a trading culture – cultural diffusion

5 Always based on the principle of ARETE
GREEK ARTS VISUAL PERFORMING pottery theater painting music jewelry poetry architecture dance sculpture Always based on the principle of ARETE

6 HELLENIC – Prior to the Conquest of Alexander the Great
TIMELINE: 2000 – 900 BC ORIGINS Myth of Daidalos ? 900 – 700 BC GEOMETRIC PERIOD Chaos / Utilitarian Art 700 – 480 BC ARCHAIC PERIOD Development of “Greek” Conventions 480 – 323 BC CLASSICAL PERIOD Perfection of “Greek” Conventions 323 – 30 BC HELLENISTIC PERIOD Decline of “Greek” Conventions HELLENIC – Prior to the Conquest of Alexander the Great HELLENISTIC – following the Conquest of Alexander the Great

7 Hellenism is a synthesis of all of these cultures.
The Hellenistic Age (323 – 30 BC) Alexander the Great ( BC) King of Macedonia Pupil of Aristotle Conqueror of the Known World: Greece Egypt Persia Northern India Hellenism is a synthesis of all of these cultures.

8 Art no longer as interested in idealized form and harmony (Plato)
Artists interested in actual experience and appearance (Aristotle) Art becomes more detailed and ornate (decadent?) 4 of the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World Library of Alexandria Major influence on Rome

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