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Ancient Greece Review PowerPoint

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1 Ancient Greece Review PowerPoint
By: Ms Matson

2 Rise of Greek Civilization
Greece is located on a peninsula which is dominated by seas and mountains. The ancient people known as Minoans lived on the island of Crete. Later the Mycenaean’s left their homeland and moved to the mainland of Greece. The Mycenaean’s captured the Minoans and adapted their skills. Yet the Mycenaean civilization declined leading to a dark age. Next many people returned to Greece and called themselves the Hellenes. People began to record the stories that were told by the bards. Along with trading, people were sent to establish colonies. The civilization developed into city-states known as polis. These included an agora and an acropolis. Greeks took their citizenship very seriously. They served as soldiers who perfected a formation known as the phalanx.

3 This is a map of Ancient Greece territory from 2000-400BC.

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