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Published byAlan Collins Modified over 6 years ago
Three-jet Production in Neutral Current Deep Inelastic Scattering with ZEUS Detector at HERA
Preliminary Examination HERA, ZEUS data(intended 96-00, current 96-97) 100GeV<Q2<10000GeV e+ energy 27.5GeV p energy 920Gev Introduction: SM QCD Various Methods to Determine αs DIS Structure Function PDF Feynman Diagrams (1,2,3 jets) The ratio of the three-jet to the dijet cross section R3/2 and αs Jet Algorithms Breit Frame Lab Frame MC Models NLO Experimental Context Liang Li University of Wisconsin Nov 27,2001
HERA • 820/920 GeV proton • 27.5 GeV electrons or positrons
• 300/318 GeV center of mass energy • bunches 96 ns crossing time • Instantaneous luminosity 1.8 x 1031 cm-2s-1 • Currents: ~90mA protons ~40mA positrons
HERA Luminosity . 820 GeV protons through 1997 920 GeV since 1998
. ZEUS integrated luminosity since 1992: ~185 pb-1 . Expect 1fb-1 by end of 2005 The Standard Model (SM) of particle physics describes the subnuclear world in the framework of renormalizable quantum field theories with a certain group structure re the nature of the forces that are governing this regime. The SM interprets interactions between pointlike fundamental particles, the quarks and leptons, as mediated by the exchange of virtual gauge bosons, the photon (electromagnetic interaction), the Z and W±(weak interaction), and the gluons g (strong interaction). These particles are listed in Table
HERA Kinematic Range Extended kinematic region
not accessible by fixed target experiments, with some overlap. H1 and ZEUS: DESY e-p HERMES: DESY e-A E665: Fermilab -A BCDMS: CERN -A CCFR: Fermilab -A SLAC: many experiments e-A NMC: CERN -A •BPC and BPT –electron detectors near the rear beam pipe to accept very low Q 2
Deep Inelastic Scattering
=pq/M virtual photon energy in the lab Q2=2M=2pq (x= Q2/2M=1 ) for elastic scattering, the nucleus recoils as a whole( coherent scattering) (b.c. W2=(p+q)2=p2 in this case) 1-y=p•k’/p•k~(1+cos)/2, is the scattering angle in the positron-quark center of mass frame (angular dependence) 1-y=fraction of positron energy remained s=318 GeV • Deep Inelastic Scattering is the scattering of a lepton from constituents of nucleons at high momentum transfer • The electron-proton interaction is mediated by the exchange of a single vector boson (a photon, W ± or Z o force carrier) • W ± and Z collisions are rare at ZEUS energies • The photon is virtual - it can be polarized transversely or longitudinally. • Jets - clusters of hadrons formed by scattered quarks and radiated gluons The initial state positron with four-momentum k and initial state proton with four-momentum P exchange a virtual photon with four-momentum q. The final state positron has four-momentum k’. The proton breaks up into a system of particles with large invariant mass. s is the square of the ep center-of-mass energy. Q2 is the negative square of the four-momentum, q, exchanged between the positron and proton. W=invariant mass of the final hadronic system W2 = (p+q)2
e+p DIS Event at HERA The principal advantage of determining αs from R in e+e– annihilation is that there is no dependence on fragmentation models, jet algorithms, etc. While this method has small theoretical uncertainties from QCD itself, it relies sensitively on the electroweak couplings of the Z to quarks. However, this method gives the excellent agreement of many measurements at Z and very good precision for αs . High-energy hadron collisons Higher-order QCD calculations of the jet rates and shapes are in impressive agreement with data . This agreement has led to the proposal that these data could be used to provide a determination of αs. However, this method uses an indirect way and the precision of this method is not very good.
DIS Cross Section F2 (x,Q2): Interaction between transversely polarized photons & spin 1/2 partons ; Charge weighted sum of the quark distributions FL (x,Q2): Interaction between longitudinally polarized photons & the partons with transverse momentum. F3 (x,Q2): Parity-violating structure function from Z 0 exchange. e+p cross section can be written in terms of dimension-less structure functions (matrix element) * is longitudinally or transversely polarized FL: (Important at high y). F3: (Contribution small for Q2 << MZ2 = 8100 GeV2). F2,FL,xF3… FL is 0 in leading order QCD, and F2=2xF1
Naïve Quark Parton Model
· Partons are point-like objects · No interaction between the partons · Structure function independent of Q2 Bjorken Scaling (x) dependence: Photon-proton interaction can be expressed as sum of incoherent scattering from Point-like quark(parton) F2(x,Q2) = eq2(Q2) ·(xq(x,Q2) +xq(x,Q2)) quarks F2(x,Q2) F2(x), FL= 0
QCD Parton Parton interactions, mediated by gluons
Physics picture: presence of gluons Parton Parton interactions, mediated by gluons Generate parton transverse momentum Non zero FL The structure functions gain a Q2 dependence Scaling Violation Transverse momentum -> FL not equal 0 Parton distribution functions q(x,Q2) , q(x,Q2) are the average numbers of partons with momentum fraction between x and x+dx inside the proton. Quantum Chromodynamics(QCD), the gauge field theory which describes the strong interactions of colored quarks and gluons, emerged as the result of many theoretical ideas and experimental results in 1970s. It is nowadays regarded as one of the cornerstones of the Standard Model of elementary particles and their interactions. In QCD, hadrons are color-singlet bound states of quarks, anti-quarks and gluons. A quark of specific flavor comes in three colors; gluons, the gauge bosons carriers of the color interaction, come in eight colors. The Lagrangian describing the interactions of quarks and gluons is given above(up to gauge-fixing terms).F is the gluon field strength tensor, T are the SU(3) representation matrices and the f abc are the structure constants of SU(3). The ψiq (x) are the 4-component dirac spinors associated with each quark field of color i and q, and the Aaμ are the Yang-Mills (gluon) fields. The sum on q is over the six different quarks. At the classical level, and in the limit in which quark-mass effects can be negleted, the QCD Lagrangian depends on a single dimensionless parameter: this is the gauge coupling constant gs, which determines the strength of the interaction between colored quanta. The strong coupling constant is defined, in analogy with the fine structure constant of QED, as αs= gs2/4π
Scaling Violation .High x, F2 falls with Q2
--valance quarks contribution falls --gluon small at high x .Low x, F2 rises strongly with Q2 --Strong gluon > sea quark contribution
Parton Distribution Functions
PDFs are not calculable, must be derived from the experiment Derived from the experiment
DGLAP Evolution Dokshitzer-Gribov-Lipatov-Altarelli-Parisi equations describe evolution of parton densities to higher Q2 — QCD prediction Listed only leading order splitting functions The relevant strong interactions are given by splitting functions, which are related to the probabilities that (a) a gluon splits into a quark-antiquark pair (b) a quark radiates a gluon (c) a gluon splits into a pair of gluons s is the strong coupling constant.
Single Jet Dijet Trijet
b) Boson-Gluon Fusion a) QCD Compton Dijet Single Jet Trijet What about alternative splitting ways? see “splitting functions” Single Jet is Leading Order DIS O() Dijet O( s) Trijet O( ss)
Why Trijet? Adding a gluon radiation to dijet A direct test of QCD.
Recent important advance in understanding QCD in dijets makes it an ideal laboratory for studying added gluon radiation. Measure s at a wide range of Q2 In the the ratio of R3/2 = trijet/dijet = O(s), there is a cancellation of some experimental and theoretical uncertainties =xbj(1+Mjjj2/Q2) Mjjj2 is the invariant mass squared of the trijet system The trijet cross section in DIS is already proportional to O(αs2) in leading order in pQCD. Unlike e+e– Annihilation measurements, the ones in ep scattering are not at a fixed value of Q2. Take the ratio of R3/2 = trijet/dijet = O(s), reduce uncertainty fq(x,2 ) and g(x, 2 ) are the densities of the quarks and gluons respectively. fq(x,2) comes from other experiments trijet is the inclusive trijet cross section. q and g are the partonic cross sections for processes initiated by the quarks and gluons respectively (calculated by theory). Is the momentum fraction of the struck parton NLO (x)->(x,2) NLO calculations reduce dependency on the factorization scale. The principle of “asymptotic freedom” determines that the renormalized QCD coupling is small only at high energies, and it is only in the domain that high-precision tests can be performed using perturbation theory(pQCD). The strong coupling constant is the only parameter relevant to the high-energy regime of QCD that needs to be determined, as, in principle, everything else can be calculated from first principles. The strong coupling is one of the fundamental `constants' of nature, and, as such, there is no limit to the accuracy with which we would like to know its value. Beside setting the overall precision of any fixed-order perturbative QCD (pQCD) calculation, an accurate knowledge of αs is, for example, necessary to extract electroweak parameters from precise e+e– data, as well as to see all forces of nature are unified at some large energy scale. Because the measurement of αs is so important, people would like to use as many ways to measure it as possible. The most frequently used ones are: e+e– Annihilation, High-energy hadron collisons and ep collisions.
Jet Algorithms Jets defined by inclusive–kT–Algorithm in Breit Frame
Breit Frame Single jet event in Breit Frame q + 2xp=0 In single jet events, struck quark rebounds with equal and opposite momentum, the resulting jet has zero ET (transverse energy) similar to e+e- In multi-jet events, the outgoing jets are balanced in ET 4-momentum only has a z component -proton axis is the common axis The proton and exchanged photon collide on a common axis, with the z-direction chosen to be the proton direction.
Leading Order MC Choose Factorization scale: hadronization begins!
LO matrix element ARIADNE, LEPTO and HERWIG use the Feynman inspired calculation of the matrix element Parton Showers LEPTO, HERWIG use parton showers that evolve according to the DGLAP Equation ARIADNE uses the color dipole model, in which each pair of partons is treated as an independent radiating dipole. Hadronization LEPTO, ARIADNE use the Lund String Model HERWIG uses Cluster Fragmentation Choose
Next Leading Order MC Use LO MC models to estimate non-perturbative hadronization effects Apply corrections from LO MC model esitmates to NLO calculations NLO calculations do not include hadronization models
MC Scales Factorization scale
fq(x,2f), scale f at which the parton densities are evaluated and where the hadronization begins Renormalization scale s(2r), scale r at which the constant s is evaluated NLO reduces renormalization scale dependence with respect to LO MC Renormalization scale uncertainty is the largest contribution to NLO theoretical uncertainty
ZEUS Detector Luminosity Monitor
Background Rejection (Veto Wall, C5, SRTD)
Central Tracking Detector
Tracking info can be used to check Cal energies
ZEUS Uranium Calorimeter
• The ZEUS calorimeter is made of alternating layers of scintillator and depleted uranium • Uranium is dense - Calorimeter is compact • Layers are designed so the Calorimeter has a linear response to hadrons and electrons to ±3% • Calorimeter has energy resolution of 35%/.E ±1% for hadrons and 17%/.E ±1% for electrons • ZEUS Calorimeter covers 99.7% of the solid angle • Angular resolution of 10 mrad • Timing resolution is 1 ns << 96 ns crossing time US groups, including Wisconsin are responsible for barrel calorimeter
ZEUS Trigger Wisconsin group is responsible for Level 1CAL trigger
• Pipeline all events • Discard background events • Select DIS and photoproduction events • Loose cuts at FLT are tightened at SLT and TLT • The Calorimeter First Level Trigger(CFLT) has the primary responsibility for getting the First Level Trigger below 500Hz. The Calorimeter First Level Trigger calculates regional and global total energy, Etot , and the missing transverse energy ETmiss from Ex and Ey . Wisconsin group is responsible for Level 1CAL trigger
Background Rejection: Timing
• Backgrounds at ZEUS are beam-gas interactions (100 kHz), cosmic rays (1 kHz) and electronic noise (> 0.1 kHz). Energy deposit in RCAL mimics electron FCAL deposit mimics current jet
Background Rejection: E-Pz
Event Reconstruction Track finding and the event vertex
Require good track. Use good track to find event vertex Electron finding Find electrons by looking for isolated EM energy deposits in Calorimeter cells. The ZEUS primary electron finder is > 95% efficient for electron energy > 10 GeV. Cell energies recalibration/correction. If the energy in a Calorimeter cell is above a threshold and HAC/EMC < 0.25, an isolated electron trigger bit is set. improvements can be made using additional components: Small Rear Tracking Detector and the RCAL Presampler Isolated electron trigger allows us to set lower electron energy threshold. The isolated electron trigger is essential for measuring structure functions And the frame boosting. Track Finding Vertex Reconstruction and Electron Finding Hadronic Reconstruction Kinematic Reconstruction Q2 X Y Jet Quantities ET η θ Offline Event Selection MC Event Selection
Kinematic Reconstruction
Two Kinematic Variables: x Q2 Four Measured Quantities: Ee’ e Eh h Electron Method Use scattered electron energy, electron angle Good resolution in x and Q2, best at low Q2 Sensitive to miscalibrations (energy scale uncertainties) Double Angle Method Use electron angle and hadronic jet angle Depends only on ratios of energies Better mean resolution in x and Q2 Weakly affected by miscalibrations Q2 = 2EE´(1+cosqe) Gives an accurate determination of y for small values of y. In this Analysis, yJB is used exclusively to measure y. Jacquet-Blondel Method Use hadronic energy and hadronic jet angle Gives an accurate determination of y for small values of y
Data Offline Cuts • Detector Acceptance and Efficiency yJB > positron found with E > 10 GeV vertex cut: -50cm < z < 50cm positron position cut: |X| > 14 cm or |Y| > 14 cm • Signal Selection 38 GeV < E-Pz < 65 GeV A well found track with p > 5 GeV & DCA < 15 cm yEL < 0.95 • Physics and Kinematic Requirement GeV2 < Q2 < GeV Three jets found using KTCLUS algorithm || < 2.0 ETLAB > 5 GeV Give reasons here: Asymmetric cut, MC calculation requirement ET,1BRT > 8 GeV, ET,2BRT > 5 GeV , ET,3BRT > 5 GeV
First Comparison of Data and MC DIS Trijets at ZEUS
HERA running period ZEUS data sample: integrated luminosity 38.4pb-1 510 DIS trijets passed offline cuts in a sample of 39576 DIS events MC: Use leading order MC program Ariadne 568 DIS trijets selected from MC No Adjustment, run with default ZEUS settings
DIS Trijets A First Look
ReconstructedQ2, y, x by Double Angle method Use Ariadne for all MC OK agreement between data and MC
DIS Trijets A First Look
Reconstructed Q2, y, x by Electron method Better agreement between data and MC Pick Electron method Control Plots Possible Data Corrections and Systematic Uncertainty Estimate
DIS jet ET in the Lab Frame
ET Ordered: First Jet Second Jet Third Jet Reasonable agreement
DIS jet ET in the Breit Frame
ET Ordered: First Jet Second Jet Third Jet Reasonable agreement
DIS jet in the Lab Frame
ET Ordered: First Jet Second Jet Third Jet Reasonable agreement
DIS jet in the Lab Frame
Ordered: First Jet Second Jet Third Jet Reasonable agreement
Conclusions and Expectations
First look at DIS Trijets at ZEUS, reasonable agreement Ariadne used as it is, a good starting point Need to calculate cross sections and compare in detail with other QCD calculations and different MC programs Add new data (99-00) to have more statistics Explore systematic uncertainties Hadron and Parton Level Comparison?
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