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WWW List # 10 Take notes in notes notebooks

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Presentation on theme: "WWW List # 10 Take notes in notes notebooks"— Presentation transcript:

1 WWW List # 10 Take notes in notes notebooks
Write the stem, meaning, and at least 2 example words

2 Alt - high Altitude Alto Altar

3 Ate - cause Domesticate Implicate Create

4 Cad - fall Cascade Cadence Cadaverous

5 Capit - head Decapitate Capital Recapitulate

6 Carn - flesh Carnivorous Reincarnate Incarnate

7 Cor - heart Courageous Core Concord

8 Crypt - hidden Cryptic Cryptologist Cryptogram

9 Curs - run Cursive Precursor Incursion

10 Ess - female Lioness Empress Governess

11 Ethno – race/culture Ethnic group Ethnologist Ethnography

12 Fug - flee Fugitive Refugee Centrifuge

13 Gen - origin Genetics Hydrogen Indigenous

14 Ics - art Politics Economics Graphics

15 Iso - equal Isothermal Isosceles Isometric

16 Loqu - talk Loquacious Eloquent Soliloquy

17 Mort - death Mortal Immortality Mortified

18 Muta - change Mutant Mutable Immutable

19 Nat - born Native Nation Natural

20 Ness - quality Softness Politeness Kindness

21 Paleo - old Paleolithic Paleontologist Paleography

22 Ped - foot Orthopedist Pedestrian Pedagogue

23 Psych - soul Psychology Psychic Psycopathic

24 Sacro - holy Sacrosanct Sacred Sacrifice

25 Uni - one Unicycle Uniform Universe

26 Vert - turn Revert Inverted Convert

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