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Physical Activity for Preetens (Age 9-12)

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Presentation on theme: "Physical Activity for Preetens (Age 9-12)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Physical Activity for Preetens (Age 9-12)
Palo Alto Medical Foundation Health Education Department Jenna Levy, Health Educator Medical Review: Leigha Winters, MD August 2016

2 A total of 60 minutes of physical activity a day is recommended
Daily Activity Daily physical activity is important for preteen mental and physical health A total of 60 minutes of physical activity a day is recommended Preteens can exercise for: 60 minutes, 1 time a day 10 minutes, 6 times a day 15 minutes, 4 times a day Etc.

3 Types of Physical Activity
Intensity-focused Strength building Stretching and flexibility Activities of daily living

4 Let’s go through each type of physical
activity one by one...

5 Intensity-Focused Activities
Triggers body to… Increase heart beat sweat breath harder Example activities: brisk walking -dancing hiking -basketball lap swimming -softball martial arts -volleyball rollerblading -capture the flag running -four square

6 Strength Building Exercises that make muscles work harder by using resistance The more the muscles work, the stronger they become Example activities: ab curl ups push ups side leg lifts weight lifting elastic resistance bands

7 Strength Building: Be Careful
Preteens bodies are still growing, so they should not do intense strength training If you are going to do strength exercises… Only try weight lifting or using elastic bands if someone knowledgeable about preteen physical activity helps

8 Stretching and Flexibility
These exercises stretch muscles to improve flexibility and movement Example activities: Yoga Tai chi Pilates General stretching

9 Activities of Daily Living
Fairly easy, everyday physical activities Try increasing the amount of time spent on these activities each day Example activities: walking playing with pet gardening cooking chores

10 Physical Activity Tips
Limit screen time Own a pair of comfortable-fitting sneakers Wear protective sports gear (i.e. helmets, wrist guards, football pads, etc.) Explore different parks. Have friends join you. Be active as a family Don’t wait to talk to a doctor if injured

11 Resources and References
Penn Medicine: Lancaster General Health PAMF Exercise Information for Prettens

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