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Teagasc/APC Sequencing Facility

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1 Teagasc/APC Sequencing Facility
Fiona Crispie and Laura Finnegan Position

2 What we have Illumina NextSeq Illumina MiSeq MinIon Ion PGM Ion Proton

3 Sequencing Facilities at Moorepark

4 Illumina MiSeq Specifications: MiSeq Reagent Kit No. of Reads
Kit Size (cycles) Output (max.) MiSeq Reagent Kit v3 25 M 150, 600 15 Gb MiSeq Reagent Kit v M , 300, Gb Examples of Projects 16S Compositional Sequencing Shotgun Metagenomic Genome (bacterial and phage de novo and resequencing) Virome Fungal populations Evolution of fungal pathogen genes (SNP variant detection)

5 Illumina NextSeq Specifications: Examples of Projects
NextSeq 550 System High-Output Kit* NextSeq 550 System Mid-Output Kit* Read Length Output 2 × 150 bp 100–120 Gb 32.5–39 Gb 2 × 75 bp 50–60 Gb 16.25–19.5 Gb 1 × 75 bp 25–30 Gb Single Reads Up to 400 Million Up to 130 Million Paired-End Reads Up to 800 Million Up to 260 Million Examples of Projects Shotgun Metagenomic ATAC libraries RNAseq

6 Illumina Sequencing

7 Illumina Sequencing

8 Illumina Sequencing

9 Ion PGM and Proton Ion PGM™ Chip Output 200 bp read 400 bp read
Ion 314™ Chip v2 30–50 Mb 60–100 Mb Ion 316™ Chip v2 300–500 Mb 600 Mb–1 Gb Ion 318™ Chip v2 1.2–2 Gb Ion Proton™ Chip Ion PI™ Chip Up to 10 Gb

10 Ion PGM and Proton

11 Oxford Nanopore MinIon

12 Nanopore sequencing

13 Sequencing! What do we do? DNA/RNA extraction: Library Preparation:
QC: Agilent and qPCR

14 DNA extraction Faeces Organs such caecum, small intestine, lung, bladder… Rumen contents

15 DNA extraction Hindgut of ticks! Food (cheese, milk, yogurt, kefir)

16 If aliquoting and freezing, ideally aliquot into tubes with beads (if using)
Omnigene tubes good for fresh samples Do a negative extraction control- especially for samples with expected low diversity/low bacterial load…or when trying out new kits…. RNAlater for samples for RNA extraction

17 Library Preparation DNA requirements:
Resuspend in Tris-Cl pH7.5-8 or water (No TE) Amplicon (Illumina): 5ng/ul DNA Shotgun (Illumina): 1ng DNA – 5 ul of 0.2ng/ul Amplicon (Ion): 100pM for enrichment Shotgun (Ion): Minimum 100ng prior to fragmentation, 100pM post fragmentation 16S (MinIon): 10ng for amplification Shotgun (MinIon Rapid prep): 400 ng!

18 Library Preparation RNA requirements:
The RNA sample should be free of salts (e.g., Mg2+ or guanidinium salts) or organics (e.g., phenol and ethanol) and have RIN values of 8-10. Eukaryotic: Preferably at least 500ng in 5ul Prokaryotic: 1ug total RNA for rRNA depletion, then >/= 50ng rRNA depleted, DNA – free RNA.

19 As well as negative extraction controls, include negative PCR controls (set up negative control last) Keep pre and post-PCR areas separate, use UV hoods where possible Observe GLP Index negative controls with completely unique indices (eliminates risk of “index swopping”)

20 Types of libraries sequenced
16S metagenomic: (MiSEq, PGM, Proton, MinIon (full length)) Shotgun metagenomic and genomic sequencing: (MiSeq, PGM, Proton, NextSEq, MinIon) SNP: (PGM) TRADIS: MiSeq ATAC–libraries RNAseq

21 Method development: (Also known as “in our spare time”!)
Shotgun kit comparison study: Comparing outputs from Nextera XT, Nextera Flex, kits from Kapa and NEB Comparison of RNA extraction methods from foods RNAseq on microbial transcriptome- comparison of Illumina Script Sense kit with methods involving adding poly A tails to transcripts

22 Questions/Quotations/ Grant costings
Contact: Dr. Paul Cotter Or Dr. Fiona Crispie

23 Dr. Paul Cotter Laura Finnegan Vision 1 Team
Acknowledgements Dr. Paul Cotter Laura Finnegan Vision 1 Team

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