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Building Blocks of Life Module 2.2 (page 56)

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1 Building Blocks of Life Module 2.2 (page 56)

2 Introduction to Cells

3 The Cell Theory All living things are made up of one or more cells
Cells are the basic building block of all living things New cells are produced from existing cells  Each cell contains structures called organelles which their unique job/function The Cell Theory

4 Parts of a cell Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum Vacuole Nucleus
Golgi Body Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum Mitochondria Ribosomes Cytoplasm Cell Membrane

5 Cell membrane Holds the cell together
Controls what goes in and out of the cell Cell membrane

6 Cell Wall Maintains shape of a cell Acts as a protective barrier
Present in plant, fungi and bacteria (monera) cells Cell Wall

7 Nucleus Contains all DNA Control centre of the cell
Controls chemical reactions and how the cell reproduces Nucleus

8 Cytoplasm The jelly-like substance that holds organelles
The inside of the cell Cytoplasm

9 Mitochondria Energy source/ Powerhouse of the cell
Makes energy called ATP Mitochondria

10 Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
Transport proteins Pathways which allow materials to move quickly and easily through the cell Can also be used for detoxifying Does not contain ribosomes Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum

11 Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
Same functions as smooth however contains ribosomes Makes, stores and transports proteins

12 Ribosomes This is where proteins are made (protein synthesis)
DNA codes for proteins Proteins are very important used for growth and repair. Enzymes and Hormones are different types of proteins Ribosomes

13 Golgi apparatus/ body Packages proteins
Send proteins to the correct part of the cell Enzymes modify molecules

14 Lysosomes Get rid of the waste products from the cell
Known as garbage disposal Usually next to ER Lysosomes

15 Vacuole Stores water, wastes and chemicals
Plant cells have a much larger vacuole than animal cells Vacuole

16 Chloroplasts Site of photosynthesis
Allows organisms to manufacture/make their own food Only in plant and protist cells Chloroplasts

17 Photosynthesis Carbon dioxide Water Glucose Oxygen
Plants use energy from the sun to combine carbon dioxide and water to form glucose and oxygen Carbon dioxide Water Glucose Oxygen

18 Living things can be classified into Kingdoms depending on the organelles their cells contain

19 Unicellular vs Multicellular
All living organisms are made of cells. Some organisms consist of 1 cell only, unicellular. Therefore their cells need to carry out all functions. Some organisms (like us) are more complex and are made up of many cells, multicellular. Cells begin to become specialised with specific roles. Unicellular vs Multicellular

20 Unicellular Organisms
The Monera and Protist kingdoms contain single celled organisms Bacteria are part of the Monera kingdom Amoeba and Euglena are examples of unicellular organisms that belong in the Protist kingdom Unicellular Organisms

21 Fungal cells may be unicellular (eg: yeast) or multicellular (eg: mushroom)
Cells of fungi have the same structure as animal cells, plus a cell wall like a plant cell. Fungi do not produce their own food (= no chloroplasts), but produce and release chemicals that digest the material they are growing on Fungi Cells

22 Plant Cell Animal Cell Monera Cell Protist Cell Fungi Cell The organelles in a cell determine which kingdom the organism belongs to

23 Cells copy and make identical copies of themselves through the process of Mitosis.
This is needed for growth, repair and reproduction (in unicellular organisms) Cells need to duplicate the information (DNA) before splitting. Dividing Cells

24 Mitosis vs Meiosis

25 Cell Division

26 Uncontrolled Cell Growth - Cancer
When cells lose the ability to control growth, the numbers grow out of control. A growing area of cancer cells is referred to as a tumour What controls the cell? In the nucleus the information in the DNA instructs the cell. When that changes / corrupted uncontrolled growth can occur. What causes the corruption? UV radiation, Chemicals, Viruses or just mistakes. Uncontrolled Cell Growth - Cancer

27 Uncontrolled Cell Growth - Cancer

28 Types of tumours Benign – confined to an area, not spread throughout the body. Malignant – cells spread around the body creating new spots of cancers.

29 Most common cancers in Australia

30 Review Questions Cell Wall (page 64) Q1,2,5,10,11, 16,18,20,21
Keeps the cells shape (usually rectangular) Acts as the skeleton of the plant Lies outside the cell membrane Only in plant cells, fungi cells and monera cells Review Questions (page 64) Cell Wall Q1,2,5,10,11, 16,18,20,21

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