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The Kite Runner Talk Assessment Father/Son Relationship

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1 The Kite Runner Talk Assessment Father/Son Relationship
Ryan Cuthell

2 Amir’s feelings towards Baba
Amir’s very first word -“Baba”- shows that he has always looked up to him as his hero. Amir desperately craves his fathers affection as he believes he was the cause of his mothers death, and this leads to the “sacrifice” of Hassan to gain this affection. Amir makes a desperate claim that he has cancer just so Baba would acknowledge him. Amir feels as if he is nothing like his father- “The least I could have done was to have had the decency to have turned out a little more like him” Amir looks up to his father as a strong bear-fighting hero as well as helping others. Amir is jealous of Hassan at times for being more appreciated than him and this (as well as the guilt of sacrificing Hassan) causes Amir try and get new slaves. With Baba building an orphanage, Amir is again jealous for his Baba spending more time for them then with Amir. “I already hated the kids he was building the orphanage for; sometimes I wished they’d all died along with their parents”

3 Baba’s Character Baba is a highly regarded man whom has helped many people in need. It is shown that Baba treats Hassan much like a son early in the story where he pats him on the back for skipping more stones than Amir and pays for plastic surgery for Hassan’s lip. Baba is doubted by many people when he decided to build the orphanage where he is told that “it is not in your blood”. Baba feels that Amir is nothing like him. -“A boy who won’t stand up for himself becomes a man who won’t stand up for anything” - “If I hadn’t seen the doctor pull him out of my wife my own eyes, I’d never believe he’s my son”

4 Early Relationship Baba spent most of his personal time in his “smoking room” and Amir felt left out. He would sit outside and listen to Baba and Rahim Khan talk. - “Sometimes I sat there for an hour, sometimes two, listening to their laughter, their chatter” Baba and Amir’s poor relationship contrasts with Ali and Hassan’s healthy relationship despite that Ali knowing he is not Hassan’s biological father. In an attempt to gain his fathers approval, Amir wins the kite-fighting tournament and does not step in when Hassan is confronted by Assef and has to sacrifice Hassan for the blue kite. Rahim Khan is a spiritual father towards Amir as although he is not always there, he causes the story to progress. He also reads Amir’s story when Baba would not.

5 Relationship in America
In Kabul, Baba had reputation which made him thrive, whereas in America, reputation means nothing and Baba becomes weakened (shown by cancer). America is a new start for Amir and this is where he thrives, contrasting with Baba.- “I embraced America” Baba and Amir become closer in America, after Amir graduates, Baba is proud of him and is proud that he is his son.- “Tonight I’m drinking with my son” Amir stands up for himself where he says he wants to be a writer. Soraya brings Amir and Baba closer Baba dying without telling Amir the truth shows cowardliness and that he was afraid of admitting the truth, just like Amir with Hassan, showing similarities.

6 Relationship at End of story
Amir is, at first, furious with Baba for denying him the truth and lying to him for his whole childhood. As a spiritual father, Rahim Khan tells Amir that “there is a way to be good again” and this sends Amir on his journey of redemption. Amir becomes a good father figure towards Sohrab and eventually takes him back to America despite troubles.

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