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Shape, space and measure coverage ELG

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1 Shape, space and measure coverage ELG
This is a breakdown of the shape, space and measure coverage which should be taught to ensure children meet the early learning goals.

2 ELG- SSM Patterns: Length and Size:
Capacity and weight: Children are able to describe patterns and recognise when a pattern has more than 2 variables. They can repeat and create patterns with more than 2 variables and understand that pattern is everywhere. Can recognise different sizes and extends their vocabulary e.g. gigantic, large, tiny. Can they compare more than 3 variables and comment on differences. Are beginning to give reasoning and explanation behind capacity and weight and are thinking critically. For example the cylinder is thinner so it will hold less water. ELG- SSM Children use everyday language to talk about size, weight, capacity, position, distance, time and money to compare quantities and objects and to solve problems. They recognise, create and describe patterns. They explore characteristics of everyday objects and shapes and use mathematical language to describe them. Money: Time: Position: Shape: Are able to recognise different coins and knows the value of 1p 2p and 5p. They use money and amounts in play and are beginning to use money to solve simple addition and subtraction problems e.g. 1p+2p=3p Understand that there is a minute and hour hand and can recognise simple 0’clock and half past times. They begin to use time to measure e.g. sand timers, stop watches and know that time is in every day activities. Can identify all 2D shapes and can identify most 3D shapes. They are beginning to use vocabulary such as edges, corners, face, surface, side and vertices. Can follow and give positional instructions and commands such as left, right, forwards, backwards, around. They begin to use and follow clues and can interpret positional language.

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