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Antiseptics And Disinfectants

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1 Antiseptics And Disinfectants
Myrrh PH103.50

2 Department of Technical Education Andhra Pradesh
Name : BVSN Murty Designation : Lecturer in Pharmacy Branch : PHARMACY Institute : Govt. Polytechnic for Women, Srikakulam Year/Semester : I Year Subject : Pharmacognosy Subject code : PH-103 Topic : Antiseptics And Disinfectants Duration : 50 Mts Sub Topic : Myrrh Teaching Aids : PPT, Photographs PH103.50 ER-91/PH-103/1 of 5

3 Recap In the last class we learnt about :
Benzoin is a balsamic resin obtained from the various species of Styrax It is used as Irritating expectorant, Carminative, Diuretic and externally used as Antiseptic and Protective

4 Objectives On completion of this lesson you would be able to learn about: Definition of antiseptics and disinfectants and monograph of Myrrh PH103.50

5 Antiseptics and Disinfectants
Def : Antiseptics are the chemical sterilizing substances which are used to kill pathogenic microbes or for prevention of their growth They are directly applied to tissues, to broken skin after burns and wounds Disinfectants are the substances which are used for destruct the bacteria and their spores and are not directly applied to tissues due to their toxicity PH103.50

6 Myrrh Synonym : Gum Myrrh, Bol, Myrrha Family : Burseraceae
Biological source : It is an Oleo-gum-resin obtained from Commiphora molmol Family : Burseraceae Geographical source : North east Africa, Southern Arabia Fig.50.1 Myrrh plant PH103.50

7 Myrrh Description Colour : Externally reddish-brown Internally brown
Odour : Aromatic Taste : Agreeable Fig.50.2 Myrrh PH103.50

8 Myrrh Chemical constituents :
It contains about 10% of Volatile oil, 60% of Gum 25-40% of Resin and Bitter principle Resin contains -  and  Commiphoric acids The volatile oil contains Terpenes, Cuminic aldehyde Eugenol The gum is associated with Oxydase enzyme PH103.50

9 Myrrh Identification tests :
When triturated with water, it forms yellowish brown emulsion When the substance and sand are triturated with solvent ether, filtered and allowed to evaporate, the thin film formed gives Violet colour on contact with Bromine vapors PH103.50

10 Myrrh Uses : Stimulant Antiseptic Protective and Astringent
Its tincture is used in the mouth washes and gargles PH103.50

11 Summary In the last we learnt about :
Myrrh is an Oleo-gum-resin obtained from the various species of Commiphora It is used as Stimulant, Antiseptic and Protective and Astringent to the mucous membrane hence Its tincture is used in the mouth washes and gargles PH103.50

12 Quiz Myrrh is obtained from Styrax species Curcuma longa
Melia azadirachta Commiphora molmol PH103.50

13 Quiz 2. Myrrh is used as Carminative Antiseptic & disinfectant Antacid
All of the above PH103.50

14 Frequently Asked Questions
Write the Biological Source and uses of Myrrh Give the list of Chemical constituents of Myrrh Write the Identification and Macroscopy of Myrrh PH103.50

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