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Arabian Geography.

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Presentation on theme: "Arabian Geography."— Presentation transcript:

1 Arabian Geography

2 L-Hand Side To the sixth century Arabia, cities were small patches of flowers on a barren landscape. What might the beautiful flowers represent? The barren landscape?

3 Possible Answer The rich and vibrant trading cities- represented by the beautiful flowers of sixth century Arabia successfully adapted to the Arabian Peninsula-represented by the barren landscape.

4 Desert South of Taif, Saudi Arabia

5 Critical Thinking Using the natural materials of the Arabian desert, what type of shelter could people build to give them the best protection in this environment? What form of transportation would be most efficient in a desert environment like the Arabian Peninsula?

6 Bedouins sitting in a tent made of animal skins

7 Deserts R-hand notes Clothing (thwab and ghutra) was loose-fitting and made of cotton Tents made of goat’s hair provided shelter Camels made it easier to travel and carry supplies in the desert

8 Oasis in Front of Sand Dunes

9 Critical Thinking Questions
Why would the date palm be considered a perfect form of vegetation for the dry climate of Arabia? Why would oases be important for trade in the Arabian Peninsula?

10 Four Farmers Sitting Among Date Palms in a Saudi Arabian Oasis

11 Oases R-Hand Notes Date palm needed little water and could be used in many ways: food, pipes, rope Oases provided water and green pasture for the camels of desert nomads

12 Coastal Plains

13 Critical Thinking Questions
Why would cities develop along the coastal plain of Arabia? How would life in the coastal plain differ from life in the interior of the Arabian Peninsula?

14 City on the Coastal Plain

15 R-Hand Notes Coastal Plains
Characterized by rich agriculture Complex civilizations developed as coastal peoples engaged in international trade

16 Rugged Asir Mountains

17 Critical Thinking Questions
How could people prevent the rain water from running down the steep mountainside so that it could be used for agriculture? Why might the culture of the mountain communities remain less changed over time that the communities of the deserts, oases, or coastal plains?

18 Settlement in the Mountains of Yemen

19 R-Hand Notes Mountains
Terracing was developed to allow efficient use of water Due to isolation cultural traditions were preserved for hundreds of years

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