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Warm-Up Give an example of how SUPPLY AND DEMAND works, that involves some kind of food.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-Up Give an example of how SUPPLY AND DEMAND works, that involves some kind of food."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-Up Give an example of how SUPPLY AND DEMAND works, that involves some kind of food

2 Mayan Market Trading Game Simulation

3 Objective I am learning about the Ancient Maya Market Place.
The purpose of this is to learn about bartering and supply and demand

4 Bartering Supply and Demand Review

5 Bartering – the process of trading one good for another, instead of using currency (money)
The Maya used cacao beans for currency, but mainly used bartering to get what they needed in the marketplace

6 Supply and Demand – the relationship of what is available (supply) and what is wanted (demand)
The theory is that the cost of an item will rise if more people want it. It will rise even more if there is a limited amount of it. Things will get cheaper if the opposite occurs. = Cost goes down

7 Groups Peasants – use the desks in the front corner, near my desk
Lowlands – use the desks in the front corner, near the door Highlands – use the desks in the back corner, near the outside window Coastal – use the desks in the back corner, near the hallway window

8 Trading goals Get rid of all your stuff End up with the most points in your trading group PAY ATTENTION TO HOW SUPPLY AND DEMAND AFFECT MARKET PRICES You will be assessed on this tomorrow

9 Trading Strategies Keep your score sheet with you at all times
Look at the score sheet to make sure you aren’t getting ripped off Point out to others what they will get for your goods – make them want it Bundle your goods to make a trade – give up three of your junky things for one nice thing Do not give your things to someone else for free

10 Trading Expectations No stealing Keep track of your own things
Play fair – if something gets taken away, then don’t keep it QUICKLY AND QUIETLY return to your trading areas when I call for it

11 Supply and Demand It has been an excellent growing season and the harvest is bountiful Peasants + 5 Maize

12 Supply and Demand On your way to the market, animals ate some of your dried fish. Take two dried fish cards away from each coastal trader.

13 Supply and Demand Severe rains have washed out many roads between your home in the highlands and the market. You weren’t able to carry as much with you this time… Take two beans from the Highlands traders.

14 Supply and Demand You had quite a successful hunt this year and have many extra animal skins Lowlands +5 animal skins + 5 bird feathers

15 Supply and Demand You're family has been so busy farming and storing your food that no one has had time to weave much cloth. Take two woven fabric cards away from the peasant traders.

16 Supply and Demand A large find of obsidian and jade was recently uncovered near your village. You can now bring to the market as much as you can carry. Give two obsidian and jade cards to each highland trader.

17 Supply and Demand Unseasonably cool weather has affected the bees and they have produces far less honey and beeswax than normal. Take away all the honeycomb from the lowlands traders.

18 Supply and Demand A new road has been made between your village and the market. This makes it easier to travel. Coastal ++++

19 Adding your points Use the score sheet
Hint: group all of the MAIZE together, and add them up Then add up all the BEANS Etc…

20 Warm Up Give one example of how supply and demand works, from our market yesterday

21 Supply and Demand It has been an excellent growing season and the harvest is bountiful Peasants + 5 Maize

22 Supply and Demand On your way to the market, animals ate some of your dried fish. Take two dried fish cards away from each coastal trader.

23 Supply and Demand Severe rains have washed out many roads between your home in the highlands and the market. You weren’t able to carry as much with you this time… Take two beans from the Highlands traders.

24 Supply and Demand You had quite a successful hunt this year and have many extra animal skins Lowlands +5 animal skins + 5 bird feathers

25 Supply and Demand You're family has been so busy farming and storing your food that no one has had time to weave much cloth. Take two woven fabric cards away from the peasant traders.

26 Supply and Demand A large find of obsidian and jade was recently uncovered near your village. You can now bring to the market as much as you can carry. Give two obsidian and jade cards to each highland trader.

27 Supply and Demand Unseasonably cool weather has affected the bees and they have produces far less honey and beeswax than normal. Take away all the honeycomb from the lowlands traders.

28 Supply and Demand A new road has been made between your village and the market. This makes it easier to travel. Coastal ++++

29 Mayan Market Trading Game Simulation

30 Objective I am learning about the Ancient Maya Market Place.
The purpose of this is to learn about bartering and supply and demand

31 Spiral page 24 – 12-15 minutes Title it “Mayan Market”
You will examine the map of the Ancient Mayan trade network. You will work as a table to answer the questions, USING COMPLETE SENTENCES, on page 24 of your spiral. Use the map info, not the experience from our trading game!

32 Spiral page 23 Write down this prompt on the top lines:
Explain how supply and demand works in the real world. Give examples of how prices are affected by changes in supply, demand, or both.

33 Ideas – 6 minutes to brainstorm as a table
You can use the ideas that I have given you, or you can choose your own. Food Gas Houses Video games/toys If you choose your own, it cannot be the same as anyone else at your table If you are unclear on whether your idea is the same as other students, please ask me

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