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Anatomy of the breast: do changes always mean cancer?

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1 Anatomy of the breast: do changes always mean cancer?
Saturday, February 24th, 2018 Brynn S. Wolff, MD UPMC Pinnacle Breast Care Center

2 Objectives Learn the basic anatomy of the breast and changes that occur with age Become familiar with common breast symptoms Identify worrisome breast symptoms and know when to call the doctor

3 Breast Anatomy

4 Breast Changes as we Age
Breast size changes as we age – the more weight we gain – the larger they get Breast shape changes – most women become more ptotic (droopy) Breast density changes – Young women tend to have very dense tissue, older women tend to have more fatty replacement

5 Breast density Fatty Replaced Scattered Fibroglandular Heterogeneously Dense Extremely Dense

6 Common Breast changes and symptoms
Breast size changes – with weight changes Breast pain – bilateral (both breasts), cyclical (monthly) Lumps – tender/cyclical – likely cysts Nipple discharge – bilateral, milky or greenish Skin changes - stretch marks, sebaceous cysts

7 worrisome Breast changes and symptoms
New lumps, harder than others, that do NOT change New pain in 1 location that is NOT cyclical Skin changes Unilateral (1 breast only) Redness, rash Thickening Dimpling Shape changes – unilateral, smaller or larger Nipple inversion or discharge – unilateral, bloody or clear Swelling under arm

8 WHAT YOU CAN DO Eat a healthy, low fat diet
Daily exercise, or at least 30 minutes 3 times per week Moderation of alcohol (<5 drinks per week) Avoid hormones (hormone replacement therapy) Quit smoking!!!!! Get yearly breast exams Get annual mammograms Do monthly self breast exams and call if you find anything new or persistent

9 Self breast exam

10 Summary Basic anatomy of breast and changes with age
Common breast symptoms Concerning breast symptoms How you can reduce YOUR risk of breast cancer

11 Thank you Questions?

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