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Slow Social Network Intelligence Systems

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1 Slow Social Network Intelligence Systems
Flickr Slow Social Network Intelligence Systems

2 Share your photos. Watch the world.
Yahoo service Upload pictures/albums Make friends and share images Edit pictures Over 4 billion photos

3 Photo sharing Choose who can comment on your photos
Add notes to your photos Favorite yours and others photos Tag people in your photos Categorize your photos

4 Friending Search people by name or email
Import contacts from Yahoo! Mail, Gmail, or Hotmail Invite friends by Categorize friends as “family” or “friend” Share photos with non-users through a “Guest Pass”

5 Uber Social Connect your Flickr account to:
Facebook Twitter Blogging tools Yahoo! Updates Add Flickr “Badge” to your website Embed a slideshow on your website

6 Upload anywhere Upload from: Browser Desktop App Mobile Device
Third Party Apps

7 Photo Grouping Add location/tags Geotag vacation photos
Add to previous collections or create new ones Public collections like NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, White House photostream, Library of Congress, Smithsonian, US National Archives

8 Beginning of Social Network

9 Enumeration Rapid growth
Countless users in the beginning (Early Adopters) Low network connectedness New members join more quickly than friendships can be established

10 Propagation Period of ongoing growth in which both membership and linkage increases Early adopters form links between themselves and other users Users share multitudes of photos

11 Adaptation New users start out as power users
Settle into their user class Singletons Middle region Giant component Stay at this level for the rest of their membership

12 Elimination Singletons contribute little to the social network
Their photos are only viewed by them Lack of contribution or all out abandonment of the social network Can be considered to no longer be a part of the social network Giant component and Middle region become the driving force of the social network

13 Concentration Views, comments, faves, tags Top contributors
Members of the Giant component Showcase the best the social network has to offer All the photos that users decide to share with the world

14 Petri Net

15 Everyday Use of Established Social Network

16 Enumeration Users have established profiles and set of friendships
Prepare photos for addition to social network Create photo albums to store their newly uploaded photos Possibly geotagged and/or commented

17 Propagation Sharing of photos/albums to friends in network
Makes links between users and friends stronger May make albums public and share with entire network Adds content to network

18 Adaptation Change in users and photos transparency Public vs. Private
Making photos public adds more value to the network as a whole Making photos private (only visible by friends) limits the exposure along the network Personal preference

19 Elimination Photos that are not viewed or shared
Have no bearing on the network itself Contribute very little to the overall user’s experience These photos will be lost among the more popular albums

20 Concentration Similar to previous model concentration
Focus is more on photos and network content Network becomes concentrated on popular photos/albums Popularity determined by comments/faves/views

21 Petri Net

22 References Social Network Analysis: An Approach and Technique for the Study of Information Exchange, Caroline Haythornthwaite Structure and Evolution of Online Social Networks, Ravi Kumar, Jasmine Novak, Andrew Tomkins Beyond Friendship Graphs: A Study of User Interactions in Flickr, Masoud Valafar, Reza Rejaie, Walter Willinger Typical Examples of Slow Intelligence Systems, Yingze Wang

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