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Miracle Cure? #1: Lipid Rescue® for Local Anesthetic Toxicity

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1 Miracle Cure? #1: Lipid Rescue® for Local Anesthetic Toxicity
Joe Dietrick, CRNA, M.A. Truman Medical Center Kansas City, MO

2 Objectives Review history of cardiovascular collapse with local anesthetics Discuss effect of local anesthetic toxicity on myocardial function Discuss treatment options, focusing on infusion of Intralipids®

3 History of the world… Anesthesia for CS Epidurals in 70 – 80’s 1
Short-acting  Bupivacaine 0.5 – 0.75% 1979: CV collapse with etidocaine/bupivacaine Difficult (impossible) prolonged resuscitation 1983: 59 cardiac (35 OB) cases 39 Epidurals, 27 used Bupiv 0.75% 31 deaths (24 mother &/or baby) 83% of LA toxicity  neurologic injury / death FDA: Bupiv 0.75% not recommended for OB According to Joe 1979: Albright published reports start of inadvertent IV injection, with CV collapse before CNS S/S CV before CNS assumed to not commonly occur 1983 FDA convened a meeting 83%: Closed claims data from early 80’s Incr sensitivity in pregnancy

4 History of the world… Part II
Early ’90s Pencil point spinal needles   SAB for CS  epidural injection of high concentration LA Late ’90s Ropivacaine approved for general use Generally 30% improvement in safety margin Max concentration for OB: 0.5% (150 mg) My anesthesia school – grad rate Ropiv: S enantomer  less CV & CNS toxicity

5 CV Toxicity2 Act on Na+ channel inside cell
Reversible nerve conduction block CNS: most susceptible to toxic effects CV effects  cardiac conduction   PR, QRS Inhibition of K+ channel   QTc Dextrorotary   K+ blk Highly selective for vascular K-ATP channels Bupiv dissociation 10x longer vs. Lido Dex 7x greater blk than Levo K-ATP – (ATP-sensitive K+ channels) Bupiv greater effect than Levo or Ropiv Ischemic heart disease may be more susceptible as well Racemic

6 Stay out of trouble2 Potency CV toxicity: Ropiv < Bupiv
Animal studies appear to suggest dose to induce CV toxicity: Ropiv dose approx twice Bupiv dose Epidural Equipotency LA Surg Post-Op Ropiv 0.75% 0.2% Bupiv 0.5% 0.125% One source recommended 300mg max (CJA 2005, 52:449) Fatal dose in sheep: Bupiv about 3.5 mg/kg, Ropiv about 7.3 mg/kg (AA :276) Anecdotal report: Bupiv 1.1 mg/kg  Cv arrest (CJCP , 3:240

7 What Weinberg says. Incidentally found lipid emulsion reversed LA-induced cardiac arrest 2003 report with dogs, Bupiv 10 mg/kg3 10’ CPR Lipid 20% 4 ml/kg vs NS Survival TX: 6/6 Ctrl: 0/6 Dogs under GA, actually second study Fat is good for you??

8 Perceived MOA 2 theories5 Bupiv effect on myocardial acidosis4
Fat sink  reverse [gradient] for lipophilics LA inhibits FA entry to mitochondria Bupiv effect on myocardial acidosis4 Bupiv or NS injected, then VF induced Monitored 20’ or pHm = 7.0 Bupiv  Intralipid; both groups defibrillated Bupiv group had less myocardial acidosis “inhibition of cellular metabolism” Myocardium primarily uses FA metabolism for energy (vs carbs). No FA in Mito  no ATP diff resusc? Mazoit 2009 anesthesiology: compared 2 lipids (intralipids – long chain, vs med & long chain) : Intraliipid – more efficacious. Weinberg (2004): Dogs anesthetized, given saline or bupiv 10 mg/kg, and VF induced (9v battery to epicardium) Not a test of Intralipids; NS group responded to defib w/o addt’l tx Actual final comment: consider treating VF with Bupiv followed by lipids

9 Really? Lists studies & case reports
Published (17) Submitted case reports (a bunch) Recommends standard resuscitation, then Intralipid® 20% 1.5 ml/kg bolus, MR for persistent asystole 0.25 ml/kg/min for 30-60’ “Not a diet website” Does this really work? Successful resus from CV collapse or significant distress All published reports. Volume based (ml/kg) dose Off label: well informed, scientific rationale, maintain records

10 ACLS is da’ bomb – or it bombs
Ropivacaine & Levobupivacaine have had successful standard resuscitations Anesthesiology: Mar 2007 Mult letters regarding Rosenblatt case report ROSC immed after lipid, but 20’ of conventional management could have contributed c/o shocking asystole c/o global term “LA toxicity” vs racemic Bupiv, and ? CNS efficacy “Failure to ventilate & maintain cardiac perfusion?” CNS: efficacy in CNS toxic events Mult Letters: 1) stated that even though ROSC immed after lipids & 20’ after arrest, stand resusc could have contributed 2) complained about shocking asystole (?), 3) c/o global term LA vs racemic bupiv (subseq case studies have proven efficacy), 4)

11 Compared to standard resuscitation6
Weinberg: Lipid vs. Epinephrine vs. saline6 Rats, Bupiv 20 mg/kg  asystole Lipid: 5 ml/kg ml/kg/min Epi: 30 μg/kg Doses 2.5’ & 5’ 10’ Lipid 5/5 Epi 4/5 Ctrl 2/5 Weinberg Lipid: 5 ml/kg ml/kg/min Epi: 30 μg/kg Doses 2.5’ & 5’ RPP non-invasive indicator of O2 requirements

12 Compared to standard resuscitation6
Weinberg: Lipid vs. Epinephrine vs. saline6 Rats, Bupiv 20 mg/kg  asystole Lipid: 5 ml/kg ml/kg/min Epi: 30 μg/kg Doses 2.5’ & 5’ 10’ Lipid 5/5 Epi 4/5 Ctrl 2/5 NS EPI Lipid Slower, but better sustained RPP

13 Lipids don’t help ACLS9 Hicks (2009) swine model If no ROSC @ 20’
Bupivacaine 10 mg/kg CPR x 5’ EPI 100 μg/kg + vasopressin 1.5 units/kg EPI 15 every 3’ If no 20’ Intralipids 20% 4 ml/kg Intralipids did not improve rates of ROSC Epi repeated q 15 mcg/kg About 1/3 in each arm had ROSC before 20% Interestingly, lipid group had 65% higher bupiv 10’

14 ‘Cause you give too much EPI8
Hiller’s (2009) rat model Received bupivacaine 20 mg/kg, CPR x 3’ Saline control Intralipid control: 30%, 5ml/kg 2 & 5’) Compared escalating doses of EPI All with Intralipid treatment μg/kg: 0, 1, 2.5, 10, 25 ROSC among all animals in a group Lipid + Epi (1 or 2.5 μg/kg) Dose produced asystole Lipid: Infusion of 1 ml/kg between boluses Epi with 1st Lipid bolus High dose groups: incr lactate, acidosis; decr recovery

15 Hiller (2009)8 Mirrored Weinberg’s results of slower but sustained response vs epi

16 You pigs… Bushey et al (2011)12 Outcome
Swine with bupivacaine & hypoxic arrest ACLS, 12 per group (lipids vs saline) Intralipids 4 ml/kg ’ mark Outcome ROSC: control = 4, lipid = 6 4.25’: 7.33 (both groups) Success in animals other than pigs Pigs closer to humans

17 Risk?5 Pulmonary vasoconstriction? Editorial opinion by Picard & Meek:
Animal studies: benefit >> risk Brull (2008): poss allergic rxn,  ICP Imprudent to withhold in toxic events Marwick (2009) reported recurrence Bupiv brach plexus blk  asystole 40’ after termination of lipid  VT Recommend 1000 ml available P&M (2006) (British) Anaesthesia Marwick: recovery in 3’ Brull: risk of allergic rx or incr ICP in traumatic injury Marwick: Lipid 20% 150 ml bolus, then 350 ml /30’

18 Risk – push the limit10 Intralipids 20%
20, 40, 60, or 80 ml/kg Rats euthanized & histologically examined Estimated LD50 = 67 (±10.7) ml/kg Lung & liver microscropic ∆ NL: Myocardium, brain, pancreas, & kidney Safe at doses used

19 And all this means If you use cardiotoxic doses (volume blocks) of any local anesthetic Have a plan Have Intralipid® emulsion available Have administration instructions Package these together Consider in other lipid-soluble drug toxicities MH-type preparedness Min 500ml. ?1000ml

20 Courtesy: K. McCully, CRNA

21 References Herlocker, T. & Wedel, D. (2002). Local Anesthetic Toxicity—Does Product Labeling Reflect Actual Risk? Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, 27 (6):562–567. Leone, S. et al (2008). Pharmacology, toxicology, and clinical use of new long acting local anesthetics, ropivacaine and levobupivacaine. ACTA BIOMED 79: Weinberg G, et al (2003). Lipid emulsion infusion rescues dogs from bupivacaine-induced cardiac toxicity. Reg Anesth Pain Med;28:198–202. Weinberg G, et al (2004). The effect of bupivacaine on myocardial tissue hypoxia and acidosis during ventricular fibrillation. Anesth Analg. 98(3):790-5. Picard, J. & Meek, T. (2006). Lipid emulsion to treat overdose of local anaesthetic: the gift of the glob. Anaesthesia, 61:107–109. Weinberg GL et al (2008). Resuscitation with lipid versus epinephrine in a rat model of bupivacaine overdose. Anesthesiology, 108(5): Bania T, et al (2007). Hemodynamic effects of intravenous fat emulsion in an animal model of verapamil toxicity resuscitated with atropine, calcium and saline. Acad. Emerg. Med, 14: Hiller, D et al (2009). Epinephrine Impairs Lipid Resuscitation from Bupivacaine Overdose. Anesthesiology, 111(3): Hicks, S et al(2009). Lipid Emulsion Combined with Epinephrine and Vasopressin Does Not Improve Survival in a Swine Model of Bupivacaine-induced Cardiac Arrest. Anesthesiology, 111(1): Hiller, D et al. (2010). Safety of high volume lipid emulsion infusion: a first approximation of LD%) in rats. Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine, 35(2): Neal, J et al (2010). Local Anesthetic Systemic Toxicity Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine, 35(2): Bushey, B et al (2011). Combined Lipid Emulsion and ACLS Resuscitation Following Bupivacaine- and Hypoxia-Induced Cardiovascular Collapse in Unanesthetized Swine. AANA Journal, 79(2):

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