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How do folks that don’t or can’t drive, get around?

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Presentation on theme: "How do folks that don’t or can’t drive, get around?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How do folks that don’t or can’t drive, get around?
A choice transit user and a transit dependent person have different needs and choices. In Denver metro there are options. Each is slightly different, so what sets them apart?

2 RTD is the biggest provider in the Denver/Boulder metro area
RTD is the biggest provider in the Denver/Boulder metro area. Fixed route, ADA, BRT, trains and 16 local dial a rides

3 Community or accessible Transportation in Jefferson County

4 Via, Boulder based but does more – RTD contracts for access-a-Ride, call-n-Rides;

5 Who else is out there? NEMT and NMT provider network In Boulder - Via Denver and Arapahoe, Adams/Jeffco have SRC Douglas County uses a network of providers and recently added Lyft volunteers Easy Ride in Broomfield Innovage, the PACE program Taxi’s and Uber, Lyft and private providers Volunteer programs become more important

6 Who is paying for what? Taxes help both RTD and county DD programs
OAA is the primary funder for many community transit programs helping seniors and are supported by local government funds CDOT has FTA formula funds, not much for operations VA and other groups have some funds Medicaid is in the picture for NEMT and NMT (waiver) Nothing covers the total cost to provide services though trips for seniors are necessary for health but it is expensive!

7 Silo funding causes problems to coordination
Waffles = single source funding Or spaghetti = blending funding ?

8 State, Regional and Local Coordinating Councils for Human Service (Community) Transportation State - The SCC, Regional - DRMAC and others, Local county LCC’s All meeting to work on coordination of services, funding and utilizing available resources

9 What can you do to Be involved!
Discourage funding silos, encourage coordination Advocate for transit funds to help those who have no choice live fuller lives by getting to where they want to go Join your RCC or LCC, let your voice be heard and become part of the solution. The most important trip for anyone is the one they want.

10 It makes sense Can society afford not to use it’s resources wisely?
There is a growing need There is limited funding There is excess capacity

11 CONTACT INFORMATION Hank Braaksma Director of Transportation Services Seniors’ Resource Center

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