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Presentation on theme: "SCHOOLS READINESS MONITORING 2018 ACADEMIC YEAR"— Presentation transcript:

Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Basic Education February 2018

2 PRESENTATION OUTLINE Purpose Introduction
Approach to School Readiness Monitoring 2018 Districts and Schools Reached Key Areas of Focus Key Findings Telephonic Follow-ups Conclusion

3 PURPOSE To present to the Portfolio Committee on Basic Education the findings of school readiness monitoring for the 2018 academic year.

4 INTRODUCTION School readiness in the system over the last five to ten years has improved significantly since monitoring by the DBE and provincial departments of education became one coherent process, focused on issues that have historically presented challenges to an effective start to the academic year. The declaration of Education as an apex priority as well as emphasis of the view that education is a societal matter has also seen increased focus on key areas that make schools work from both public representatives and community organisations /individuals. Key areas of challenge over the years have included Finalised learner admissions and registrations ahead of the new year; Timeous provision of LTSM for all learners; and Ensuring the availability of teachers for each class and each subject at all levels of the system.

5 INTRODUCTION Over time new areas were added to those traditional core areas when they were seen as compromising the effective start of the academic year. The DBE and PEDs worked together to focus attention on these additional areas – in addition to historical areas of focus. A key strategy that has made a huge difference in the system has been the development of sector plans to drive , with a clear indication of responsibility, timelines and reporting requirements. All critical processes within the DBE are now managed within clear sector plans, adopted by all.

6 Approach to School Readiness Monitoring 2018

7 2018 monitoring As in past years – DBE guided the sector on key areas to focus on nationally but allowed provinces to strengthen their oversight on issues that may be particularly thorny in individual provinces; Onsite DBE monitoring was organised to complement provincial and district monitoring processes to ensure that, collectively, the sector covered as many schools as possible. Onsite DBE monitoring was conducted by a team of 50 officials.

8 2018 Monitoring The 2018 assessment was organised as follows:
In-year monitoring of compliance to sector plans and meeting of critical deadlines by DBE branches; Pre-closure on-site assessment from 20 November to 01 December 2017 by the special DBE team of 50 officials; Opening of schools on-site monitoring from 17 to 26 January 2018; and Follow-up assessments focusing on issues picked-up both during the pre-closure monitoring and at the beginning of the academic year monitoring: Telephonic follow-up (21 January to end February 2018) Follow-up targeted visits (21 May to 01 June 2018)

9 Districts and Schools Reached

10 Eastern Cape November 2017 January 2018 Alfred Nzo East Amathole West
Chris Hani East OR Tambo Coastal Sarah Baartman Amathole East Chris Hani West OR Tambo Inland

11 Free State November 2017 January 2018 Lejweleputswa Xhariep

12 Gauteng November 2017 January 2018 Gauteng East Johannesburg North
Sedibeng West Tshwane North Ekurhuleni South Sedibeng East Tshwane South

13 KwaZulu-Natal November 2017 January 2018 Harry Gwala King Cetshwayo
Ugu Amajuba Umgungundlovu Umkhanyakude Zululand

14 Limpopo November 2017 January 2018 Capricorn Sekhukhune Tzaneen Vhembe

15 Mpumalanga November 2017 January 2018 Bohlabela Ehlanzeni Gert Sibande

16 Northern Cape November 2017 January 2018 Francis Baard Namaqua
John Taolo Gaetsewe

17 North West November 2017 January 2018 Bojanala Ngaka Modiri Molema
Ruth Segomotsi Mompati

18 Western Cape November 2017 January 2018 Cape Winelands West Coast
Metro Central Metro East

PROVINCE NO. OF SCHOOLS November 2017 January 2018 Total Eastern Cape 40 89 129 Free State 12 44 56 Gauteng 34 83 117 KwaZulu-Natal 19 91 110 Limpopo 08 59 67 Mpumalanga 22 41 63 North West 47 23 70 Northern Cape 07 48 Western Cape National 211 512 723

20 Key Focus Areas

21 FOCUS AREAS IN 2018 Learner Admissions and Registration;
Undocumented Learners Teacher Provisioning; School Planning Management Learning and Teaching Support Materials; Basic Infrastructure; Incremental Introduction of African Languages (IIAL); Readiness for South African Sign Language (SASL) in Grade 12; and Curriculum Assessment Policy Statements for Technical High Schools (CAPS 2).

22 Key Findings

The admission of learners is one of the key elements of readiness and informs resourcing of schools. HEDCOM of 11 April 2017 approved a common admissions period for the sector. This Sector Plan and attendant business processes help the system to operate as one. It also enables Departments to inform parents and their children of their placements reasonably early (by end of October of every year.) Provincial Departments of Education are required to report on key areas to the DBE monthly, with particular emphasis on the number of unplaced learners.

24 Key processes and milestones around admissions and registration of learners
Provincial Education Departments are expected to: Release annual admissions circulars; Determine the period for admissions; Establish provincial and district admission teams; Place admissions information on their websites; and Conduct admissions advocacy.

25 SUCCESSES Over the years the following has been achieved:
The sector has institutionalised admissions in the year preceding a new academic year; Provinces release circulars guiding admissions procedures annually; Committees are established to adjudicate on admission queries and placement of learners; The use of provincial websites to disseminate information is the norm in most provinces; There are robust admissions advocacy campaigns; There’s reduced tension between provincial education departments and SGBs; and Gauteng (Grade 8 & 9 only) and the Western Cape manage admissions on line.

Grade 1 unplaced learners as of 15 December 2017 Grade 8 unplaced learners as of 15 December 2017 08 February 2018 EC 1 805 4 026 729 FS 204 486 61 GP 24 857 19 482 499 KZN 3 460 1 785 55 LP 604 1 291 71 MP 3 405 2 615 5 NC 519 327 1206 NW 3 959 4 501 171 WC 4 477 5 336 4660 Total 43 290 39 849 7457

27 LEARNER ADMISSIONS Province Hotspots EC
East London, Port Elizabeth, Queenstown and Mthatha FS Bloemfontein, Sasol and Welkom. GP Alberton, Pretoria, Midrand, Benoni, Germiston, Bryanston, Kempton Park, Benoni, Centurion, Mondeor and Ridgeway. KZN Umlazi, Pinetown and Pietermaritzburg LP Polokwane, Mokopane, Tzaneen and Makhado.  MP Nelspruit, White River, Steve Tshwete and New Ermelo area in Gert Sibande and Mashishing.  NC Frances Baard and John Taolo Gaetsewe Districts NW Rustenburg, Brits, Lichtenburg, Vryburg, Zeerust & Mahikeng. To name a few, Eletsa SS in Letlhabile and Matlosana sub – district’s schools cannot accommodate excess learners. These schools are in Kanana, Jouberton, Orkney, Alabama. WC Langa, Strand, Summerset West, Khayelitsha, Delft, Denoon Du Noon Mitchell’s Plain, Claremont, Worcester, Vredenburg, Hermanus and George

70% of schools visited were ready for the start of the academic year: admission and registration of learners had been finalised in 506 out of 723 schools reached. A limited number of schools (217) had not yet finalised their admissions and this was largely in schools that are known to perform well and those that are in deep rural areas. Historical hot spots (primarily districts in metros and big cities) in all provinces had put in place systems to manage unplaced learners - away from the schools. Challenges that remain relate largely to late applications by parents.

Migration of families to metros that are seen as more economically viable creates a situation where learners are more than spaces available in schools; Lack of documentation which in some cases would require assistance from other sister Departments like the Department of Home Affairs; Parents whose school of choice is not in line with provincial regulations; Parents applying and accepting placement in more than one school create an impression that there are still many unplaced learners; Some parents do not inform schools whether they accept the placement of learners or not and the learner remains on the school list preventing the place to be offered to other learners; Late registration; and The actual lack of physical spaces.

HEDCOM has approved the strategy to addresses the challenge of learners who apply for administration to schools at the beginning of an academic year which include the following: Referring all late admissions to district offices to direct applicants to identified schools that have vacancies by taking consideration of proximity and curriculum offering. For Provinces to implement the strategy the following must be in place: Districts must establish a late Admission Task Team; Districts must establish a suitable venue within the districts to accommodate the number of envisaged applicants; Inform schools and communities about the procedure for the registration and the venue where parents can apply.

HEDCOM and CEM approved uniform timelines for learner admissions are as follows: Advocacy for the admissions of learners should commence during the first term (February to March) of the school calendar; Registration should commence on the first day of the second term (April) of the school calendar; Registration should close at the end of August; Placement of learners should be completed by the end of September; and The placement of unplaced learners should be finalised between October and November of each year.

Undocumented learners in the education system have decreased immensely due to a collaboration agreement between Department of Home Affairs and DBE agreed to in 2010. DBE is able to verify learner identity numbers which are provided at school upon admission as per the Admission Policy, by using data from the Learner Unit Record Information and Tracking System (LURITS) and matching it against the National Population Register (NPR) of DHA. DHA assists in retrieving ID numbers from the NPR through a methodology using Name, Surname and Date of Birth match from LURITS, for those learners who are civially registered at DHA, but do not comply with the admission policy by not providing the birth certificate and therefore ID number to schools for capture on the school administration system (i.e. SAMS).

Provincial education departments intervene at school level to rectify the ID numbers at source level on the school administration system. This data also enables Principals to identify learners who possess birth certificates and have not submitted to the school, to start the process of engaging with parents/guardians to comply with the Admission Policy. The living status of all learners on the LURITS with valid ID numbers is verified against the NPR. This data-driven initiative has enabled the identification of learners who are potentially undocumented to assist DHA to plan and target documentation of learners via mobile units to the correct schools.

LURITS DATA VERIFIED WITH HOME AFFAIRS - TRUE LEARNERS AS AT 31 OCTOBER 2017 Province No of Learners True Learners (Verified/Retrieved IDs) % True Learners EC 96,62 FS 707726 674160 95,26 GP 82,52 KZN 88,30 LP 95,38 MP 976559 87,72 NC 290389 286179 98,55 NW 814547 747222 91,73 WC 93,16 TOTAL 90,64

35 TEACHER PROVISIONING School post establishments were declared in all provinces ahead of the new year. Provinces should be commended for the excellent delivery on this aspect over the last three years. 678 out of 723 schools visited (93.8%) had received their post establishments for 2018, and provision made to have a teacher in front of every class for all subjects and all grades. Substantive posts were filled in most instances. However, this has been an area of concern, as the percentage of schools visited which have vacant posts has been hovering above 30% for the past three years. Provincial education departments have been informed of the ABOVE, and are currently addressing this. Challenges picked up pre-closure of schools have been addressed already.

56.4% (180 out of 318) schools monitored had a Self-Evaluation Report for 2017; 71.5% (227 out 318) schools monitored had a 2018 School Improvement Plan (SIP) informed by SSE data; 77.1% (245 out of 318) of schools monitored had teachers that had developed a Personal Growth Plan (PGP) for implementation in 2018. 78% (248 out of 318) schools monitored were ready serve meals for learners on the first day of school. Provinces with challenges were mainly the Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal, Limpopo and North West. The DBE has already shared this information with PEDs and District Directors, who are supporting the schools to ensure that these challenges are addressed.

37 LTSM SECTOR PLAN The DBE forwards the LTSM Sector Plan to provinces to provide guidance on timeframes for the procurement and delivery of LTSM for the new academic year as indicated below: ACTIVITY TIMEFRAME Distribution of catalogues to schools January - February Organization of warehousing for LTSM March - April Distribution of budgets to schools April - September Completion of requisition forms by schools April - May Issuing of purchase orders to publishers/book sellers June/July Placement of orders with book sellers by Section 21 schools Printing & delivery of textbooks to warehouses July-August Delivery to Schools September to October Mop up November - January 17

The majority of schools (i.e. 98%) had received DBE workbooks for all grades. This area has been a beacon of success in the system. All provinces showed significant improvement in the provisioning of textbooks – compared to previous years. Shortages are mostly at secondary school level, but are being addressed. With regards to stationery, 91.1% (659 out of 723) of schools had received their orders. In eight of the nine provinces, less than 10% of schools reported challenges with the delivery of stationery. However, in Eastern Cape, 23% (21 out of 89) schools monitored had not received their orders. EC commenced delivery in November 2017 because of new systems for delivery. Textbooks for all schools were dispatched by 30 January 2018. 100% of schools that ordered centrally had received their stationery orders. The delay is in Section 21 schools that ordered themselves or where parents are required to buy. Over 83% of the schools monitored had an LTSM inventory and textbook retrieval policy. Already, districts have begun to focus on supporting schools on the effective implementation of the policies to ensure maximum retrieval.

39 WORKBOOKS The DBE has completed the printing and delivery of Volume 1 and Grade R for the 2018 school year. Grade R; Grades Home Languages; Grades 1-6 English First Additional Languages; and Grades Mathematics. A total number of Grade R -9 Volume 1and 2 workbooks had been delivered to schools by 30 January 2018. As at 30 September, the delivery of Volume 1 was already at 100%. Delivery of Volume 2 commenced on 9 October 2017 (for utilisation from July 2018) 21

The IIAL will be implemented incrementally in targeted schools in Grade 1 in 2018 and in subsequent years until Grade 12 in 2029. The implementation will be staggered per phase as follows: Phase Grades R -12 Grade Year Phase 1 Foundation Phase Grade 1-3 Phase 2 Intermediate Phase Grades 4-6 Phase 3 Senior Phase Grades 7-9 Phase 4 FET Phase Grades 10-12 28 40

The IIAL Toolkit comprises: Foundation Phase Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) for Second Additional Language; Big Books; A set of Conversational Posters; An anthology of stories, songs and poems in all 11 languages; An Audio Compact disk with songs and dialogues in all 11 languages; Lesson Plans which include activities and exemplar informal assessment tasks; and Workbooks for Grades 2 and 3. 30

The IIAL SAL Toolkit comprises: Foundation Phase Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) for Second Additional Language; Big Books; A set of Conversational Posters; An anthology of stories, songs and poems in all 11 languages; An Audio Compact disk with songs and dialogues in all 11 languages; Lesson Plans which include activities and exemplar informal assessment tasks; and Workbooks for Grades 2 and 3. 30

43 IIAL 64.4% (56 out 87) schools monitored were implementing the Incremental Introduction of African Languages. The majority of schools visited had received the IIAL toolkits. The few that had not received them who were in GP (14) and KZN have since received the Toolkits.. Teacher orientation had not been conducted in some of the IIAL schools monitored in the EC, FS and MP. The DBE is working with provinces to verify this information and ensure that the necessary orientation happens.

The incremental implementation of South African Sign Language Curriculum and Assessment Policy (SASL CAPS) commenced in 42 schools for the Deaf in January 2015. It focused on the Foundation Phase and Grade 9 and continued with the Intermediate Phase and Grade 10 in January 2016. In 2017 the SASL CAPS are implemented in the Senior Phase and Grade 11 and will be implemented in Grade 12 in 2018. Eleven (11) of the seventeen (17) schools for the Deaf that offer Grade 12 will be writing the first NSC in SASL HL in 2018. The catalogue was developed and distributed to schools for them to procure the resources 33

AREA OF READINESS INDICATORS FOR DELIVERY Distribution of Subject Statements SASL CAPS documents are available for every phase Teacher files available for SASL CAPS for each grade Schools conducive for teaching SASL Rooms conducive for teaching SASL CAPS in each grade Rooms with appropriate lighting and background for recording of assessment Internet access for teachers and learners Teachers and Deaf Teaching Assistants trained on SASL CAPS All teachers and Deaf teaching assistants trained on the SASL CAPS Team teaching model applied when teaching SASL CAPS (teacher co-teaches with Deaf Teaching Assistant Availability of LTSM Sufficient LTSM resources for each grade (DVDs with literature, laptops with webcams and appropriate software, video/DVD recorders, tripods, data projectors) Memory sticks, DVDs for each learner (learner portfolios and/or external hard drives to save learners’ work) 34

ACTIVITY RESPONSIBILITY TIMELINES PROGRESS Development of Training Manuals and establishment of NTT in preparation for Grade 12 implementation in 2018 DBE & PEDs March 2017 Completed Audit of Skills Training Centres and Mediation of Training Manuals NTT Mar/Apr 2017 Training of Grade 12 Educators on Specialisations CAPS at Skills Training Centres with the exception of KZN April 2017 September/October 2017 Training of Grade 12 Subject Advisors on Technical Maths & Technical Sciences 29 May- 02 June 2017 Implement MOUs and strengthening of partnerships DBE/PEDs Ongoing Monitoring and support of the implementation of CAPS for Technical Subjects in Grade 10 and 11 DBE Jan 2017-Feb 2018 On target 37

47 State of Readiness for Technical Occupational Pilot in 2018
AREA OF READINESS INDICATORS FOR DELIVERY Distribution of Subject Statements Subject Statements distributed to all pilot schools Pilot Schools selected and prepared 67 Schools of Skill + 54 other schools briefed and ready to implement Year 1 and 2 of the Technical Occupational Subjects Provincial Task Team in place Task Team with representation from GET, MST, IE and FET (Services) established and oversee the Pilot in the Province Workshops and equipment in pilot schools All pilot schools have equipped workshops to implement selected TO Subjects Teachers trained on Technical Occupational Subjects All teachers at pilot schools trained on the TO Subjects that they have to implement Provincial strategy for LTSM provision The Province has supported schools in selecting LTSM to use in piloting the subjects Audit of Schools Schools are prepared for the audit which will be conducted on the 10th school day of 2018 38

48 BASIC INFRASTRUCTURE Focus on infrastructure was primarily on: safe, clean and usable ablution facilities; fencing; and water supply. All provinces showed relative improvement in this area – compared to previous years. There was significantly more and better toilets for both learners and educators. However, challenges remain in Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal, Limpopo, Northern Cape and North West, particularly with regards to schools where toilets for learners were either not available and/or unusable. Issues identified around toilets seemed to center largely around Management and Leadership in schools/circuits and districts. The matter has been prioritised for attention at a meeting scheduled for 22nd – 23rd February.

Sanitation and Maintenance: To improve the maintenance of infrastructure, a condition has been set for provincial education departments to allocate at least 20% of the total Education Infrastructure Grant (EIG) to maintenance projects. Maintenance Guidelines have been circulated to all provinces for implementation. A meeting with all national district directors has been planned for the 22nd and 23rd February to deal with this issue, amongst others. An incentive allocation on the EIG has been made available to qualifying provincial education departments to assist them to address immediate challenges relating to infrastructure maintenance.

Storm Damage: The DBE, National Treasury and the National Disaster Management Centre are collaborating in improving the process flow and turn around period for the rehabilitation of facilities affected by natural disasters. Learner Transport: Movement has been recorded in this area however a fair number of learners are still not benefitting. This is to a large measure also a consequence of financial constraints. A review of the learner transport programme is currently being undertaken. This review is led by the Department of Planning & Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME) and includes the DBE, National Treasury and the Department of Transport (DoT). The intention of the review is to provide long-term solutions to the planning, provision and funding of the programme.


Schools where the most challenges were identified during pre-closure assessments, were contacted by telephone to determine whether the challenges identified had been and/or were beginning to be addressed. The DBE also sent reports of the findings to District Directors for them to attend to the challenges and send reports by 12 January 2018. The intention was to also verify responses from school principals. Western Cape (Metro South and Cape Winelands) and Gauteng (Tshwane West) had sent reports on matters raised with them by 12 January. In Western Cape, challenges have been resolved, and in Gauteng a plan has been put in place to resolve the identified challenges. The DBE has set up a working mechanism with provincially identified key persons to follow up on outstanding issues. Letters have also been sent to HoDs where reported challenges still remain..

DISTRICT SCHOOL CHALLENGE UPDATE Alfred Nzo West Sive Special School Has three vacant post s The posts have been advertised. Buffalo City Metro Tyusha and Nonto Primary Schools. Textbooks ordered have not been delivered Textbooks were delivered. Nelson Mandela Bay Metro Ikhwezi Lomso Secondary No teacher for Civil Technology. The post has been filled. Gelvandale High School Stationary has not been procured as the school has not yet received its allocation. Assistance with the stationary received. OR Tambo East Mqanduli Village Full Service and Mqanduli Senior Secondary Schools Leaners who are reportedly eligible for scholar transport are not benefiting from it In progress: the school has submitted the application form.

Zodiac Primary School The school has not received toolkit for IIAL. IIAL toolkits have been received. Johannesburg East Kwabhekilanga Secondary school The school does not have a teacher for Technical Science for Grade Maths teacher was reassigned to teach Technical Science. Johannesburg West Khulanolwazi Primary School Textbooks have not been delivered Textbooks have been received. Laërskool DR Havinga The toolkit for IIAL have not been delivered Toolkits have been received.

Johannesburg West Lamula Jubilee Secondary school Stationary has not been procured –the school reportedly ran out of funds. Stationary was delivered before the closing of the schools in 2017. Tshwane West Filadefia Special School Textbooks and stationery have not been delivered. Textbooks and stationary have been delivered.

Sibhudeni and Mome Primary Schools (section 21 schools) Have not procured stationery as they have not received their allocation. Stationery has been received in both schools. Izotsha Primary School Has not procured stationery as it has not received its allocation Stationery have already been received . Ugu Himmelberg Intermediate School Has not received stationery. Stationery has been delivered.

Hoër Tegniese Skool IIAL textbooks have not been delivered. Textbooks have been delivered. Laërskool David Brink The does not have a teacher for IIAL. Has received the teacher for IIAL. Potchefstroom Boys High School Textbooks have not been delivered . All textbooks have been delivered.  Dr Kenneth Kaunda Laërskool President The school does not have a teacher for IIAL. The school have an SGB-paid teacher.

DL Jansen Primary School IIAL teachers have not been trained. On the 14 January 2018 the Teachers started with the training session. IIAL Setswana toolkit has not been delivered Toolkits have been delivered.

Wysersdrift Primary School The fencing project at the school has not been completed. The future of the school is currently under discussion. Therefore, the WCED will not consider the possibility of putting a fence around the school at this stage. Oval North Secondary School The school has a shortage of 48 textbooks for Technical Maths and Science. Textbooks for Technical Maths and Science have been received.

Dominican School for Deaf The school has 4 vacant posts. All vacant post were advertised in January 2018. SASL resources for Grades5/8 for 2018 have not been received. SASL resources are in the process of being developed in collaboration with Stellenbosch University. Shortage of 133 laptops with cd rom and webcam. The WCED is attending to the challenge. Oval North Secondary School The school has a shortage of 48 textbooks for Technical Maths and Science. Textbooks for Technical Maths and Science have been received .

61 CONCLUSION The 2018 School Readiness process showed increased readiness for schools to start with the process of learning and teaching in the first week of learning – if not on Day 1. Some challenges remain but the system is clearly working in synergy to address many of the anticipated problems.

62 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Portfolio Committee discusses the findings of school readiness monitoring for the 2018 academic year.



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